publication venue for MHD stability trends and improved performance of LHD inward-shifted configurations: The role of the neutral beam current drive and thermal plasma density. 31. 2024 The effect of pellet injection on turbulent transport in TJ-II. 30. 2023 Enhanced confinement induced by pellet injection in the stellarator TJ-II. 30. 2023 Use of intrinsic hysteresis for the active control of internal transport barriers in magnetically confined fusion plasmas. 30:052505-1-052505-8. 2023 Control of internal transport barriers in magnetically confined tokamak burning plasmas. 29:1-15. 2022 Causality, intermittence, and crossphase evolution during confinement transitions in the TJ-II stellarator. 28. 2021 Experimental observation of the geodesic acoustic frequency limit for the NBI-driven Alfvén eigenmodes in TJ-II. 28. 2021 Local analysis of electrostatic modes in a two-fluid E × B plasma. 28:1-12. 2021 Radial runaway losses in tokamak disruptions. 28:1-40. 2021 Perspectives on Physics of E×B Discharges Relevant to Plasma Propulsion and Similar Technologies. 27:120601-1-120601-45. 2020 Linear and nonlinear interactions between an interface and bulk vortices in Richtmyer-Meshkov instability. 27. 2020 Non-diffusive nature of collisionless alfa-particle transport: Dependence on toroidal symmetry in stellarator geometries. 27:072512. 2020 Study of Alfven eigenmodes stability in plasma with multiple NBI driven energetic particle species. 26. 2019 Characterization of diamagnetism inside an ECR thruster with a diamagnetic loop. 26:1-11. 2019 Magneto-hydrodynamical nonlinear simulations of magnetically confined plasmas using smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH). 26:012511. 2019 Applicability of transfer entropy for the calculation of effective diffusivity in heat transport. 25. 2018 A possible mechanism for confinement power degradation in the TJ-II stellarator. 25. 2018 Three dimensional fluid-kinetic model of a magnetically guided plasma jet. 25. 2018 Self-organized criticality in a cold plasma. 24. 2017 Kinetic features of collisionless sheaths around polarized cylindrical emitters from the orbital motion theory. 24:1-15. 2017 Extension of the SIESTA MHD equilibrium code to free-plasma-boundary problems. 24:082516. 2017 Radial correlation length across magnetic islands: Simulations and experiments. 24. 2017 Transport dynamics of self-consistent, near-marginal drift-wave turbulence. I. Investigation of the ability of external flows to tune the non-diffusive dynamics. 24. 2017 Transport dynamics of self-consistent, near-marginal drift-wave turbulence. II. Characterization of transport by means of passive scalars. 24:072310. 2017 Study of Z scaling of runaway electron plateau final loss energy deposition into wall of DIII-D. 24:1-10. 2017 Investigation of the interaction between competing types of nondiffusive transport in drift wave turbulence. 24:052307-052320. 2017 Orbital motion theory and operational regimes for cylindrical emissive probes. 24:1-9. 2017 Analysis of thermionic bare tether operation regimes in passive mode. 24. 2017 On the measurement of the threshold electric field for runaway electron generation in the Frascati Tokamak Upgrade. 23:1-8. 2016 Quasi-symmetry and the nature of radial turbulent transport in quasi-poloidal stellarators. 23:102308. 2016 The causal relation between turbulent particle flux and density gradient. 23. 2016 Effect of fast electrons on the stability of resistive interchange modes in the TJ-II stellarator. 23. 2016 Fully magnetized plasma flow in a magnetic nozzle. 23. 2016 Low frequency azimuthal stability of the ionization region of the Hall thruster discharge. II. Global analysis. 22:1-10. 2015 Runaway electron dynamics in tokamak plasmas with high impurity content. 22. 2015 On the avalanche generation of runaway electrons during tokamak disruptions. 22. 2015 Electron cooling and finite potential drop in a magnetized plasma expansion. 22:1-11. 2015 Low work-function thermionic emission and orbital-motion-limited ion collection at bare-tether cathodic contact. 22. 2015 An ITPA joint experiment to study runaway electron generation and suppression. 21. 2014 Characterization of radial turbulent fluxes in the Santander linear plasma machine. 21. 2014 Three-dimensional linear peeling-ballooning theory in magnetic fusion devices. 21. 2014 Low frequency azimuthal stability of the ionization region of the Hall thruster discharge. I. Local analysis. 21:1-13. 2014 A plasma source driven predator-prey like mechanism as a potential cause of spiraling intermittencies in linear plasma devices. 21. 2014 Perpendicular dynamics of runaway electrons in tokamak plasmas. 19:1-11. 2012 Internal disruptions and sawtooth like activity in Large Helical Device. 19:1-11. 2012 The internal disruption as hard Magnetohydrodynamic limit of 1/2 sawtooth like activity in large helical device. 19. 2012 Extended estimations of neoclassical transport for the TJ-II stellarator: The bootstrap current. 18:102507-102517. 2011 Three-dimensional equilibria and transport in RFX-mod: A description using stellarator tools. 18:1-10. 2011 Recurrence quantification analysis of simulations of near-marginal dissipative-trapped-electron-mode turbulence. 18:1-8. 2011 SIESTA: A scalable iterative equilibrium solver for toroidal applications. 18:1-13. 2011 Neoclassical Transport Simulations for Stellarators. 18:22505-22516. 2011 On the Nature of Radial Transport Across Sheared Zonal Flows in Electrostatic Ion-Temperature-Gradient Gyrokinetic Tokamak Plasma Turbulence. 16. 2009 Pitch Angle Scattering and Synchrotron Radiation of Relativistic Runaway Electrons in Tokamak Stochastic Magnetic Fields. 15:112505. 2008 On the Nature of Transport in Near-Critical Dissipative-Trapped-Electron-Mode Turbulence: Effect of a Subdominant Diffusive Channel. 15:112301. 2008 Pseudochaotic Poloidal Transport in the Laminar Regime of the Resistive Ballooning Instabilities. 15:42302. 2008