sample of publications
- Gender biases in the training methods of affective computing: Redesign and validation of the Self-Assessment Manikin in measuring emotions via audiovisual clips. Frontiers in Psychology. 13:955530-1-955530-16. 2022
- Fear detection in multimodal affective computing: physiological signals versus catecholamine concentration. SENSORS. 22, 4023:1-27. 2022
- Edge computing design space exploration for heart rate monitoring. INTEGRATION-THE VLSI JOURNAL. 84:171-179. 2022
- Perspectiva de género y social en las STEM: La construcción de sistemas inteligentes para detección de emociones = Gender and Social Perspective in STEM Training: Artificial Intelligence Systems for Emotion Detection. Sociologia y Tecnociencia. 11:83-115. 2021
- Fear recognition for women using a reduced set of physiological signals. SENSORS. 21:1587. 2021
- Emotion Elicitation Under Audiovisual Stimuli Reception: Should Artificial Intelligence Consider the Gender Perspective?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17:8534-1-8534-22. 2020
book chapters
conference contributions
- An extreme edge low power device with wavelet-based compression for physiological signals 2022
- New techniques to improve power consumption of wearable devices. 59-64. 2022
- Studying the existence of a measurable difference in voice emotion expression after suffering from gender-based violence. 71-88. 2022
- A Design Space Exploration for Heart Rate Variability in a Wearable Smart Device. 1-6. 2020
- Primera campaña de medida de respuestas emocionales y fisiológicas ante estímulos audiovisuales en un entorno de realidad virtual. 378-390. 2020