sample of publications
- Thermo-electro-mechanical aging and degradation of conductive 3D printed PLA/CB composite. Composite Structures. 316:1-18. 2023
- Efficient metrics for the detection of partial discharges under steep-fronted voltage pulses. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 141:1-8. 2022
- Detecting Serial Arcs in Aeronautical Applications Using Inductive Sensors. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. 58:2073-2082. 2022
- Conductive 3D printed PLA composites: On the interplay of mechanical, electrical and thermal behaviours. Composite Structures. 265:1-9. 2021
- Uncertainty sources in the estimation of the partial discharge inception voltage in turn-to-turn insulation systems. IEEE Access. 8:157510-157519. 2020
- Solution blow spun graded dielectrics based on poly(vinylidene fluoride)/multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites. European Polymer Journal. 122:1-11. 2020
- Multiple Partial Discharge Source Localization in Power Cables through Power Spectral Separation and Time-Domain Reflectometry. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 68:4703-4711. 2019
- PVDF/BaTiO3/carbon nanotubes ternary nanocomposites prepared by ball milling: Piezo and dielectric responses. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 136:47788. 2019
- Insulation Design of Low Voltage Electrical Motors Fed by PWM Inverters. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine. 35:7-15. 2019
- Radio-Frequency Localization of Multiple Partial Discharges Sources with Two Receivers. Sensors. 18. 2018
- Partial Discharge Spectral Characterization in HF, VHF and UHF Bands Using Particle Swarm Optimization. Sensors. 18. 2018
- Robust Condition Assessment of Electrical Equipment with One Class Support Vector Machines Based on the Measurement of Partial Discharges. Energies. 11. 2018
- Survey on the performance of source localization algorithms. Sensors. 17:1-25. 2017
- Study on the self-integration of a Rogowski coil used in the measurement of partial discharges pulses. Electrical Engineering. 99:817-826. 2017
- Partial Discharges and Noise Separation using Spectral Power Ratios and Genetic Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 24:31-38. 2017
- Multiple partial discharge source discrimination with multiclass support vector machines. Expert Systems with Applications. 55:417-428. 2016
- Antenna deployment for the localization of partial discharges in open-air substations. Sensors. 16:1-11. 2016
- Cyclodextrin-grafted barium titanate nanoparticles for improved dispersion and stabilization in water-based systems. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 18:24. 2016
- Separation of sources in radiofrequency measurements of partial discharges using time-power ratio maps. ISA Transactions. 58:389-397. 2015
- Automatic selection of frequency bands for the power ratios separation technique in partial discharge measurements: Part I, Fundamentals and noise rejection in simple test objects. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 22:2284-2291. 2015
- Automatic selection of frequency bands for the power ratios separation technique in partial discharge measurements: Part II, PD source recognition and applications. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 22:2293-2301. 2015
- Separation of radio-frequency sources and localization of partial discharges in noisy environments. Sensors. 15:9882-9898. 2015
- Inductive Sensor Performance in Partial Discharges and Noise Separation by Means of Spectral Power Ratios. Sensors. 14:3408-3427. 2014
- Composites based on HDPE filled with BaTiO₃ submicrometric particles. Morphology, structure and dielectric properties. Polymer Testing. 32:1342-1349. 2013
- Electrical ageing markers for polyethylene insulation based on space charge accumulation and apparent mobility. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 20:2222-2229. 2013
- Partial discharge source recognition by means of clustering of spectral power ratios. Measurement Science and Technology. 24:1-11. 2013
- Antennas parameterization for the detection of partial discharges. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 62:932-941. 2013
- Partial discharge and noise separation by means of spectral-power clustering techniques. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 20:1436-1443. 2013
- Antenna parametrization for the detection of partial discharges. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 62:932-941. 2013
- Shielding effect of power transformers tanks in the ultra-high-frequency detection of partial discharges. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 20:678-684. 2013
- Uniformly Dispersed Submicrometre BaTiO3 Particles in PS Based Composites. Morphology, Structure and Dielectric Properties. Polymer Testing. 31:1121-1130. 2012
- Electro-acoustic detection, identification and location of partial discharge sources in oil-paper insulation system. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 19:1569-1578. 2012
- Caracterización de sistemas de aislamiento de maquinaria rotativa empleando detección de descargas parciales. Energia:Revista de ingenieria energetica y medioambiental. 38:78-84. 2012
- Self-integrating inductive loop for measuring high frequency pulses. Review of Scientific Instruments. 82:1-5. 2011
- Study of an inductive sensor for measuring high frequency current pulses. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 60:1893-1900. 2011
- Frentes escarpados de onda de alta tensión para tratamientos oncológicos: perspectivas y potenciales desarrollos. Gaceta Mexicana de Oncologia. 10:103-108. 2011
- Steep-fronted High Voltage pulses for oncologic treatments: overview and future potential development. Gaceta Mexicana de Oncologia. 10:103-108. 2011
- Influence of Leakage Magnetic Fields on Partial Discharge Activity in Power Transformers. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 17:1724-1730. 2010
- Partial Discharge Pulse Shape Recognition using an Inductive Loop Sensor. Measurement Science and Technology. 21:105706. 2010
- Inductive Sensor for Measuring High Frequency Partial Discharges within Electrical Insulation. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 58:3907-3913. 2009
- Reduction of Electrical Stresses on Low-Voltage Induction Motor Insulation Systems Through Remote-Controlled Inverters. Electric Power Components and Systems. 36:885-896. 2008
- Frequency Domain Model for Calculation of Voltage Distribution Through Random Wound Coils and Iits Interaction with Stray Capacitances. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. 23:742-751. 2008
- Inductively Coupled Probe for the Measurement of Partial Discharges. Review of Scientific Instruments. 79:55104. 2008
- Aislamiento eléctrico de equipos de alta tensión. Garceta. 2020
conference contributions
- Temperature effect on conservative PDIV prediction models based on Paschen"s Law 2022
- Thermo-electrical aging of 3D printed PLA conductive composites: Dependence on printing orientation 2022
- Partial discharges measurement during under-damped steep-fronted overvoltages 2020
- Towards series arc fault detection in more electrical aircrafts. 866-869. 2020
- Designing a Rogowski Coil with Particle Swarm Optimization 2018
- Statistical correlation between partial discharge pulses magnitudes measured in the HF and UHF range. 1-4. 2018
- A combined algorithm approach for PD location estimation using RF antennas 2017
- Planar localization of radio-frequency or acoustic sources with two receivers. 1-6. 2017
- Spatial study of the uncertainties in the localization of partial discharges for different antenna layouts 2017
- Ageing study on enameled magnet wires through statistical analysis of conventional partial discharge magnitudes and repetition rate. 650-653. 2016
- Design criteria for inverter-fed Type 1 motors. 605-608. 2016
- Ensemble empirical mode decomposition for the denoising of partial discharges measured in UHF. 963-966. 2016
- Statistical analysis of RF signals emitted by partial discharges 2016
- The influence of antenna positioning errors on the radio-frequency localization of partial discharges sources. 1-7. 2016
- A new monitoring and characterization system of partial discharges based on the analysis of the spectral power = Un nuevo sistema de monitorización y caracterización de descargas parciales basado en el análisis de la potencia espectral. 13-20. 2015
- Antenna array layout for the localization of partial discharges in open-air substations. 1-7. 2015
- On the use of spectral power ratios for partial discharge and noise separation in radiofrequency measurements. 1813-1818. 2015
- Chromatic classification of RF signals for partial discharges and noise characterization. 67-70. 2013
- On the use of Vivaldi antennas in the detection of partial discharges. 302-305. 2013
- Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE): dielectric strength and space charge characteristics. 362-365. 2013
- Uniformly dispersed submicrometric BaTiO₃ particles in HDPE based composites. 847-850. 2013
- Uniformly dispersed submicrometric BaTiO3 particles in HDPE based composites. Morphology, structure and dielectric properies. 847-850. 2013
- A Partial Discharges Acquisition and Statistical Analysis Software. 1670-1675. 2012
- Antenna selection and frequency response study for UHF detection of partial discharges. 1496-1499. 2012
- Partial discharges and noise separation in high frequency signals using inductive sensors. 1607-1611. 2012
- An Inductive Transducer for the Measurement of High Frequency Pulses with Applicability in the Detection of Partial Discharges. 375-379. 2010
- Designing and Tuning an Air-Cored Current Transformer for Partial Discharges Pulses Measurements. 2021. 2008