sample of publications
- Paradoxes concerning low birthweight in Spain. Revista Española de Antropología Física. 48:27-39. 2024
- Análisis de la evolución histórica de la razón de masculinidad al nacer en España=Analysis of the historical evolution of sex ratio at birth in Spain. Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas. 139-166. 2023
- Factors influencing the sex ratio at birth in the United States from a historical perspective. Journal of Biosocial Science. 55:1015-1038. 2023
- Relationship between historical developments in the percentages of low birthweight and fetal mortality in Spain. Gaceta Sanitaria. 2023
- Historical trends in female nuptiality in Italy and analysis of possible underlying reasons. History of the Family. 28:484-507. 2023
- Historical sex ratio in fetal mortality in the United States and its impact on the sex ratio at birth. Popolazione e Storia. 23:9-35. 2022
- U. S. Political Economy on Migrants-Citizens Relations: State-Raids Vs. Church-Sanctuaries (Charity Re-Privatization). Perichoresis. 20:3-25. 2022
- China's fertility change: an analysis with multiple measures. Population Health Metrics. 20:1-14. 2022
- Determining factors in the historical decline in marital fertility in Spain = Factores determinantes del descenso histórico de la fecundidad marital en España. Revista Internacional de Sociologia. 77:1-16. 2019
- A Provincial Analysis of Nuptiality in Spain (1887-2001) = Análisis provincial de la nupcialidad en España (1887-2001). Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas. 79-100. 2018
- Evolution of Life Expectancy at Birth in French Departements Over the Period 1833-1982. SPATIAL DEMOGRAPHY. 6:89-120. 2018
- Measuring and explaining the baby boom in the developed world in the mid-20th century. Demographic Research. 38:1189-1240. 2018
- Measuring and explaining the marriage boom in the developed world. History of the Family. 23:90-108. 2018
- Historical reproductive patterns in developed countries: An aggregate-level perspective. Demographic Research. 38:37-94. 2018
- Dynamic analysis of the long-term relationships between mortality and marital fertility in the developed world. Population Review. 56:102-135. 2017
- Análisis de las estadísticas oficiales del suicidio en España (1910-2011) = Analysis of Official Suicide Statistics in Spain (1910-2011). Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas. 95-113. 2017
- Changes in sex ratio at birth in China: A decomposition by birth order. Journal of Biosocial Science. 49:826-841. 2017
- Trends in the proportion of married women of reproductive age in Spain, 1887-1991. History of the Family. 23:239-259. 2017
- The long-term determinants of marital fertility in the developed world (19th and 20th centuries): The role of welfare policies. Demographic Research. 36. 2017
- Mortality-fertility synergies during the demographic transition in the developed world. Population Studies. 71:155-170. 2017
- Can China afford rapid aging?. SpringerPlus. 5. 2016
- Demographic Reconstruction of the Camp de Tarragona Area in Spain, 1547-1877. Annales de Demographie Historique. 2016-1:171-203. 2016
- Son preference as a new twist in China's low fertility. N-IUSSP | IUSSP's online news magazine. 2016
- Fertility intention, son preference, and second childbirth: survey findings from Shaanxi province of China. Social Indicators Research. 125:935-953. 2016
- Demographic causes of urban decline in 17th century Spain. Annales de Demographie Historique. 2015-2:133-159. 2015
- Marriage expenses in rural China. China Review. 15:207-236. 2015
- Data Uncertainties in China's Population. Asian Social Science . 11:200-205. 2015
- Leaving Home for a Better Life?: Occupational Mobility of Skilled Immigrants: Some Empirical Comments from Spain in Light of the Current Economic Crisis. Migraciones Internacionales. 8:159-187. 2015
- The risk of mothers: Losing an only child in China. Journal of Biosocial Science. 46:531-545. 2014
- The Family in Navarre (Spain) Today: A Mosaic Combining Past and Present. Journal of Family History. 39:261-282. 2014
- Elderly widowhood in China. Asian Population Studies. 11:7-16. 2014
- Forecasting China's Mortality. Population Review. 52:87-98. 2013
- Child Trafficking in China. China Report. 49:317-335. 2013
- Socio-Demographic Risks and Challenges of Bare-Branch Villages in China. Asian Social Work and Policy Review. 7:99-116. 2013
- Estimates of missing women in twentieth-century China. Continuity and Change. 27:461-479. 2012
- The predicament of Bare Branches' Sexuality. The electronic journal of human sexuality. 15. 2012
- Bride price in China: the obstacle to 'Bare Branches' seeking marriage. History of the Family. 17:2-15. 2012
- Bare Branches and social stability: a historical perspective from China. Frontiers of History in China. 6:538-561. 2011
- Marriage Squeeze in China's Future. Asian Population Studies. 7:177-193. 2011
- Trafficking in Women in China. Asian Women. 27:83-112. 2011
- The 4-2-1 family structure in China: a survival analysis based on life tables. European Journal of Ageing. 8:119-127. 2011
- La inversión en capital humano y el descenso de la fecundidad en las sociedades árabes del Mediterráneo Oriental. Nike.La Rivista Delle Scienze Politiche. 143-180. 2009
- Análisis de la fecundidad, la infecundidad y la concentración de la reproducción de las generaciones nacidas en la primera mitad del siglo XX en España. Rivista italiana di economia, demografia e statistica. 62:129. 2008
book chapters
- Trafficking of women from neighboring countries into China for marriage within the context of gender imbalance. In: Human Trafficking and Female Migration: Problems of Evolving Humanity and Emerging World. ANMOL PUBLICATIONS PVT. LTD.. 1-25. 2014
- Early Retirement and Firm Size in Spain. In: Economy in Changing Society: Consumptions, Markets, Organizations and Social Policies. CAMBRIDGE SCHOLARS PUBLISHING. 281-318. 2011
- Socioeconomía de las migraciones en un mundo globalizado. MADRID: EDITORIAL BIBLIOTECA NUEVA,S.L.. 2010
- El crecimiento de la población mundial: implicaciones socioeconómicas, ecológicas y éticas. VALENCIA: TIRANT LO BLANCH, S.L.. 2008
conference contributions
- Un estudio de la dinámica del suicidio por sexos y provincias en España. 1-11. 2018
- Suicide of Older People in Rural China 2017
- Detecting clusters in the evolution of life expectancy at birth in French departments from 1833 to 1978 2016
- Medición y explicación del baby boom en los países occidentales 2016
- Origen histórico y permanencia de los bajos niveles reproductivos en el mundo occidental: el desarrollo del Estado de Bienestar 2016
- Sinergias entre mortalidad y fecundidad durante la transición demográfica 2016
- The baby boom in Western countries 2016
- The historical decline of fertility and the development of the welfare states 2016
- El descenso histórico de la fecundidad y el desarrollo del Estado del Bienestar 2015
- La transición de la fecundidad en el mundo occidental y su relación con la mortalidad y las políticas del Estado de Bienestar 2015
- El original crecimiento de la población en el camp de tarragona, 1547-1877: Una reconstrucción = The original population growth in the Camp de Tarragona, 1547-1877: A reconstruction. 2013
- The Interaction of Demographic Processes in the Spanish Provinces, 1858-2011: An Event-Centered Approach 2013
- Trafficking of women from neighboring countries into China for marriage within the context of gender imbalance 2013
- Caring for carers of the Elderly in Spain: current frame and evaluation of programmes 2011