sample of publications
- Novel localizations of TRPC5 channels suggest novel and unexplored roles: A study in the chick embryo brain. Developmental Neurobiology. 82:41-83. 2022
- Speech Perception Triggers Articulatory Action: Evidence from Mechanical Stimulation. Frontiers in Communication. 5:1-11. 2020
- Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) neurons in the developing chick brain. BRAIN RESEARCH. 1700:19-30. 2018
- Optimized CUBIC protocol for three-dimensional imaging of chicken embryos at single-cell resolution. DEVELOPMENT. 144:2092-2097. 2017
- Dual-route imitation in preschool children. ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA. 173:94-100. 2017
- Phonology and phonetics dissociate in dyslexia: evidence from adult English speakers. Language Cognition and Neuroscience. 31:1178-1192. 2016
- Activation of state-regulating neurochemical systems in newborn and embryonic chicks. NEUROSCIENCE. 339:219-234. 2016
- Chick embryos have the same pattern of hypoxic lower-brain activation as fetal mammals. Developmental Neurobiology. 76:64-74. 2016
- A proposed mechanism for rapid adaptation to spectrally distorted speech. JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. 138:44-57. 2015
- Auditory perceptual category formation does not require perceptual warping. JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE. 27:1659-1673. 2015
- Opposing effects of hypoxia on catecholaminergic locus coeruleus and hypocretin/orexin neurons in chick embryos. Developmental Neurobiology. 74:1030-1037. 2014
- Pitch and timbre interfere when both are parametrically varied. PLoS One. 9. 2014
- Design and implementation of a wireless In-Ovo EEG/EMG recorder. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems. 7:832-840. 2013
- Multivariate activation and connectivity patterns discriminate speech intelligibility in Wernicke's, Broca's, and Geschwind's areas. CEREBRAL CORTEX. 23:1703-1714. 2013
- Phonological generalizations in dyslexia: The phonological grammar may not be impaired. COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY. 30:285-310. 2013
- Are the products of statistical learning abstract or stimulus-specific?. Frontiers in Psychology. 3. 2012
- Dyslexia Impairs Speech Recognition but Can Spare Phonological Competence. PLoS One. 7. 2012
- Interspecies avian brain chimeras reveal that large brain size differences are influenced by cell-interdependent processes. PLoS One. 7. 2012
- Language Universals and Misidentification: A Two-way Street. LANGUAGE AND SPEECH. 55:311-330. 2012
- ß- And ¿-band EEG power predicts illusory auditory continuity perception. Journal of Neurophysiology. 108:2717-2724. 2012
- Decoding temporal structure in music and speech relies on shared brain resources but elicits different fine-scale spatial patterns. CEREBRAL CORTEX. 21:1507-1518. 2011
- How linguistic chickens help spot spoken-eggs: Phonological constraints on speech identification. Frontiers in Psychology. 2. 2011
- Individual differences in sound-in-noise perception are related to the strength of short-latency neural responses to noise. PLoS One. 6. 2011
- A proposed neural mechanism underlying auditory continuity illusions. JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. 128:EL20-EL25. 2010
- Auditory stream biasing in children with reading impairments. DYSLEXIA. 16:45-65. 2010
- Hearing history influences voice gender perceptual performance in cochlear implant users. EAR AND HEARING. 31:806-814. 2010
- Phonological universals constrain the processing of nonspeech stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 139:418-435. 2010
- The emotional control of action: ERP evidence. ARCHIVES ITALIENNES DE BIOLOGIE. 147:37-49. 2009
- Voice gender perception by cochlear implantees.. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 126:762-775. 2009
- Phonological representations are unconsciously used when processing complex, non-speech signals. PLoS One. 3. 2008
conference contributions