sample of publications
- Optimized Design and Implementation of Digital Lock-In for Planetary Exploration Sensors. IEEE Sensors Journal. 22:23367-23379. 2022
- Bi-spectral infrared algorithm for cloud coverage over oceans by the jem-euso mission program. Sensors. 21:1-21. 2021
- Methods to Retrieve the Cloud-Top Height in the Frame of the JEM-EUSO Mission. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 57:304-318. 2019
- Measurement of the thermal parameters of composite materials during fire tests with quantitative infrared imaging. Fire Technology. 54:313-333. 2018
- A quantitative infrared imaging system for in situ characterization of composite materials in fire tests. Fire Technology. 53:1309-1331. 2017
- The JEM-EUSO mission: An introduction. Experimental Astronomy. 40:3-17. 2015
- Space experiment TUS on board the Lomonosov satellite as pathfinder of JEM-EUSO. Experimental Astronomy. 40:315-326. 2015
- Calibration aspects of the JEM-EUSO mission. Experimental Astronomy. 40:91-116. 2015
- Performances of JEM-EUSO: energy and X (max) reconstruction. Experimental Astronomy. 40:183-214. 2015
- Science of atmospheric phenomena with JEM-EUSO. Experimental Astronomy. 40:239-251. 2015
- The EUSO-Balloon pathfinder. Experimental Astronomy. 40:281-299. 2015
- The JEM-EUSO observation in cloudy conditions. Experimental Astronomy. 40:135-152. 2015
- The atmospheric monitoring system of the JEM-EUSO instrument. Experimental Astronomy. 40:45-60. 2015
- The infrared camera onboard JEM-EUSO. Experimental Astronomy. 40:61-89. 2015
- Temperature profile retrieval in axisymmetric combustion plumes using multilayer perceptron modeling and spectral feature selection in the infrared CO2 emission band. Applied Spectroscopy. 68:900-908. 2014
- Remote sensing of water clouds temperature with an infrared camera on board the International Space Station in the frame of Japan Experiment module-Extreme Universe Space Observatory mission. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 8. 2014
- Spectral integrated infrared filter for the martian airborne dust sensor of the metNet space mission. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters. 5:63-66. 2013
- Measurement of Temperature Increment in Compressive Quasi-Static and Dynamic Tests Using the Infrared Thermography. Strain. 45:179-189. 2009
book chapters
conference contributions
- Mapping of temperature and CO2 column density in a standard flame by multispectral imaging. 1-12. 2021
- Thermal characterization of clouds using simple bispectral infrared imaging systems 2021
- Thermal characterization of thermoplastic composites under high temperature and fire by infrared imaging. 1-13. 2021
- Measurement of temperature and gas concentration in a flame using a FTIR imager. 1-3. 2017
- Measurement of temperature and gas concentration in a flame based on a hyperspectral IR imager 2016
- Sun Irradiance and Dust Sensor Investigations on board the ExoMars 2018 Lander 2016
- Cloud phase identification based on brightness temperatures provided by the bi-spectral IR Camera of JEM-EUSO Mission. 1-6. 2015
- Comparing different methods to retrieve cloud top height from Meteosat satellite data 2015
- Retrieval of optically thin cloud emissivity from brightness temperatures provided by IR Camera of JEM-EUSO Mission 2015
- A novel methodology for thermal haracterization of composite materials at high temperature: Application to thermal shields 2014
- A validated tool for thermal design and the forecasting of behavior of composite materials exposed to high thermal loads 2014
- Aircraft fuel tank leaks inspection through spectral infrared imaging of gases 2014
- CTH estimation from satellite IR DATA: Comparison between a stereo algorithm and a radiative method 2014
- Contactless thermal parameters characterization based on infrared image methods: Uncertainly improvement of flash method for thin samples 2014
- Multispectral Infrared Sensor for Martian Atmospheric Parameters Retrieval 2014
- Overview of cloud height retrieval from the bi-spectral IR camera by radiative methods 2014
- Thermal characterization of composite materials exposed to fire: quantitative comparison between classic and infrared-nondestructive methods 2014
- Virtualization and prediction of thermal behavior of composite materials exposed to fire: 3D FireSimulator 2014
- Active thermography: Finding and characterizing hidden defects inside materials 2013
- Characterization of defects in encapsulated solar modules using infrared lock-in thermography 2013
- Experimental Determination of the Thermal Parameters of Carbon Fibre Composite Materials Exposed to Fire by Infrared Imaging Pulse Thermography. 1606-1616. 2013
- New improvements in the Infrared atmospheric sensor for the Mars MetNet Mission. 155-158. 2013
- Termografía multibanda: un procedimiento para la medida precisa y sin contacto de la temperatura. 2013
- Observation of Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Rays in Cloudy Conditions by the Space-based JEM-EUSO Observatory 2012
- Optimization of the Concentration Optics of the Martian Airborne Dust Sensor for MetNet Space Mission 2012
- Measurement of Physical Parameters of Forest Fires by Infrared Imaging Methods 2008