sample of publications
- ATELIER: service tailored and limited-trust network analytics using cooperative learning. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society. 5:3315-3330. 2024
- Energy-Aware Adaptive Scaling of Server Farms for NFV with Reliability Requirements. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 23:4273-4284. 2024
- Performance trade-offs of auto scaling schemes for NFV with reliability requirements. Computer Communications. 212:251-261. 2023
- Balloons in the Sky: Unveiling the Characteristics and Trade-offs of the Google Loon Service. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 22:3165-3178. 2023
- Serverless Vehicular Edge Computing for the Internet of Vehicles. IEEE Internet Computing. 27:40-51. 2023
- Design and Validation of an Open Source Cloud Native Mobile Network. IEEE Communications Magazine. 60:66-72. 2022
- Exploiting radio access information to improve performance of remote-controlled mobile robots in MEC-based 5G networks. Computer Networks. 212:1-18. 2022
- Monitoring Platform Evolution towards Serverless Computing for 5G and Beyond Systems. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. 19:1489-1504. 2022
- Analysis of scaling policies for NFV providing 5G/6G reliability levels with fallible servers. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. 19:1287-1305. 2022
- Deployment and evaluation of an Industry 4.0 use case over 5G. IEEE Communications Magazine. 59:14-20. 2021
- An experimental publish-subscribe monitoring assessment to Beyond 5G networks. Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 2021:1-27. 2021
- ACHO: a framework for flexible re-orchestration of virtual network functions. Computer Networks. 180:107382-1-107382-11. 2020
- Experimenting with open source tools to deploy a multi-service and multi-slice mobile network. Computer Communications. 150:1-12. 2020
- Experimental QoE evaluation of multicast video delivery over IEEE 802.11aa WLANs. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 18:2549-2561. 2019
- A future-proof architecture for management and orchestration of multi-domain NextGen networks. IEEE Access. 7:79216-79232. 2019
- POSENS: a practical open source solution for end-to-end network slicing. IEEE Wireless Communications. 25:30-37. 2018
- Design and analysis of 5G scenarios with simmer: an R package for fast DES prototyping. IEEE Communications Magazine. 56:145-151. 2018
- Performance assessment of open software platforms for 5G prototyping. IEEE Wireless Communications. 25:10-15. 2018
- Design, implementation and experimental validation of a 5G energy-aware reconfigurable hotspot. Computer Communications. 128:1-17. 2018
- The path toward a cloud-aware mobile network protocol stack. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (EUROPEAN TRANSACTIONS ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS). 29:1-11. 2018
- Experimental evaluation of SDN-based service provisioning in mobile networks. Computer Standards and Interfaces. 58:158-166. 2018
- On the energy efficiency of rate and transmission power control in 802.11. Computer Communications. 117:164-174. 2018
- Fair coexistence of scheduled and random access wireless networks: unlicensed LTE/WiFi. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 25:3267-3281. 2017
- muNap: Practical micro-sleeps for 802.11 WLANs. Computer Communications. 110:175-186. 2017
- Optimal configuration of a resource-on-demand 802.11 WLAN with non-zero start-up times. Computer Communications. 96:99-108. 2016
- Resource-on-demand schemes in 802.11 WLANs with non-zero start-up times. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 34:3221-3233. 2016
- Thwarting selfish behavior in 802.11 WLANs. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 24:492-505. 2016
- Per-frame energy consumption in 802.11 devices and its implication on modeling and design. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 23:1243-1256. 2015
- SOLOR: Self-Optimizing WLANs With Legacy-Compatible Opportunistic Relays. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 23:1202-1215. 2015
- An openflow architecture for energy-aware traffic engineering in mobile networks. IEEE Network. 29:54-60. 2015
- Adaptive mechanism for distributed opportunistic scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 14:3494-3508. 2015
- Experimenting with commodity 802.11 hardware: overview and future directions. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. 17:671-699. 2015
- Performance Analysis and Algorithm Selection for Reliable Multicast in IEEE 802.11aa Wireless LAN. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 63:3875-3891. 2014
- VoIPiggy: Analysis and Implementation of a Mechanism to Boost Capacity in IEEE 802.11 WLANs Carrying VoIP Traffic. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 13:1640-1652. 2014
- An architecture for software defined wireless networking. IEEE Wireless Communications. 21:52-61. 2014
- Energy-Efficient Optimization for Distributed Opportunistic Scheduling. IEEE Communications Letters. 18:1083-1086. 2014
- Providing throughput guarantees in heterogeneous wireless mesh networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (discontinued). 14:435-449. 2014
- A First Implementation and Evaluation of the IEEE 802.11aa Group Addressed Transmission Service. Computer Communication Review. 44:36-41. 2014
- A Game-Theoretic Approach to Distributed Opportunistic Scheduling. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 21:1553-1566. 2013
- Modeling and Exploiting the Relation Between Packet Losses and Hidden Traffic. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 2:391-394. 2013
- Device-to-device communications with WiFi Direct: overview and experimentation. IEEE Wireless Communications. 20:96-104. 2013
- Control theoretic optimization of 802.11 WLANs: Implementation and experimental evaluation. Computer Networks. 57:258-272. 2013
- Balancing energy efficiency and throughput fairness in IEEE 802.11 WLANs. Pervasive and Mobile Computing. 8:631-645. 2012
- Greening wireless communications: Status and future directions. Computer Communications. 35:1651-1661. 2012
- A Control Theoretic Scheme for Efficient Video Transmission over IEEE 802.11e EDCA WLANs. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications. 8:1-23. 2012
- A Control-Theoretic Approach to Distributed Optimal Configuration of 802.11 WLANs. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 10:897-910. 2011
- Providing Service Guarantees in 802.11e EDCA WLANs with Legacy Stations. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 9:1057-1071. 2010
- Optimal Configuration of 802.11e EDCA for Real-Time and Data Traffic. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 59:2511-2528. 2010
- On the Trade-Off between Throughput Maximization and Energy Consumption Minimization in IEEE 802.11 WLANs. Journal of Communications and Networks. 12:150-157. 2010
- Detecting Selfish Configurations in 802.11 WLANs. IEEE Communications Letters. 14:142-144. 2010
- FloorNet: Deployment and Evaluation of a Multihop Wireless 802.11 Testbed. Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 2010. 2010
- A Control Theoretic Approach for Throughput Optimization in IEEE 802.11e EDCA WLANs. Mobile Networks and Applications. 14:697-708. 2009
book chapters
- Implementation of Hardware and Software Platforms. In: 5G System Design: Architectural and Functional Considerations and Long Term Research. Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 483-520. 2018
- Towards Carrier-Grade Quality in Heterogeneous Wireless Mesh Networks. In: Wireless Multi-Access Environments and Quality of Service Provisioning: Solutions and Applications. IGI GLOBAL. 187-217. 2012
- Analysis and Configuration of IEEE 802.11e. In: Medium Access Control in Wireless Networks. NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS INC. 407-426. 2008
conference contributions
- Evaluación de la evaluación con calificación mínima mediante modelos basados en IRT 2022
- A performance comparison of virtualization techniques to deploy a 5G monitoring platform. 472-477. 2021
- Demo: Nuberu - A Reliable DU DesignSuitable for Virtualization Platforms. 862-864. 2021
- Hexa-X: The european 6G flagship project. 580-585. 2021
- Nuberu: Reliable RAN Virtualization in Shared Platforms. 749-761. 2021
- A Monitoring Framework for Multi-Site 5G Platforms. 52-56. 2020
- Automatic deployment, execution and analysis of 5G experiments using the 5G EVE platform. 372-377. 2020
- Experimenting with SRv6: a tunneling protocol supporting network slicing in 5G and beyond. 1-6. 2020
- The case for serverless mobile networking. 779-784. 2020
- Design and validation of a multi-service 5G network with QoE-aware orchestration. 11-18. 2018
- On the benefits of bringing cloud-awareness to network virtual functions 2018
- SEMPER: a stateless traffic engineering solution for WAN based on MP-TCP. 1-6. 2018
- The path towards resource elasticity for 5G network architecture. 214-219. 2018
- A flexible and reconfigurable 5G networking architecture based on context and content information. 1-6. 2017
- Energy footprint reduction in 5G reconfigurable hotspots via function partitioning and bandwidth adaptation. 1-6. 2017
- Modeling the impact of start-up times on the performance of resource-on-demand schemes in 802.11 WLANs. 1-6. 2016
- Revisiting 802.11 rate adaptation from energy consumption's perspective. 27-34. 2016
- srsLTE: an open-source platform for LTE evolution and experimentation. 25-32. 2016
- Making a case for flexible 802.11 architectures. 3678-3684. 2015
- Energy Consumption Savings with 3G Offload. 1-5. 2013
- Performance evaluation of the IEEE 802.11aa multicast mechanisms for video streaming. 1-9. 2013
- The playground of Wireless Dense networks of the future. 1-4. 2013
- Distributed Opportunistic Scheduling: A Control Theoretic Approach. 2931-2935. 2012
- Energy Consumption Anatomy of 802.11 Devices and its Implication on Modeling and Design. 169-180. 2012
- VoIPiggy: Implementation and evaluation of a mechanism to boost voice capacity in 802.11 WLANs. 2391-2935. 2012
- Energy-efficient Fair Channel Access for IEEE 802.11 WLANs. 1-9. 2011
- New Insights from the Analysis of Free Flow Vehicular Traffic in Highways. 1-9. 2011
- A CARMEN Mesh Experience: Deployment and Results. 1-6. 2009
- Optimal Configuration of IEEE 802.11e EDCA for Voice and Data traffic: An Experimental Study 2008