sample of publications
- FLIPEC, an ideal MHD free-boundary axisymmetric equilibrium solver in the presence of macroscopic flows. Nuclear Fusion. 64:1-16. 2024
- Effect of the neutral beam injector operational regime on the Alfven eigenmode saturation phase in DIII-D plasma. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 65:1-16. 2023
- Analysis of the blackout risk reduction when segmenting large power systems using lines with controllable power flow. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 148:1-9. 2023
- Free-plasma-boundary solver for axisymmetric ideal MHD equilibria with flow. Nuclear Fusion. 62:1-12. 2022
- The potential impact of climate change on the efficiency and reliability of solar, hydro, and wind energy sources. Land. 11:1-18. 2022
- Assessing blackout risk with high penetration of variable renewable energies. IEEE Access. 9:132663-132674. 2021
- Effects of demand control on the complex dynamics of electric power system blackouts. Chaos. 30:1-10. 2020
- Optimizing the Impact of Incorporating Wind Energy on the Electric Grid. Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability. 15. 2020
- Effect of non axisymmetric perturbations on the ambipolar Er and neoclassical particle flux inside the ITER pedestal region. Nuclear Fusion. 60:1-21. 2020
- Evolution of the rotational transform in TJ-II discharges using the Astra code. Informes Técnicos Ciemat. 1-36. 2020
- Non-diffusive nature of collisionless alfa-particle transport: Dependence on toroidal symmetry in stellarator geometries. Physics of Plasmas. 27:072512. 2020
- Optimized implementation of power dispatch in the OPA model and its implications for dispatch sensitivity for the WECC power network. Electric Power Systems Research. 182:106260-106271. 2020
- Statistical description of collisionless alfa-particle transport in cases of broken symmetry: from ITER to quasi-toroidally symmetric stellarators. Nuclear Fusion. 60:056009 -056024. 2020
- A novel efficient solver for Ampere's equation in general toroidal topologies based on singular value decomposition techniques. Journal of Computational Physics. 406:109214 -109229. 2020
- Computationally advantageous expressions for 3-D MHD stability. Computer Physics Communications. 242:60-71. 2019
- A positioning algorithm for SPH ghost particles in smoothly curved geometries. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 353:140-153. 2019
- Critical behavior of power transmission network complex dynamics in the OPA model. Chaos. 29. 2019
- Magneto-hydrodynamical nonlinear simulations of magnetically confined plasmas using smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH). Physics of Plasmas. 26:012511. 2019
- Bootstrap current control studies in the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator using the free-plasma-boundary version of the SIESTA MHD equilibrium code. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 60:025023-025032. 2018
- Extension of the SIESTA MHD equilibrium code to free-plasma-boundary problems. Physics of Plasmas. 24:082516. 2017
- Obtaining statistics of cascading line outages spreading in an electric transmission network from standard utility data. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 31:4831-4841. 2016
- The interplay of network structure and dispatch solutions in power grid cascading failures. Chaos. 26:113111-1-113111-12. 2016
- Quasi-symmetry and the nature of radial turbulent transport in quasi-poloidal stellarators. Physics of Plasmas. 23:102308. 2016
- Fourier signature of filamentary vorticity structures in two-dimensional turbulence. Europhysics Letters. 115:34002-34008. 2016
- The role of magnetic islands in modifying long range temporal correlations of density fluctuations and local heat transport. Nuclear Fusion. 56 :016013. 2016
- An analytic model for the convergence of turbulent simulations time-parallelized via the parareal algorithm. Journal of Computational Physics. 255:293-315. 2013
- Mechanisms for the convergence of time-parallelized, parareal turbulent plasma simulations. Journal of Computational Physics. 231:7851-7867. 2012
- Event-based parareal: A data-flow based implementation of parareal. Journal of Computational Physics. 231:5945-5954. 2012
conference contributions
- The Impact of Incorporating Wind Energy in the Electric Grid. 3001-3009. 2020
- Recent progress in the developments of the free-boundary version of the SIESTA 3D MHD equilibirum code 2019
- Validating the OPA cascading blackout model on a 19402 bus transmission network with both mesh and tree structures. 1-12. 2019
- Advances in modelling of plasma pedestal behaviour and ELM control in ITER reference plasma scenarios. 379-379. 2018
- Application of the free-boundary SIESTA MHD equilibrium code tobootstrap control scenarios in the W7-X stellarator 2018
- Exploring cascading outages and weather via processing historic data. 2727-2736. 2018
- Solving free-plasma-boundary problems with the SIESTA MHD code. 422-422. 2017
- Characterization of magnetic dynamos driven by non-Gaussian, correlated velocity fluctuations. 395. 2016
- Development of a free-boundary version of the SIESTA MHD equilibrium code. 148. 2016
- Application of Smoothed Particle MHD (SPMHD) techniques to the simulation of magnetically confined plasma dynamics 2015
- Characterization of non-diffusive transport in plasma turbulence by means of flux-gradient integro-differential kernels 2015
- Coherent events in the phase of the Fourier spectrum of isotropic 2D turbulence 2015
- Development of a free-boundary version of SIESTA: application to the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator 2015
- Investigation of kinetic dynamos driven by non-‐Gaussian, non-‐Markovian velocity fluctuations using meshless, Lagrangian numerical schemes 2015
- Mechanisms of non-diffusive transport in a simple two-dimensional plasma fluid turbulence model 2015
- Progress in the study of magnetic dynamo generation processes by non-Gaussian, non-Markovian velocity fluctuations using meshless, Lagrangian numerical schemes 2015
- Application of the SIESTA code to the calculation of MHD equilibria for the Wendelstein 7-X Stellarator 2014
- Coherent and turbulent fluctuation dynamics in a linear magnetized plasma with biasing 2014
- General framework for statistical tracer analysis as a diagnostic for turbulent transport in gyrokinetic codes 2014
- A novel, semilagrangian, coarse solver for the Parareal technique and its aplication to 2D drift-wave (BETA) and 5D gyrokinetic (GENE) turbulence simulations 2013
- A novel, semilagrangian, coarse solver for the Parareal technique and its application to 2D fluid drift- wave (BETA) and 5D gyrokinetic (GENE), turbulence 2013
- Coherent Phase Events in 2D Turbulence 2012
- Investigating Non-Diffusive Transport in Drift Wave Turbulence 2012
- Parallelization in Time: Applications to Plasma Turbulence 2011
- Time Parallelization of Plasma Turbulence Simulations by Application of the Parareal Algorithm 2011
- Toward the Application of Parareal Algorithm to 5D Gyrokinetic Plasma Turbulence 2011
- Toward the Application of the Parareal Algorithm to 5D Gyrokinetic Plasma Turbulence 2011