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n the Large Helical Device, the volume averaged beta value betadia of 5%, which is the highest value in all heliotron/stellarators and relevant to the reactor requirement, was achieved by optimizing the magnetic configuration from the viewpoint of magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) characteristics, transport and heating efficiency of the neutral beam. This beta value was instantaneously obtained by pellet injection and maintained for more than 10tauE, whereas the steady-state plasma with a maximum betadia of 4.8% was sustained for 85tauE by gas-puff fueling. While it is theoretically predicted that stochastization of the peripheral magnetic field structure develops with an increment of betadia, no serious degradation of the global confinement has been observed in the present betadia range. The several low-order MHD activities located in the periphery were enhanced with the beta value and sometimes affect the local profiles. The amplitude of the mode in the periphery strongly depends on the magnetic Reynolds number, which is close to that of the growth rate and/or the radial mode width of the resistive interchange instability.