sample of publications
- Forecasting the integration of immigrants. Journal of Mathematical Sociology. 127-137. 2017
- Terrorism, Belief Formation, and Residential Integration: Population Dynamics in the Aftermath of the 2004 Madrid Terror Bombings. American Behavioral Scientist. 60:1215-1231. 2016
- How integrated are immigrants?. Demographic Research. 33:1271-1280. 2015
- A stochastic approach for quantifying immigrant integration: the Spanish test case. New Journal of Physics. 16:1-26. 2014
- An analysis of a large dataset on immigrant integration in Spain. The Statistical Mechanics perspective on Social Action. Scientific Reports. 4. 2014
- Social Influences and Aggregated Immigration Dynamics: The Case of Spain 1999-2009. International Migration Review. 46:971-1004. 2012
- La primavera árabe: ¿una primavera demográfica?. Cambios trascendentales en los principales pai¿ses a¿rabe. Cuadernos de Pensamiento Politico. 2012:61-76. 2012
- Los "nuevos españoles": un reto con sabor poli¿tico. Panorama Social. 134-150. 2011