sample of publications
- Evaluating integration methods of a quantum random number generator in OpenSSL for TLS. Computer Networks. 255:1-11. 2024
- Inferring mobile applications usage from DNS traffic. Ad Hoc Networks. 163. 2024
- Security Information Sharing in Smart Grids: Persisting Security Audits to the Blockchain. Electronics (Switzerland). 9:1865/1-1865/16. 2020
- Specification and unattended deployment of home networks at the edge of the network. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 66:279-288. 2020
- INRISCO: INcident monitoRing in Smart COmmunities. IEEE Access. 8:72435-72460. 2020
- TLS/PKI Challenges and Certificate Pinning Techniques for IoT and M2M Secure Communications. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. 21:3502-3531. 2019
- DNS/DANE collision-based distributed and dynamic authentication for microservices in IoT. Sensors. 19:1-23. 2019
- Task scheduling to constrain peak current consumption in wearable healthcare sensors. Electronics (Switzerland). 8:1-10. 2019
- Collaborative eHealth Meets Security: Privacy-Enhancing Patient Profile Management. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 21:1741-1749. 2017
- Major requirements for building smart homes in smart cities based on internet of things technologies. Future Generation Computer Systems. 76:658-369. 2017
- Seamless Human-Device Interaction in the Internet of Things. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 63:490-498. 2017
- Secure store and forward proxy for dynamic IoT applications over M2M networks. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 62:389-397. 2016
- Comparing password management software: toward usable and secure enterprise authentication. IT Professional. 18:34-40. 2016
- PECEVA: an adaptable and energy-saving credential validation solution for pervasive networks. Information Sciences. 354:41-59. 2016
- Analysis of secure TCP/IP profile in 61850 based substation automation system for smart grids. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 12:1-11. 2016
- A distributed transcoding and content protection system: enabling pay per quality using the cloud. Telecommunication Systems. 61:59-76. 2016
- Blended identity: pervasive IdM for continuous authentication. IEEE Security and Privacy. 13:32-39. 2015
- Media Gateway: bringing privacy to private multimedia cloud connections. Telecommunication Systems. 55:315-330. 2013
- Overhead of using secure wireless communications in mobile computing. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 59:335-342. 2013
- A Metric-Based Approach to Assess Risk for "On Cloud" Federated Identity Management. Journal of Network and Systems Management. 20:513-533. 2012
- SuSSo: seamless and ubiquitous single sign-on for cloud service continuity across devices. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 58:1425-1433. 2012
- An Event Driven Hybrid Identity Management Approach to Privacy Enhanced e-Health. Sensors. 12:6129-6154. 2012
- Enhancing Privacy and Dynamic Federation in IdM for Consumer Cloud Computing. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 58:95-103. 2012
- Trust management for multimedia P2P applications in autonomic networking. Ad Hoc Networks. 9:687-697. 2011
- Achieving IPTV Service Portability through Delegation. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 57:492-498. 2011
- Media Cloud: An Open Cloud Computing Middleware for Content Management. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 57:970-978. 2011
- fedTV: Personal Networks Federation for IdM in Mobile DTV. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 57:499-506. 2011
- FamTV: an architecture for presence-aware personalized television. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 57:6-13. 2011
- Pervasive authentication and authorization infrastructures for mobile users. Computers and Security. 29:501-514. 2010
- DLNA, DVB-CA and DVB-CPCM Integration for Commercial Content Management. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 56:79-87. 2010
- Social Applications in the Home Network. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 56:220-225. 2010
- Sharing Conditional Access Modules through the Home Network for Pay TV Access. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 55:88-96. 2009
- Decoupling Path Failure Detection from Congestion Control to Improve SCTP Failovers. IEEE Communications Letters. 12:858-860. 2008
book chapters
- A General IMS Registration Protocol for Wireless Networks Interworking. In: Wireless and Mobile Networking. SPRINGER. 32-43. 2009
- Enabling SAML for Dynamic Identity Federation Management. In: Wireless and Mobile Networking. SPRINGER. 173-184. 2009
- Interoperability of IP Multimedia Subsystems: The NetLab Approach. In: Wireless and Mobile Networking. SPRINGER. 271-282. 2009
- Trust Negotiation Protocol Support for Secure Mobile Network Service Deployment. In: Wireless and Mobile Networking: IFIP Joint Conference on Mobile and Wireless Comunications Networks (MWCN'2008) and Personal Wireless Comunications (PWC'2008), Touluse, France, September 30-October 2, 2008. SPRINGER. 271-282. 2008
conference contributions
- Enhancing the anonymity and auditability of whistleblowers protection 2022
- Dos proyectos sobre virtualización de laboratorios y prácticas 2021
- Implementing DNSSEC soft delegation for microservices. 1-5. 2021
- I don't see why I would ever want to use it: Analyzing the usability of popular smartphone password managers. 1937-1953. 2020
- Assessment of Fitness Tracker Security: A Case of Study. 1-11. 2018
- DNS-Based Dynamic Authentication for Microservices in IoT 2018
- FRiCS: A Framework for Risk-driven Cloud Selection. 18-26. 2018
- Distributed access control and privacy for the internet of me. 17-18. 2016
- Proxy re-encryption schemes for IoT and crowd sensing. 15-16. 2016
- Wi-Fi direct: lessons learned. 1-8. 2016
- Enabling actor model for crowd sensing and IoT. 1-2. 2015
- P2P-based data layer for mobile Media Cloud. 160-161. 2015
- Towards a seamless human interaction in IoT. 1-2. 2015
- Elastic participatory sensing systems enabling cooperative meta sensors with consumer devices. 402-403. 2014
- Arquitectura IPTV para STB Basada en Capas de Control Jerárquicas 2013
- Flexible Computing for personal electronic devices. 212-213. 2013
- How costly are secure transactions on handheld devices?. 218-219. 2013
- Optimizing OSGi Services on Gateways. 155-162. 2013
- A Distributed Transcoding System for Mobile Video Delivery. 10-16. 2012
- A H.264 SVC Distributed Content Protection System with Flexible Key Stream Generation. 66-70. 2012
- A Model for Dimensioning a Secure Event-Driven Health Care System. 30-37. 2012
- Multi-Device Single Sign-on for Cloud Service Continuity. 644-645. 2012
- Privacy Enhanced Cloud Services Home Aggregator. 646-647. 2012
- Private Cloud and Media Privacy in Social Networks. 277-281. 2012
- Trust-Aware Federated IdM in Consumer Cloud Computing. 53-54. 2012
- A Privacy Aware Media Gateway for Connecting Private Multimedia Clouds to Limited Devices. 1-8. 2011
- Introducing Identity Management in WiMAX to Enable Secure and Personalized Services. 1-5. 2011
- Media Cloud: Sharing Contents in the Large. 227-228. 2011
- Personal Networks Federation in Mobile DTV. 385-386. 2011
- Presence-Aware Personalized Television. 769-770. 2011
- A Trust-based Middleware for Providing Security to Ad-Hoc Peer-to-Peer Applications 2008
- Building an Open Toolkit of Digital Certificate Validation for Mobile Web Services. 560-565. 2008
- DVB-H Key Management System for UMTS Capable Devices. 1-2. 2008