sample of publications
- Enhanced morphological characterization of cellulose nano/microfibers through image skeleton analysis. Nanomaterials. 11:2077-2096. 2021
- In-depth characterization of the aggregation state of cellulose nanocrystals through analysis of transmission electron microscopy images. Carbohydrate Polymers. 254:1-12. 2021
- Hairy cationic nanocrystalline cellulose as a novel flocculant of clay. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 545:153-161. 2019
- Microalgae harvesting with the novel flocculant hairy cationic nanocrystalline cellulose. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 178:329-336. 2019
- Direct estimation of microalgal flocs fractal dimension through laser reflectance and machine learning. Algal Research. 37:240-247. 2019
- Hairy cationic nanocrystalline cellulose as retention additive in recycled paper. Cellulose. 26:6275-6289. 2019
- Estimating fractal dimension of microalgal flocs through confocal laser scanning microscopy and computer modelling. Algal Research. 28:74-79. 2017
- Laser reflectance measurement for the online monitoring of Chlorella sorokiniana biomass concentration. Journal of Biotechnology. 243:10-15. 2017
- Morphological analysis of pulps from orange tree trimmings and its relation to mechanical properties. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation. 93:319-326. 2016
- Estimation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii biomass concentration from chord length distribution data. Journal of Applied Phycology. 28:2315-2322. 2016
- Viability study of biofilm-former strains from paper industry by flow cytometry with application to kinetic models. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 68:199-206. 2012
- Anaerobic membrane bioreactors for wastewater treatment: A review. Chemical Engineering Journal. 198-199:138-148. 2012