sample of publications
- Structured factor copulas for modeling the systemic risk of European and United States banks. International Review of Financial Analysis. 96 Part A:103621. 2024
- Testing for linearity in scalar¿on¿function regression with responses missing at random. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS. 39:3405-3429. 2024
- Sequential detection of parameter changes in dynamic conditional correlation models. APPLIED STOCHASTIC MODELS IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY. 37:475-495. 2021
- Variational inference for high dimensional structured factor copulas. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 151:1-23. 2020
- Copula stochastic volatility in oil returns: Approximate Bayesian computation with volatility prediction. Energy Economics. 92. 2020
- A robust procedure to build dynamic factor models with cluster structure. Journal of Econometrics. 216:35-52. 2020
- Parallel bayesian inference for high-dimensional dynamic factor copulas. Journal of Financial Econometrics. 17:118-151. 2019
- Rejoinder on: Data science, big data and statistics. TEST. 28:363-368. 2019
- Data science, big data and statistics. TEST. 28:289-329. 2019
- Estimation, imputation and prediction for the functional linear model with scalar response with responses missing at random. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 131:91-103. 2019
- Las nuevas oportunidades del Big Data para las instituciones financieras. Papeles de economía española. 78-97. 2019
- Particle learning for Bayesian semi-parametric stochastic volatility model. Econometric Reviews. 38:1007-1023. 2019
- Dating multiple change points in the correlation matrix. TEST. 26:331-332. 2017
- Functional Principal Component Regression and Functional Partial Least-squares Regression: An Overview and a Comparative Study. INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL REVIEW. 85:61-83. 2017
- Monitoring multivariate variance changes. Journal of Empirical Finance. 39:54-68. 2016
- A Bayesian non-parametric approach to asymmetric dynamic conditional correlation model with application to portfolio selection. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 100:814-829. 2016
- Functional outlier detection by a local depth with application to NOx levels. STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT. 30:1115-1130. 2016
- The Mahalanobis Distance for Functional Data With Applications to Classification. TECHNOMETRICS. 57:281-291. 2015
- Bayesian inference methods for univariate and multivariate GARCH Models: a Survey. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC SURVEYS. 29:76-96. 2015
- Spatial depth-based classification for functional data. TEST. 23:725-750. 2014
- Multiple break detection in the correlation structure of random variables. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 76:262-282. 2014
- A semiparametric Bayesian approach to the analysis of financial time series with applications to value at risk estimation. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. 232:350-358. 2014
- Monitoring correlation change in a sequence of random variables. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 143:186-196. 2013
- Comments on: Some recent theory for autoregressive count time series by Dag Tjostheim. DISCUSSION. TEST. 21:455-458. 2012
- The Gaussian Mixture Dynamic Conditional Correlation Model: Parameter Estimation, Value at Risk Calculation, and Portfolio Selection. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & ECONOMIC STATISTICS. 28:559-571. 2010
- Measures of Influence in the Functional Linear Model with Scalar Response. JOURNAL OF MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS. 101:305-490. 2010
- Shifts in Individual Parameters of a GARCH Model. Journal of Financial Econometrics. 8:122-153. 2010
- Outlier Detection in Functional Data by Depth Measures with Application to Identify Abnormal NOx Levels. ENVIRONMETRICS. 19:331-345. 2008
book chapters
- Una aplicación del análisis de series temporales funcionales a los precios horarios de la electricidad en el mercado MIBEL. In: Análisis Econométrico y Big Data. FUNCAS. 163-189. 2021
- Parameter estimation of the functional linear model with scalar response with responses missing at random. In: Functional statistics and related fields. SPRINGER. 105-111. 2017
- Finding outliers in linear and nonlinear time series. In: Robustness and complex data structures. SPRINGER. 243-260. 2013
- Additive Outlier Detection in Seasonal ARIMA Models by a Modified Bayesian Information Criterion. In: Economic Time Series: Modeling and Seasonality. CRC Press & IEEE. 317-336. 2012
- Principal Components Selection for Estimating the Functional Linear Model with Scalar Response. In: Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Large Data-Sets. CLEUP. 223-226. 2009
- An Unified Approach to Model Selection, Discrimination, Goodness of Fit and Outliers in Time Series. In: Advances in Mathematical and Statistical Modeling. Birkhauser. 267-278. 2008
- Influence in the Functional Linear Model with Scalar Response. In: Functional and Operational Statistics. SPRINGER. 165-171. 2008
conference contributions
- Una introducción a las seriestemporales funcionales 2020
- Estimation, imputation and prediction for the functional linear model with scalar response with missing responses. 218. 2018
- Variational inference for high dimensional structured factor copulas. 202. 2018
- Cleaning a large set of time series for common, cluster and specific outliers 2017
- Parameter estimation of the functional linear model with scalar response with responses missing at random. 105-111. 2017
- Approximate bayesian computation for phase-type distributions 2016
- Inferencia bayesiana para modelos GARCH con errores SNI 2016
- Modelling high dimensional stock dependence using factor copulas 2016
- Outlier detection in high-dimensional time series 2016
- Outlier detection in high-dimensional time series 2016
- Big data analysis from a statistical perspective: opportunities and challenges 2015
- Dating multiple change points in time series correlations with applications to financial returns 2015
- Functional outlier detection with a local spatial depth 2015
- Statistical analysis of networks with R 2015
- Dating multiple change points in the correlation matrix 2014
- Particle learning for Bayesian non-parametric Markov switching stochastic volatility model 2014
- Particle learning for Bayesian non-parametric Markov switching stochastic volatility model 2014
- Particle learning for Bayesian nonparametric stochastic volatility model 2014
- The Mahalanobis distance for functional data with applications to classification 2014
- A bayesian non-parametric approach to asymmetric dynamis conditional correlation model with application to portfolio selection 2013
- Multiple break detection in the correlation structure of random variables 2013
- Particle learning for bayesian non-parametric Markov switching stochastic volatility models with financial applications 2013
- Spatial depth-based outlier detection for functional data 2013
- Spatial depth-based outlier detection for functional data 2013
- The Mahalanobis distance for functional data with applications to classification 2013
- The Mahalanobis distance for functional data with applications to classification 2013
- Bayesian Non-Parametric Portfolio Allocation and Hedging Risk with Multivariate Asymmetric GARCH 2012
- Multiple Break Detection in the Correlation Structure of Time Series 2012
- Robust Classification for Functional Data Via Spatial Depth-Based Methods 2012
- Spatial Depth-Based Classification for Functional Data 2012
- Spatial Depth-Based Classification for Functional Data 2012
- The Estimation of Prediction Error in Functional Settings through Bootstrap Methods 2012
- A Semiparametric Bayesian Approach to the GARCH Model with Application to Value at Risk Estimation 2011
- Aspectos generales sobre la presencia de adtos atípicos en series temporales 2011
- Classification and Discriminant Procedures for Dependent Data 2011
- Selection of Eigenfunctions in the Fucntional Linear Model with Scalar Response 2008
- The Gaussian Mixture Conditional Correlation Model: Parameter Estimation, Value at Risk Calculation and Portfolio Selection 2008
working papers
- Variational Inference for high dimensional structured factor copulas 2018
- Parallel Bayesian Inference for High Dimensional Dynamic Factor Copulas 2017
- Two-sample Hotelling's T² statistics based on the functional Mahalanobis semi-distance 2015
- Dating multiple change points in the correlation matrix 2015
- Monitoring multivariate variance changes 2015
- Particle learning for Bayesian non-parametric Markov Switching Stochastic Volatility model 2014
- Bayesian estimation of a Dynamic Conditional Correlation model with multivariate Skew-Slash innovations 2014
- Functional outlier detection with a local spatial depth 2014
- A Bayesian non-parametric approach to asymmetric dynamic conditional correlation model with application to portfolio selection 2013
- The Mahalanobis distance for functional data with applications to classification 2013
- Bayesian non-parametric approach to asymmetric dynamic conditional correlation model with application to portfolio selection 2013
- Modeling financial time series with the skew slash distribution 2012
- Spatial depth-based classification for functional data 2012
- A Semiparametric Bayesian Approach to the Analysis of Financial Time Series with Applications to value at Risk 2010