sample of publications
- NN2Poly: A Polynomial Representation for Deep Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 2023
- Consistent comparison of symptom-based methods for COVID-19 infection detection. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 177. 2023
- A fast epigraph and hypograph-based approach for clustering functional data. Statistics and Computing. 33:1-19. 2023
- Group linear algorithm with sparse principal decomposition: a variable selection and clustering method for generalized linear models. Statistical Papers. 227-253. 2023
- Detecting and classifying outliers in big functional data. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. 16:725-760. 2022
- Fast partial quantile regression. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 223:104533-1-104533-8. 2022
- Robust adjusted discriminant analysis based on shrinkage with application to geochemical and environmental fields. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 221:104488-1-104488-14. 2022
- Robust multivariate control chart based on shrinkage for individual observations. Journal of Quality Technology. 54:415-440. 2022
- A twist in Intimate Partner Violence Risk Assessment Tools: Gauging the contribution of exogenous and historical variables. Knowledge-Based Systems. 234:1-13. 2021
- Towards a mathematical framework to inform neural network modelling via polynomial regression. Neural Networks. 142:57-72. 2021
- Multivariate outlier detection based on a robust Mahalanobis distance with shrinkage estimators. Statistical Papers. 62:1583-1609. 2021
- Accurate Prediction of Children's ADHD Severity Using Family Burden Information: A Neural Lasso Approach. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 15:1-8. 2021
- Analysis of an aggregate loss model in a Markov renewal regime. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 396:125869-1-125869-20. 2021
- A bivariate two-state Markov modulated Poisson process for failure modeling. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 208:107318-1-107318-14. 2021
- Estimating the COVID-19 prevalence in Spain with indirect reporting via open surveys. Frontiers in Public Health. 9:1-5. 2021
- Functional modeling of high-dimensional data: a Manifold Learning approach. Mathematics. 9:1-22. 2021
- Iterative variable selection for high-dimensional data: Prediction of pathological response in triple-negative breast cancer. Mathematics. 9:1-14. 2021
- Adaptive sparse group LASSO in quantile regression. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. 2020
- Variable selection with P-splines in functional linear regression: application in graft-versus-host disease.. Biometrical Journal. 62:1670-1686. 2020
- Automatic elimination of the pectoral muscle in mammograms based on anatomical features. IntInternational Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI). 17:1-11. 2020
- Robust regression based on shrinkage with application to Living Environment Deprivation. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 34:293-310. 2020
- Rank tests for functional data based on the epigraph, the hypograph and associated graphical representations. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. 14:651-676. 2019
- Fitting procedure for the two-state Batch Markov modulated Poisson process. European Journal of Operational Research. 279:79-92. 2019
- An Iterative Sparse-Group Lasso. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. 28:722-731. 2019
- A Kendall correlation coefficient between functional data. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. 13:1083-1103. 2019
- Author Correction: Unsupervised Scalable Statistical Method for Identifying Influential Users in Online Social Networks. Scientific Reports. 9:7702-7702. 2019
- On the estimation of extreme directional multivariate quantiles. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 5504-5534. 2019
- Findings about the BMMPP for modeling dependent and simultaneous data in reliability and queueing systems. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. 35:177-190. 2019
- A novel predictive approach for GVHD after allogeneic SCT based on clinical variables and cytokine gene polymorphisms. Blood advances. 2:1719-1737. 2018
- Unsupervised scalable statistical method for identifying influential users in online social networks. Scientific Reports. 8 (6955). 2018
- Bayesian Analysis of the Stationary MAP2. Bayesian Analysis. 12:1163-1194. 2017
- Homogeneity test for functional data. Journal of Applied Statistics. 45:868-883. 2017
- Directional multivariate extremes in environmental phenomena. Environmetrics. 28:1-15. 2017
- Dependence patterns for modeling simultaneous events. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 154:19-30. 2016
- Analytical issues regarding the lack of identifiability of the non-stationary MAP2. Performance Evaluation. 102:1-20. 2016
- Functional outlier detection by a local depth with application to NOx levels. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 30:1115-1130. 2016
- Nonidentifiability of the Two-State BMAP. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability. 18:81-106. 2016
- Functional boxplots based on epigraphs and hypographs. Journal of Applied Statistics. 43:1088-1103. 2016
- A new multiple single-nucleotide polymorphisms based predictive model for grades III to IV and extensive graft versus host disease after identical HLA-allogeneic stem-cell. Blood. 126(23):921-921. 2015
- A directional multivariate value at risk. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. 65:111-123. 2015
- Likelihood ratio comparisons among spacings related to both one or two samples. Statistics. 49:831-841. 2015
- The Mahalanobis Distance for Functional Data With Applications to Classification. Technometrics. 57:281-291. 2015
- Failure modeling of an electrical N-component framework by the non-stationary Markovian arrival process. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 134:126-133. 2015
- Spatial depth-based classification for functional data. Test. 23:725-750. 2014
- Identifiability of the MAP(2)/G/1 queueing system. TOP. 22:274-289. 2014
- Allocation policies of redundancies in two-parallel-series and two-series-parallel systems. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 63:223-229. 2014
- Interpretable support vector machines for functional data. European Journal of Operational Research. 232:146-155. 2014
- Software Reliability Modeling with Software Metrics Data via Gaussian Processes. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 39:1179-1186. 2013
- Likelihood ratio order of spacings from two heterogeneous samples. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 114:338-348. 2013
- The decreasing percentile residual life ageing notion. Statistics. 46:587-603. 2012
- New results about weakly equivalent MAP2 and MAP3 processes. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability. 14:421-444. 2012
- Sequential order statistics: ageing and stochastic orderings. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability. 14:579-596. 2012
- Portfolio selection through an extremality stochastic order. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. 51:1-9. 2012
- Comparing quantile residual life functions by confidence bands. Lifetime Data Analysis. 18:195-214. 2012
- Comparing residual quantile residual life functions by confidence bands. Lifetime Data Analysis. 18:195-214 . 2011
- The percentile residual life up to time t(o): Ordering and aging properties. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 141:3554-3563. 2011
- Percentile Residual Life Orders. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. 27:235-252. 2011
- The percentile residual life up to time t0: Ordering and aging properties. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 141:3554-3563. 2011
- Bayesian Inference for Double Pareto Lognormal Queues. Annals of Applied Statistics. 4:1533-1557. 2010
- Nonidentifiability of the Two-State Markovian Arrival Process. Journal of Applied Probability. 47:630-649. 2010
- On the Conjecture of Kochar and Korwar. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 101:1274-1283. 2010
- Bayesian Estimation of Finite Time Ruin Probabilities. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. 25:787-805. 2009
- Bayesian Analysis of a Queueing System with a Long-Tailed Arrival Process. Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation. 37:697-712. 2008
- Bayesian Prediction of the Transient Behaviour and Busy Period in Short- and Long-Tailed GI/G/1 Queueing Systems. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 52:1615-1635. 2008
book chapters
- From High-dimensional to Functional Data: StringingVia Manifold Learning. In: Functional andHigh-Dimensional Statistics and Related Fields. SPRINGER. 115-122. 2020
- Decreasing percentile residual life aging notion: properties and estimation. In: Stochastic orders in reliability and risk : in honor of Professor Moshe Shaked. SPRINGER. 183-198. 2013
- Sampla spacings with applications in multiple-outlier models. In: Stochastic orders in reliability and risk : in honor of Professor Moshe Shaked. SPRINGER. 103-123. 2013
conference contributions
- Influence of grouping in the sparse-group lasso regularization method. 84. 2018
- Multivariate outlier detection with robust Mahalanobis distance based on shrinkage 2018
- Simultaneous and correlated events modelled by the Batch Markov-Modelated Poisson Process. 79. 2018
- The sparse group LASSO regularization method in quantile regression models 2018
- Bayesian analysis of the stationary MAP2 2017
- Directional multivariate extremes in environmental phenomena 2017
- Dependence patterns related to the BMAP 2016
- Estimation of directional multivariate extremes at high level 2016
- A directional multivariate extremes identification[/expand] 2015
- A new multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms based predictive model for grades III to IV and extensive Graft versus host disease after identical HLA allogenetic stemm cell transplantation 2015
- DPLN: data analysis in insurance and finance 2015
- Directional approach to identify extremes 2015
- Distances between functional samples based on depth measures 2015
- Functional outlier detection with a local spatial depth 2015
- Homogeneity test for functional data 2015
- Influence of the dependence patterns in the reliability of the BMAP 2015
- Modeling N electrical component failures using non-stationary Markovianarrival processes 2015
- Modelización de fallos mediante el proceso MAP no estacionario = Failure modeling with the non-stationary MAP 2015
- Multivariate risk measures: a directional approach for a value at risk 2015
- Random walk test for functional autoregressive processes of order one 2015
- Stochastic bounds for times elapsed between successive failuresof components in reliability systems 2015
- The non-stationary Markovian arrival process in failure modeling 2015
- Un nuevo modelo predictivo basado en el perfil genómico de polimorfismos en genes de citocinas permite predecir la incidencia de EICR en trasplante hematopoyético alogénico. 6-7. 2015
- Un nuevo modelo predictivo basado en el perfil genómico de porlimorfismos en genes de citocinas permite predecir la incidencia de EICR post-trasplante hematopoyético 2015
- Using P-splines for variable selection in functional regression 2015
- A directional multivariate VAR 2014
- A directional multivariate Value at Risk 2014
- A random walk test for functional time series 2014
- Correlation median for functions 2014
- Directional multivariate Value at Risk and copulas 2014
- Failure modeling of an electrical N-component framework by the non-stationaty Markovian arrival process 2014
- Homogeneity test for functional data based on depth measures 2014
- Random walk testing for time series of functions 2014
- Spearman coefficient for functions 2014
- Stochastic modellings in software reliability 2014
- The Mahalanobis distance for functional data with applications to classification 2014
- Bayesian analysis of the MAP_2/G/1 queueing system 2013
- Bootstrap random walk test for functional time series 2013
- COMEDIAN para datos funcionales 2013
- Caracterización y estimación del proceso MAP no estacionario 2013
- Configuracion optima entre las componentes de sistemas paralelo-series y series-paralelo utilizando ordenaciones estocásticas 2013
- Directional depth and extremality for multivariate observations 2013
- Robust lasso variable selection for functional data 2013
- Selección de variables con LASSO en regresión funcional 2013
- Spatial depth-based outlier detection for functional data 2013
- Spatial depth-based outlier detection for functional data 2013
- Statistical estimation of non-stationary MAP2s 2013
- The Mahalanobis distance for functional data with applications to classification 2013
- The Mahalanobis distance for functional data with applications to classification 2013
- Boxplots for Functions based on Halfgraph Orders 2012
- Contraste de independencia para datos funcionales 2012
- Dependence Measures for Functional Observations 2012
- Extremality Stochastic Order and its Applications 2012
- Identifiability of the Two-State Batch Markovian Arrival Processes (BMAP) 2012
- Interpretabilidad de los clasificadores SVM para datos funcionales 2012
- Measuring the Extremality of a Curve 2012
- Optimal Portfolio Selection through Rotations 2012
- Ordering Curves: Boxplots for Functional Data 2012
- Portfolio Selection for Elliptically Distributed Assets 2012
- Portfolio Selection through an Extremality Order 2012
- Robust Classification for Functional Data Via Spatial Depth-Based Methods 2012
- Several Ageing Notions of Sequential Order Statistics 2012
- Sobre la identificabilidad del proceso de llegadas Markoviano en grupo con dos estados 2012
- Some Results on Ordering of Spacings from Two Samples 2012
- Spatial Depth-Based Classification for Functional Data 2012
- Spatial Depth-Based Classification for Functional Data 2012
- Classification and Discriminant Procedures for Dependent Data 2011
- Comparing Stochastically the Components of Sequential k-out-of-n Systems 2011
- Dependence for Functional Data 2011
- Extremality for Functional Data. 131-134. 2011
- Functional Kendall's Tau with Applications 2011
- Interpretable Support Vector Machines for Functional Data 2011
- Interpretable Support Vector Machines for Functional Data 2011
- Multivariate Extremes: A Directional Approach 2011
- On Bayesian Inference and Prediction for Computer Software 2011
- Percentile Residual Life Orders and the Decreasing Percentile Residual Life Aging Notion 2011
- The Decreasing Percentile Residual Life Aging Notion: Properties and Estimation. 85-88. 2011
- Characterization of Bathtub Distributions Via Percentile Residual Life Functions. 108-108. 2010
- Inference for the Difference of Two Percentile Residual Life Functions 2010
- Inference for the Difference of Two Percentile Residual Life Functions 2010
- Multivariate Data Order Based on Extremality. 103-103. 2010
- Multivariate Order Based on Extremality Notion 2010
- On the Multivariate Extremality Measure 2010
- Sobre el coeficiente Tau-Kendall para datos funcionales. 110-110. 2010
- The decreasing percentile residual life aging notion. 155-155. 2010
- Bandas de confianza bootstrap para la diferencia de funciones de vida cuantílica residual 2009
- Bandas de confianza bootstrap para la diferencia de funciones percentílicas de vida residual 2009
- Bayesian Inference and Identifiability Conditions for the Markovian Arrival Process 2008
- Bayesian Inference and Identifiability Conditions for the Markovian Arrival Process 2008
- Funciones cuantílicas de vida residual: propiedades y aplicaciones 2008
- Percentile Residual Life Stochastic Orders 2008
- Stochastic Orders Based on the Percentile Residual Life Function 2008
- Stochastic Orders Based on the Percentile Residual Life Function 2008
working papers
- Multivariate Functional Outlier Detection using the FastMUOD Indices 2022
- A quantile based dimension reduction technique 2021
- Iterative variable selection for high-dimensional data: prediction of pathological response in triple-negative breast cancer 2020
- Shrinkage reweighted regression 2019
- Quantile regression : a penalization approach 2019
- Findings about the two-state BMMPP for modeling point processes in reliability and queueing systems 2017
- Multivariate outlier detection based on a robust Mahalanobis distance with shrinkage estimators 2017
- Directional multivariate extremes in environmental phenomena 2016
- A Random Walk Test for Functional Time Series 2015
- Two-sample Hotelling's T² statistics based on the functional Mahalanobis semi-distance 2015
- A Directional Multivariate Value at Risk 2015
- Functional outlier detection with a local spatial depth 2014
- Homogeneity test for functional data based on depth measures 2014
- A Kendall correlation coefficient for functional dependence 2013
- Spearman coefficient for functions 2013
- Lasso variable selection for functional regression 2013
- The Mahalanobis distance for functional data with applications to classification 2013
- Portfolio selection through and extremality stochastic order 2012
- On the identifiability of the two-state BMAP 2012
- Spatial depth-based classification for functional data 2012
- Comparisons among spacings from two populations 2012
- Handwritten digit classification 2011
- On stochastic properties between some ordered random variables 2011
- The Percentile Residual Life up to Time t0: Ordering and Aging Properties 2010
- Comparing Quantile Residual Life Functions by Confidence Bands 2010
- Multivariate Extremality Measure 2010
- Characterization of Bathtub Distributions Via Percentile Residual Life Functions 2010
- The Decreasing Percentile Residual Life Aging Notion 2010
- Non-Identifiability of the Two State Markovian Arrival Process 2009
- Nonidentifiability of the two-state Markovian arrival process 2009
- On the Conjecture of Kochar and Korwar 2009
- Clustering and Classifying Images with Local and Global Variability 2009
- Percentile Residual Life Orders 2008
- On Identifiability of MAP Processes 2008
- Inference for Double Pareto Lognormal Queues with Applications 2008