sample of publications
- Malleability in Modern HPC Systems: Current Experiences, Challenges, and Future Opportunities. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 35:1551-1564. 2024
- Characterising information gains and losses when collecting multiple epidemic model outputs. Epidemics. 47:1-8. 2024
- Detecting interference between applications and improving the scheduling using malleable application clones. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. 2023
- Evaluating the spread of Omicron COVID-19 variant in Spain. Future Generation Computer Systems. 149:547-561. 2023
- Monitoring InfiniBand networks to react efficiently to congestion. IEEE Micro. 1-9. 2023
- Evaluation of vaccination strategies for the metropolitan area of Madrid via agent-based simulation. BMJ Open. 1-8. 2022
- LIMITLESS - LIght-weight MonItoring Tool for LargE Scale Systems. Microprocessors and Microsystems. 93:1-13. 2022
- Estimación del impacto de la vacunación frente a la COVID-19 en la población infantil de 5-11 años. Revista Espanola de Salud Publica. 96:1-9. 2022
- Predicciones de tres modelos matemáticos en relación a la estrategia de vacunación frente a la COVID-19 en España, junio de 2021. Revista Espanola de Salud Publica. 96:1-10. 2022
- Assessing population-sampling strategies for reducing the COVID-19 incidence. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 139:104938-104948. 2021
- Simulation of COVID-19 propagation scenarios in the Madrid metropolitan area. Frontiers in Public Health. 9:1-21. 2021
- Evaluating the impact of the weather conditions on the influenza propagation. BMC Infectious Diseases. 20:1-14. 2020
- Performance-aware scheduling of parallel applications on non-dedicated clusters. Electronics (Switzerland). 8:1-21. 2019
- Combining malleability and I/O control mechanisms to enhance the execution of multiple applications. Journal of Systems and Software. 148:21-36. 2019
- Energy-efficient algorithms for ultrascale systems. Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations. 2:77-104. 2015
- Enhancing the performance of malleable MPI applications by using performance-aware dynamic reconfiguration. Parallel Computing. 46:60-77. 2015
- MAGIO: a data&-pull parallel I/O architecture based on mobile agents. Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 30:93-107. 2015
- Magio: using mobile agents to enhance parallel I/O. Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 30:93-107. 2015
- Acceleration of MPI mechanisms for sustainable HPC applications. Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations. 2:28-45. 2015
- Towards efficient large scale epidemiological simulations in EpiGraph. Parallel Computing. 42:88-102. 2015
- Leveraging social networks for understanding the evolution of epidemics. BMC Systems Biology. 5. 2012
- Dynamic-compi: Dynamic optimization techniques for MPI parallel applications. Journal of Supercomputing. 59:361-391. 2012
- Adaptive-Compi: Enhancing Mpi-Based Applications' Performance and Scalability by using Adaptive Compression. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. 25:93-114. 2011
- Implementation and Evaluation of File Write-Back and Prefetching for MPI-IO over GPFS. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. 24:78-92. 2010
- SENFIS: A Sensor Node File System for Increasing the Scalability and Reliability of Wireless Sensor Networks Applications. Journal of Supercomputing. 51:76-93. 2010
- A Collective I/O Implementation Based on Inspector-Executor Paradigm. Journal of Supercomputing. 47:311-334. 2009
- Mobile Agent Systems Integration into Parallel Environments. Scalable Computing. 9:127-134. 2008
book chapters
- Problemas resueltos de estructura de computadores. MADRID: PARANINFO. 2015
- Optimization Techniques for Parallel Applications on Clusters. LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING (LAP). 2010
conference contributions
- Detecting Interference Between Applications and Improving the Scheduling Using Malleable Application Proxies. 129-146. 2023
- Energy-aware malleable scheduling techniques 2023
- Entorno de monitorización y reconfiguración dinámica del DVFS para ahorro de energía 2023
- IMSS: In-Memory Storage System for Data Intensive Applications. 190-205. 2023
- Malleable techniques and resource scheduling to improve energy efficiency in parallel applications. 16-27. 2023
- DICE: generic data abstraction for enhancing the convergence of HPC and Big Data. 106-119. 2022
- Democratizing the computational environmental marine data science: using the High-Performance Cloud-Native Computing for inert transport and diffusion Lagrangian modelling. 267-272. 2022
- Energy Consumption Studies of WRF Executions with the LIMITLESS Monitor. 19-33. 2022
- Evaluating the spread of Omicron COVID-19 variant in Spain. 999-1006. 2022
- Improving Congestion Control through Fine-Grain Monitoring of InfiniBand Networks. 29-38. 2022
- Utilización de proxies maleables para detectar interferencia y mejorar la planificación de aplicaciones 2022
- Estudio de consumo energético de las simulaciones climáticas con WRF usando LIMITLESS.. 553-558. 2021
- LIMITLESS - LIght-weight MonItoring Tool for LargE Scale Systems. 220-227. 2021
- LIMITLESS: Planificación basada en monitorización. 495-502. 2021
- Planificación de grano fino basada en monitorización de dispositivos en tiempo cuasi-real. 565-572. 2021
- Mapping and scheduling HPC applications for optimizing I/O. 1-12. 2020
- Framework escalable para monitorización y planificación de aplicaciones paralelas. 530-537. 2019
- Improving the energy efficiency of MPI applications by means of malleability. 627-634. 2016
- QuizMonitor: a learning platform that leverages student monitoring. 808-817. 2016
- FlexMPI: una biblioteca para proporcionar maleabilidad dinámica en aplicaciones MPI 2015
- Optimizations to enhance sustainability of MPI applications 2014
- FLEX-MPI: an extension to MPI for supporting dynamic load balancing on heterogeneous non-dedicated systems. 138-179. 2013
- Parallel algorithm for simulating the spatial transmission on Influenza in EpiGraph. 205-210. 2013
- EpiGraph: A Scalable Simulation Tool for Epidemiological Studies. 529-537. 2011
- Software Prefetch on Core Micro-Architecture Applied to Irregular Codes. 264-272. 2011
- WiP-FAST08 View-based Collective I/O for MPI-IO 2008
working papers