sample of publications
- Social movements and Europeanisation: framing 'responsibility" and 'responsiveness" in times of multiple crises. JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY. 31:1100-1125. 2024
- Young People's Attitudes towards Democracy and Political Participation: Evidence from a Cross-European Study. GOVERNMENT AND OPPOSITION. 582-604. 2023
- Eppur si Muove! Young People, Issue Salience and Volatility in Nine European Countries. GOVERNMENT AND OPPOSITION. 1-22. 2023
- Urban Rebels? A Gendered Approach to Domicile and Protest Participation in Nine European Countries. SOCIOLOGY-THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. 1-23. 2022
- (Water) Bottles and (street) barricades: the politicisation of lifestyle-centred action in youth climate strike participation. Journal of Youth Studies. 1-22. 2022
- Experience of economic hardship and right-wing political orientation hinder climate concern among European young people. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. 1-22. 2022
- The impact of intolerance on young people"s online political participation. Politics. 42:95-127. 2022
- Alliance building and eventful protests: comparing Spanish and Portuguese trajectories under the Great Recession. Social Movement Studies. 21:42-61. 2022
- The private is political: partisan persuasion through mobile instant messaging services. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC OPINION RESEARCH. 1-14. 2022
- Rich kids of Europe? Social basis and strategic choices in the climate activism of Fridays for Future. Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica. 1-26. 2021
- Crook!: The impact of perceived corruption on non-electoral forms of political behaviour. INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW. 42:245-260. 2021
- Together we stand? Coalition-building in the Italian and Spanish feminist movements in times of crisis. European Journal of Politics and Gender. 4:291-309. 2021
- Decentralizing electoral campaigns? New-old parties, grassroots and digital activism.. Information Communication & Society. 24:1419-1440. 2021
- Stop Mare Mortum y el movimiento de solidaridad con los refugiados en Barcelona. Empiria. 2021
- Populism between voting and non-electoral participation. WEST EUROPEAN POLITICS. 44:558-584. 2021
- A bourgeois story? The class basis of Catalan independentism. Territory Politics Governance. 9:391-411. 2021
- Europe in the Procés: European (dis-)integration and Catalan secessionism. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology. 7:265-290. 2020
- Life beyond the ballot box: the political participation and non-participation of electoral abstainers. EUROPEAN SOCIETIES. 22:231-265. 2020
- Another brick in the wall? Young people, protest and nonprotest claims making in nine european countries. AMERICAN BEHAVIORAL SCIENTIST. 64:669-685. 2020
- Social movements in times of inequalities: Struggling against austerity in Europe. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. 53:116-126. 2020
- Protest cycles and referendums of independence. Closed opportunities and the path of radicatization in Catalonia = Ciclos de protesta y referéndums por la independencia. Oportunidades cerradas y el camino de la radicalización en Cataluña. Revista Internacional de Sociologia. 77:1-14. 2019
- Securitization, repression and the criminalization of young people's dissent. An introduction = Securitización, represión y criminalización del disentimiento juvenil. Revista Internacional de Sociologia. 77:1-6. 2019
- Keeping dissent alive under the Great Recession: no-radicalisation and protest in Spain after the eventful 15M/indignados campaign. Acta Politica. 45-74. 2019
- Divided we stand, (oftentimes) united we fight: generational bridging in Spain"s feminist movement and the cycle of antiausterity mobilizations. AMERICAN BEHAVIORAL SCIENTIST. 63:1447-1468. 2019
- Waving goodbye? The determinants of autonomism and secessionism in Western Europe. REGIONAL STUDIES. 52:197-211. 2018
- Voicing Outrage Unevenly: Democratic Dissatisfaction, Nonparticipation, and Participation Frequency in the 15-M Campaign. Mobilization. 22. 2017
- Taking to the streets in the shadow of austerity: a chronology of the cycle of protests In Spain, 2007-2015. Partecipazione e Conflitto. 9. 2016
- Movilización social en tiempos de recesión: un análisis de eventos de protesta en España, 2007-2015. Revista Espanola de Ciencia Politica (Revista Espanola de Ciencia Politica). 41:159-178. 2016
book chapters
- Bringing grievances back in? Socio-economic inequalities and the political participation of protesters. In: Resisting the Backlash. Street Protest in Italy. Routledge. 27-55. 2022
- Generations and gender in the mobilisation against the backlash. In: Resisting the Backlash. Street Protest in Italy. Routledge. 56-78. 2022
- Politicising Europe in the streets. In: Resisting the Backlash. Street Protest in Italy. Routledge. 128-148. 2022
- Resisting the backlash in the streets: An introduction. In: Resisting the Backlash. Street Protest in Italy. Routledge. 1-26. 2022
- Social movements and institutional politics. In: Resisting the Backlash. Street Protest in Italy. Routledge. 102-127. 2022
- The dynamics of micro-mobilisation. In: Resisting the Backlash. Street Protest in Italy. Routledge. 79-101. 2022
- Resisting the backlash. street protest in Italy. London: Routledge. 2022
- Grievances and Public Protests Political Mobilisation in Spain in the Age of Austerity. Palgrave MacMillan. 2021
- Social Movements and Referendums from Below Direct Democracy in the Neoliberal Crisis . Bristol University Press. 2017