sample of publications
- Beyond Multi-Access Edge Computing: Essentials to Realize a Mobile, Constrained Edge. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 62:156-162. 2024
- IEEE 802.11az Indoor Positioning with mmWave. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 2023
- Data-centric Service-Based Architecture for Edge-Native 6G Network. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 0:1-7. 2023
- Managing the far-edge: are today's centralized solutions a good fit. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine. 12:51-61. 2023
- Choose, not hoard: Information-to-model matching for Artificial Intelligence in O-RAN. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 61:58-63. 2023
- Network support for high-performance distributed machine learning. IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING. 3:264-278. 2023
- Special issue on Edge Computing in Pervasive Systems [Editorial]. Pervasive and Mobile Computing. 83:1-3. 2022
- FoReCo: a forecast-based recovery mechanism for real-time remote control of robotic manipulators. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. 2022
- Edge Robotics: are we ready? An experimental evaluation of current vision and future directions. Digital Communications and Networks. 1-12. 2022
- A 5G-based eHealth monitoring and emergency response system: experience and lessons learned. IEEE Access. 9:131420-131429. 2021
- Toward intelligent cyber-physical systems: Digital twin meets artificial intelligence. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 59:14-20. 2021
- Dissecting the impact of information and communication technologies on digital twins as a service. IEEE Access. 9:102862-102876. 2021
- DEEP: A vertical-oriented intelligent and automated platform for the edge and fog. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 59:66-72. 2021
- Stateless Flow-Zone Switching Using Software-Defined Addressing. IEEE Access. 9: 68343- 68365. 2021
- Delay and reliability-constrained VNF placement on mobile and volatile 5G infrastructure. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING. 2021
- Monitoring in fog computing: state-of-the-art and research challenges. International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing. 36:114-130. 2021
- On the integration of NFV and MEC technologies: architecture analysis and benefits for edge robotics. Computer Networks. 175. 2020
- Adaptive telemetry for software-defined mobile networks. Journal of Network and Systems Management. 660-692. 2020
- A baseline roadmap for advanced wireless research beyond 5G. Electronics. 9:1-14. 2020
- Integrating Fronthaul and Backhaul Networks: Transport Challenges and Feasibility Results. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING. 20:533-549. 2019
- Experimental framework and evaluation of the 5G-Crosshaul control infrastructure. COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES. 64:96-105. 2019
- Modeling Mobile Edge Computing Deployments for Low Latency Multimedia Services. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BROADCASTING. 1-11. 2019
- Optimization of an integrated fronthaul/backhaul network under path and delay constraints. Ad Hoc Networks. 41-54. 2019
- 5G-TRANSFORMER: slicing and orchestrating transport networks for industry verticals. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 56:78-84. 2018
- Experimental evaluation of SDN-based service provisioning in mobile networks. COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES. 58:158-166. 2018
- 5G-Crosshaul Network Slicing: Enabling Multi-Tenancy in Mobile Transport Networks. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 55:128-137. 2017
- Distributed mobility management solutions for next mobile network architectures. Computer Networks. 121:124-136. 2017
- Towards a unified fronthaul-backhaul data plane for 5G The 5G-Crosshaul project approach. COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES. 51:56-62. 2017
- 5G-crosshaul: an SDN/NFV integrated fronthaul/backhaul transport network architecture. IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. 24:38-45. 2017
- Mobility management: deployment and adaptability aspects through mobile data traffic analysis. COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS. 95:3-14. 2016
- 5G-Crosshaul: an SDN/NFV control and data plane architecture for the 5G integrated Fronthaul/Backhaul. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. 27:1196-1205. 2016
- An overview of the CPRI specification and its application to C-RAN-based LTE scenarios. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 54:152-159. 2016
- Experimental analysis of connectivity management in mobile operating systems. Computer Networks. 94:41-61. 2016
- Xhaul: toward an integrated fronthaul/backhaul architecture in 5G networks. IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. 22:32-40. 2015
- An openflow architecture for energy-aware traffic engineering in mobile networks. IEEE NETWORK. 29:54-60. 2015
- HDMM: deploying client and network-based distributed mobility management. TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. 59:247-270. 2015
- Extremely dense wireless networks [Guest editorial]. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 53:88-89. 2015
- Analytic Evaluation and Experimental Validation of a Network-Based IPv6 Distributed Mobility Management Solution. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING. 13:2484-2497. 2014
- Performance Analysis and Algorithm Selection for Reliable Multicast in IEEE 802.11aa Wireless LAN. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY. 63:3875-3891. 2014
- On the implementation, deployment and evaluation of a networking protocol for VANETs: The VARON case. Ad Hoc Networks. 19:9-27. 2014
- An architecture for software defined wireless networking. IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. 21:52-61. 2014
- Multicast group membership management in media independent handover services. Computer Networks. 62:55-68. 2014
- Providing throughput guarantees in heterogeneous wireless mesh networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (discontinued). 14:435-449. 2014
- A solution for transparent mobility with route optimization in the IP multimedia subsystem. COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS. 36:1726-1744. 2013
- On providing mobility management in WOBANs: integration with PMIPv6 and MIH. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 51:172-181. 2013
- Distributed Mobility Management: A Standards Landscape. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 51:80-87. 2013
- Performance analysis of Energy Efficient Ethernet on video streaming servers. Computer Networks. 57:599-608. 2013
- The costs and benefits of combining different IP mobility standards. COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES. 35:205-217. 2013
- Client and network-based dual stack mobility management. IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. 19:74-82. 2012
- Greening wireless communications: Status and future directions. COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS. 35:1651-1661. 2012
- Throughput and energy-aware routing for 802.11 based mesh networks. COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS. 35:1433-1446. 2012
- IP Flow Mobility in PMIPv6 Based Networks: Solution Design and Experimental Evaluation. WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS. 61:603-627. 2011
- IEEE 802.21: media independence beyond handover. COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES. 33:556-564. 2011
- IP Flow Mobility: Smart Traffic Offload for Future Wireless Networks. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. 49:124-132. 2011
- TRIM: An architecture for transparent IMS-based mobility. Computer Networks. 55:1474-1486. 2011
- Supporting mobility in an IMS-based P2P IPTV Service: A proactive context transfer mechanism. COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS. 33:1736-1751. 2010
- Analytical Characterization of Failure Recovery in REAP. COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS. 33:485-499. 2010
- FloorNet: Deployment and Evaluation of a Multihop Wireless 802.11 Testbed. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 2010. 2010
- An Overview of IEEE 802.21: Media-Independent Handover Services. IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. 15:96-103. 2008
book chapters
- E2E Architecture. In: 5G System Design: Architectural and Functional Considerations and Long Term Research. JOHN WILEY AND SONS LTD. 2018
conference contributions
- Performance evaluation of Private and Public Blockchains for multi-cloud service federation. 217-221. 2024
- Aligning rTWT with 802.1Qbv: a Network Calculus Approach. 352-354. 2023
- waveSLAM: Empowering accurate indoor mapping using off-the-shelf millimeter-wave self-sensing 2023
- Setting 6G Architecture in Motion &- the Hexa-X approach. 451-456. 2022
- An Intelligent Edge-based Digital Twin for Robotics. 1-6. 2021
- COTORRA: Context-Aware testbed for robotic applications. 7-12. 2021
- OpenFlowMon: a fully distributed monitoring framework for virtualized environments. 141-147. 2021
- GANSO: Automate Network Slicing at the Transport Network Interconnecting the Edge. 161-166. 2020
- Mobility Support in Slice-based Network Control for Heterogeneous Environments (MOBISLICE 2020). 26-28. 2020
- Performance analysis of edge-fog-cloud architectures in the internet of things. 374-379. 2020
- Towards 6G: Evolution of Key Performance Indicators and Technology Trends. 1-5. 2020
- Welcome from the NFV-SDN 2020 Chairs. 3-4. 2020
- 5G-DIVE: eDge Intelligence for Vertical Experimentation 2019
- Optimizing 5G Networks. 1-41. 2019
- pDCell: an End-to-End Transport Protocol for Mobile Edge Computing Architectures 2019
- An integrated, virtualized joint edge and fog computing system with multi-RAT convergence. 1-5. 2018
- Towards a resilient openflow channel through MPTCP. 1-5. 2018
- Sharing of crosshaul networks via a multi-domain exchange environment for 5G services. 1-6. 2017
- The 5G-Crosshaul Packet Forwarding Element pipeline: Measurements and analysis. 1-6. 2017
- Experimental evaluation of an SDN-based distributed mobility management solution. 31-36. 2016
- Orchestration of Crosshaul slices from federated administrative domains. 1-5. 2016
- Packet forwarding for heterogeneous technologies for integrated fronthaul/backhaul. 1-5. 2016
- Packet switching fabrics and applicability of 802.1p to transport 5G fronthaul traffic 2016
- Tackling the increased density of 5G networks: the CROWD approach. 1-5. 2015
- ns-3-based real-time emulation of LTE testbed using LabVIEW platform for software defined networking (SDN) in CROWD project. 91-97. 2015
- 2013 15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON). 1-4. 2013
- An SDN-Based Network Architecture for Extremely Dense Wireless Networks. 1-7. 2013
- CROWD: An SDN Approach for DenseNets. 25-31. 2013
- Denser Networks for the Future Internet, the CROWD Approach. 28-41. 2013
- Energy Consumption Savings with 3G Offload. 1-5. 2013
- Performance evaluation of the IEEE 802.11aa multicast mechanisms for video streaming. 1-9. 2013
- The playground of Wireless Dense networks of the future. 1-4. 2013
- Wireless Multi-Access Delivery for SVC-based Video Applications. 128-141. 2013
- A Network-based Localized Mobility Solution for Distributed Mobility Management. 1-5. 2011
- On the Scalability of Carrier-grade Mesh Network Architectures. 1-8. 2011
- Performance Evaluation of a Tree-based Routing and Address Autoconfiguration for Vehicle-to-Internet Communications. 45-50. 2011
- Performance evaluation of a tree-based routing and address autoconfiguration for vehicle-to-Internet communications. 45-50. 2011
- Wireless Access Mechanisms and Architecture Definition in the MEDIEVAL Project. 31-36. 2011
- A CARMEN Mesh Experience: Deployment and Results. 1-6. 2009
- Performance Analysis of a Lightweight NEMO Implementation for Low-End devices 2008