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- The cost of open access: comparing public projects' budgets and article processing charges expenditure 2024
- Compliance with open access mandates and its effects on research visibility: the case of the Spanish National Plan of R&D. 129:2057-2081. 2024
Co-citation analysis between coupler authors of a scientific domain"s citation identity: a case study in scientometrics
. 129:1545-1566. 2024 - Beyond views, productivity, and citations: measuring geopolitical differences of scientific impact in communication research. 128. 2023
- Co-follower metric on academic-social media ResearchGate: similarities between Derek de Solla Price Memorial Medal winners. 128. 2023
- Influence of research on open science in the public policy sphere 2023
- Research patterns in communication (2009-2019): testing female representation and productivity differences, within the most cited authors and the field. 128:137-156. 2023
- Measuring publication diversity among the most productive scholars: how research trajectories differ in communication, psychology, and political science. 127:3661-3682. 2022
- Validation of scientific topic models using graph analysis and corpus metadata. 127:5441-5458. 2022
- The practical implementation of open access policies and mandates in Spanish public universities. 127:p. 7147-p. 7167 . 2022
- Impact and Visibility of Norwegian, Finnish and Spanish Journals in the Fields of Humanities. 126:9031-9049. 2021
- Effect of policies promoting open access in the scientific ecosystem: case study of ERC grantee publication practice. 126:6825-6836. 2021
- Mapping the intellectual structure of the coronavirus field (2000-2020): a co-word analysis. 126:6625-6657. 2021
- Role taxonomy of green and sustainable science and technology journals: exportation, importation, specialization and interdisciplinarity. 126:3871-3892. 2021
- Open access initiatives in European universities: analysis of their implementation and the visibility of publications in the YERUN network. 125:2667-2694 . 2020
- Toward a classification of Spanish scholarly journals in social sciences and humanities considering their impact and visibility. 1709-1732. 2020
- A mathematical approach to assess research diversity: operationalization and applicability in communication sciences, political science, and beyond. 125:2299-2322. 2020
- Do journals flipping to gold open access show an OA citation or publication advantage?. 124:2551-2575. 2020
- Academic influence and invisible colleges through editorial board interlocking in communication sciences: a social network analysis of leading journals. 123:791-811. 2020
- Effects of journal choice on the visibility of scientific publications: a comparison between subscription-based and full Open Access models. 121:1737-1752. 2019
- Mapping and clustering analysis on neuroscience literature in Turkey: a bibliometric analysis from 2000 to 2017. 121:1339-1366. 2019
- Funding, is it key for standing out in the university rankings?. 121:771-792. 2019
- Overview of trends in global epigenetic research (2009-2017). 119:1545-1574. 2019
- Smart city research 1990-2016. 117:1205-1236. 2018
- Dependencies and autonomy in research performance: examining Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in emerging countries. 115:1485-1504. 2018
- Co-word analysis and thematic landscapes in Spanish information science literature, 1985-2014. 113:195-217. 2017
- Wind power research in Wikipedia: Does Wikipedia demonstrate direct influence of research publications and can it be used as adequate source in research evaluation?. 112:1471-1488. 2017
- Geographic mobility and research productivity in a selection of top world economics departments. 111:241-265. 2017
- 50 years of space research in Europe: a bibliometric profile of the European Space Agency (ESA). 109:551-576. 2016
- Using h-cores to study the most-cited articles of the twenty-first century. 108:243-261. 2016
- A comparison of two ways of evaluating research units working in different scientific fields. 106:539-561. 2016
- Mapping the scientific research in organic farming: a bibliometric review. 105:295-309. 2015
- Global trends in scientific production in enology and viticulture in selected emerging economies (BRIC). 103:649-668. 2015
- Within- and between-department variability in individual productivity: the case of economics. 102:1497-1520. 2015
- Influence of proceedings papers on citation impact in seven sub-fields of sustainable energy research 2005-2011. 101:1273-1292. 2014
- Public funding accountability: a linked open data-based methodology for analysing the scientific productivity and influence of funded projects. 129:5841-5868. 2014
- Growth in the number of references in engineering journal papers during the 1972-2013 period. 98:1855-1864. 2014
- The influence of European Framework Programmes on scientific collaboration in nanotechnology. 97:59-74. 2013
- On the impact of Gold Open Access journals. 96:221-238. 2013
- The role of statistics in establishing the similarity of citation distributions in a static and a dynamic context. 96:173-181. 2013
- Renewable energy research 1995-2009: a case study of wind power research in EU, Spain, Germany and Denmark. 95:197-224. 2013
- Visibility in international rankings. Strategies for enhancing the competitiveness of Spanish universities. 93:949-966. 2012
- The end of the "European Paradox". 95:453-464. 2012
- The pragmatics of a diachronic journal impact factor. 92:319-324. 2012
- Modeling the enrollment demand of masters programs for the Spanish public university system. 91:113-130. 2012
- Improving quality assessment of composite indicators in university rankings: a case study of French and German universities of excellence. 89:153-176. 2011
- The skewness of science in 219 sub-fields and a number of aggregates. 88:385-397. 2011
- A Comparison of the Scientific Performance of the US and the European Union at the Turn of the 21st Century. 85:329-344. 2010
- Detecting, Identifying and Visualizing Research Groups in Co-Authorship Networks. 82:307-319. 2010
- Are Multi-Authorship and Visibility Related? Study of Ten Research Areas at Carlos III University of Madrid. 79:191-200. 2009
- Impact of Health Science Research on the Spanish Health System, Based on Bibliometric and Healthcare Indicators. 77:131-146. 2008