sample of publications
- Testing the Feasibility of an Agent-Based Model for Hydrologic Flow Simulation. Information (Switzerland). 15. 2024
- ABANICCO: A New Color Space for Multi-Label Pixel Classification and Color Analysis. SENSORS. 23:1-23. 2023
- Iot application for energy poverty detection based on thermal comfort monitoring. Heliyon. 9:1-17. 2023
- Stress Detection Using Frequency Spectrum Analysis of Wrist-Measured Electrodermal Activity. SENSORS. 23. 2023
- Methods, data sources and applications of the Artificial Intelligence in the Energy Poverty context: A review. ENERGY AND BUILDINGS. 268:0-13. 2022
- MCO plan: Efficient coverage mission for multiple micro aerial vehicles modeled as agents. Drones. 6:1-32. 2022
- IoT for Global Development to Achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: The New Scenario After the COVID-19 Pandemic. IEEE Access. 9:124711-124726. 2021
- Impact of the learners diversity and combination method on the generation of heterogeneous classifier ensembles. APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING. 111:1-17. 2021
- Implementing a Gaze Tracking Algorithm for Improving Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. Electronics. 10:1-21. 2021
- Explaining Deep Learning-Based Driver Models. Applied Sciences-Basel. 11:1-28. 2021
- A case-based reasoning system for recommendation of data cleaning algorithms in classification and regression tasks. APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING. 90:1-13. 2020
- Optimization of coverage mission for lightweight unmanned aerial vehicles applied in crop data acquisition. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 149:1-17. 2020
- The role of agent-based modeling and multi-agent systems in flood-based hydrological problems: a brief review. Journal of Water and Climate Change. 1-23. 2019
- QoS-Classifier for VPN and Non-VPN traffic based on time-related features. Computer Networks. 144:271-279. 2018
- Estimation of coffee rust infection and growth through two-level classifier ensembles based on expert knowledge. International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining. 13:369-387. 2018
- From Theory to Practice: A Data Quality Framework for Classification Tasks. Symmetry-Basel. 10. 2018
- Evolving cloud-based system for the recognition of drivers' actions. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 99:231-238. 2018
- How to Address the Data Quality Issues in Regression Models: A Guided Process for Data Cleaning. Symmetry-Basel. 10. 2018
- Feature selection for classification tasks: Expert knowledge or traditional methods?. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS. 2018
- Water quality detection based on a data mining process on the California estuary. International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining. 12:406-424. 2017
- Real-Time Recognition of Calling Pattern and Behaviour of Mobile Phone Users through Anomaly Detection and Dynamically-Evolving Clustering. Applied Sciences-Basel. 7. 2017
- Cybernetics of the Mind: Learning Individual's Perceptions Autonomously. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine. 3:6-17. 2017
- Forecasting sea level changes applying data mining techniques to the Cristobal Bay time series, Panama. Journal of Water and Climate Change. 8:89-101. 2017
- A systematic review of data quality issues in knowledge discovery tasks. Revista Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín. 15:125-150. 2016
- Two-Level Classifier Ensembles for Coffee Rust Estimation in Colombian Crops. International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems. 7:41-59. 2016
- Web news mining in an evolving framework. Information Fusion. 28:90-98. 2016
- A Two-Stage Combining Classifier Model for the Development of Adaptive Dialog Systems. International Journal of Neural Systems. 26:1-23. 2016
- A Conceptual Framework for Data Quality in Knowledge Discovery Tasks (FDQ-KDT): A Proposal. Journal of Computers. 10:396-405. 2015
- An ensemble approach of dual base learners for multi-class classification problems. Information Fusion. 24:122-136. 2015
- Generating ensembles of heterogeneous classifiers using Stacked Generalization. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 5:21-34. 2015
- Evolving classification of UNIX users' behaviors. Evolving Systems. 5:231-238. 2014
- Online activity recognition using evolving classifiers. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. 40:1248-1255. 2013
- Creating Evolving User Behavior Profiles Automatically. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING. 24:854-867. 2012
- Simulating Visual Qualia in the CERA-CRANIUM Cognitive Architecture. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 718:223-238. 2011
- A Plan Classifier based on Chi-Square Distribution Tests. Intelligent Data Analysis. 15:131-149. 2011
- The Cognitive Development of Machine Consciousness Implementations. Machine consciousness technical journal. 2:213-225. 2010
- A New Artificial Neural Network Ensemble Based on Feature Selection and Class Recoding. NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS. 2010
- Evolving Classification of Agents' Behaviours: A General Approach. Evolving Systems. Evolving Systems. 1:161-171. 2010
- Human Activity Recognition based on Envolving Fuzzy Systems. International Journal of Neural Systems. 20:355-364. 2010
- ConsScale: A Pragmatic Scale for Measuring the Level of Consciousness in Artificial Agents. JOURNAL OF CONSCIOUSNESS STUDIES. 17:131-164. 2010
- GA-Stacking: Evolutionary Stacked Generalization. Intelligent Data Analysis. 14:89-119. 2010
- Strategies for Measuring Machine Consciousness. Machine consciousness technical journal. 1:193-201. 2009
- Predicting the Outcome of Patients With Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Using Machine Learning Techniques. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN BIOMEDICINE. 13:794-801. 2009
- CAOS Coach 2006 Simulation Team: An Opponent Modelling Approach. COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS. 28:57-80. 2009
- OMBO: An opponent Modeling Approach. AI COMMUNICATIONS. 22:21-35. 2009
- A Cognitive Approach to Multimodal Attention. Journal of Physical Agents. 3:53-64. 2009
- Integrated Attention for Cognitive Robotics. Communications of SIWN . 5:1-5. 2008
- Using Well-Known Techniques for Classifying User Behavior Profiles. Communications of SIWN . 5:18-22. 2008
book chapters
- Input Transformation and Output Combination for Improved Handwritten Digit Recognition. In: Artificial Neural Networks : Methods and Applications in Bio-/Neuroinformatics. SPRINGER. 435-443. 2015
- A Machine Consciousness Approach to the Design of Human-Like Bots. In: Believable Bots: Can Computers Play Like People?. SPRINGER. 171-191. 2012
- ConsScale FPS: Cognitive Integration for Improved Believability in Computer Game Bots. In: Believable Bots: Can Computers Play Like People?. SPRINGER. 193-214. 2012
- Ensemble of ANN for Traffic Sign Recognition [Chapter 85]. In: Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence. IGI GLOBAL. 554-560. 2009
conference contributions
- Adaptive comfort models to evaluate and mitigate energy poverty: the case od the energy Poverty Intelligence Unit. 129-130. 2022
- A Novel Evolving Ensemble Approach Based on Bootstrapping and Dynamic Selection of Diverse Learners. 1-8. 2020
- Fuzzy Alarm System based on Human-centered Approach. 448-455. 2020
- Advanced Driver's Alarms System through Multi-agent Paradigm Driver's Driver"s Driver´s. 269-275. 2018
- Opponent Modeling in RoboCup Soccer Simulation. 303-316. 2018
- Data preprocessing to enhance flow forecasting in a tropical river basin. 429-440. 2017
Evolving Cauchy possibilistic
clustering based on cosine similarity for monitoring cyber systems. 1-5. 2017 - Intelligent agents for supporting driving tasks: an ontology-based alarms system. 165-172. 2017
- Knowledge inference from a small water quality dataset with multivariate statistics and data-mining. 1-15. 2017
- Lack of data: is it enough estimating the coffee rust with meteorological time series?. 3-16. 2017
- Monitoring of vulcano Puracé through seismic signals: Description of a real dataset 2017
- RENet: Renewable Energies Education Network. 133-133. 2017
- Data Processing for a Water Quality Detection System on Colombian Rio Piedras Basin. 665-683. 2016
- Social network analysis: Evolving Twitter mining. 1809-1814. 2016
- An Empirical Multi-classifier for Coffee Rust Detection in Colombian Crops. 60-74. 2015
- A Practical Application of Evolving Fuzzy-Rule-Based Classifiers for the Development of Spoken Dialog Systems. 307-316. 2014
- A dialog management methodology based on evolving Fuzzy-rule-based (FRB) classifiers. 1-8. 2014
- Agent-based framework for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems in urban environments. 1-8. 2014
- An ensemble method based on evolving classifiers: eStacking. 121-131. 2014
- Influence of the data codification when applying evolving classifiers to develop spoken dialog systems. 58-64. 2014
- Intelligent Promotions Recommendation System for Instaprom Platform. 231-238. 2014
- News Mining Using Evolving Fuzzy Systems. 327-335. 2014
- Simul-A2: Agent-based simulator for evaluate ADA systems. 1-7. 2014
- Time series forecasting using Artificial Neural Networks vs. evolving models. 1-8. 2014
- Ensemble method based on individual evolving classifiers. 56-61. 2013
- Evolving Systems for Computer User Behavior Classification. 78-83. 2013
- Handwritten Digit Recognition with Pattern Transformations and Neural Network Averaging. 335-342. 2013
- CC-Bot: A Believable Video Game Bot based on Machine Consciousness 2012
- Evolving Activity Recognition from Sensor Streams. 96-101. 2012
- Evolving Human Activity Classifier from Sensor Streams. 139-146. 2011
- A Multimodal Attention Mechanism for Autonomous Mobile Robotics 2008
- An Efficient Behavior Classifier based on Distributions of Relevant Events. 825-827. 2008
- Classifying Efficiently the Behavior of a Soccer Team. 316-323. 2008
- ConsScale: A Plausible Test for Machine Consciousness?. 49-57. 2008
- Criteria for Consciousness in Artificial Intelligent Agents. 57-64. 2008
- Genetic Approach for Optimizing Ensembles of Classifiers 2008
- Genetic Programming for Predicting Protein Networks. 432-441. 2008
- Protein-Protein Functional Association Prediction Using Genetic Programming 2008
- Verifying Robocup Teams 2008