sample of publications
- Expecting the unexpected: Stressed scenarios for economic growth. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS. 39. 2024
- The factor structure of exchange rates volatility: global and intermittent factors. Empirical Economics. 67. 2024
- Ignoring cross-correlated idiosyncratic components when extracting factors in dynamic factor models. ECONOMICS LETTERS. 230. 2023
- Direct versus iterated multiperiod Value-at-Risk forecasts. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC SURVEYS. 37:915-949. 2023
- Dynamic factor models: Does the specification matter?. Series-Journal of the Spanish Economic Association. 13:397-428. 2022
- Accurate Confidence Regions for Principal Components Factors. OXFORD BULLETIN OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS. 83:1432-1453. 2021
- 30 years of cointegration and dynamic factor models forecasting and its future with big data: Editorial. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING. 37:1333-1337. 2021
- Factor extraction using Kalman filter and smoothing: This is not just another survey. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING. 37:1399-1425. 2021
- Comparing high-dimensional conditional covariance matrices: Implications for portfolio selection. JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE. 118:1-13. 2020
- Prediction regions for interval¿valued time series. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS. 35:373-390. 2020
- A bootstrap approach for generalized Autocontour testing Implications for VIX forecast densities. Econometric Reviews. 39:971-990. 2020
- Asymmetric stochastic volatility models: Properties and particle filter-based simulated maximum likelihood estimation. Econometrics and Statistics. 13:84-105. 2020
- Estimating non-stationary common factors : implications for risk sharing. Computational Economics. 55:37-60. 2020
- Growth in stress. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING. 35:948-966. 2019
- Uncertainty and density forecasts of ARMA models: comparison of asymptotic, bayesian and bootstrap procedures. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC SURVEYS. 32:388-419. 2018
- MGARCH models: Trade-off between feasibility and flexibility. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING. 34:45-63. 2018
- Robust bootstrap densities for dynamic conditional correlations: implications for portfolio selection and Value-at-Risk. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL COMPUTATION AND SIMULATION. 88:1976-2000. 2018
- Robust bootstrap forecast densities for GARCH returns and volatilities. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL COMPUTATION AND SIMULATION. 87:3152-3174. 2017
- Threshold stochastic volatility: Properties and forecasting. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING. 33:1105-1123. 2017
- Determining the number of factors after stationary univariate transformations. Empirical Economics. 53:351-372. 2017
- The uncertainty of conditional returns, volatilities and correlations in DCC models. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 100:170-185. 2016
- Frontiers in VaR forecasting and backtesting. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING. 32:475-501. 2016
- Identification of asymmetric conditional heteroscedasticity in the presence of outliers. Series-Journal of the Spanish Economic Association. 7:179-201. 2016
- Bootstrap multi-step forecasts of non-Gaussian VAR models. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING. 31:834-848. 2015
- Comparing univariate and multivariate models to forecast portfolio Value-at-Risk. Journal of Financial Econometrics. 11:400-441. 2013
- Statistical signal extraction and filtering. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 58:1-3. 2013
- Introduction to flash indicators. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING. 29:642-643. 2013
- Revisiting several popular GARCH models with leverage effect: differences and similarities. Journal of Financial Econometrics. 10:637-668. 2012
- Maximally Autocorrelated Power Transformations: A Closer Look at the Properties of Stochastic Volatility Models. STUDIES IN NONLINEAR DYNAMICS AND ECONOMETRICS. 16. 2012
- Can we evaluate the predictability of financial markets?. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING. 28:1-2. 2012
- Bootstrap prediction mean squared errors of unobserved states based on the Kalman filter with estimated parameters. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 56:62-74. 2012
- Estimating GARCH volatility in the presence of outliers. ECONOMICS LETTERS. 114:86-90. 2012
- Prediction intervals in conditionally heteroscedastic time series with stochastic components. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING. 27:308-319. 2011
- Estimando relaciones entre variables económicas (utilizando integrales, límites, inversión de matrices, maximización numérica y derivadas). Matematicalia. 7:1-8. 2011
- Interview with Professor Andrew Harvey. Boletín inflación y análisis macroeconómico. 200:42-46. 2011
- Conditionally Heterocedastic Unobserved Component Models and their Reduced Form. ECONOMICS LETTERS. 107:88-90. 2010
- El efecto de la crisis sobre la volatilidad y el riesgo del IBEX35. Boletín inflación y análisis macroeconómico. 79-87. 2010
- A Note on the Properties of Power-Transformed Returns in Long-Memory Stochastic Volatility Models with Leverage Effect. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 53:3593-3600. 2009
- Testing for Conditional Heteroscedasticity in the Components of Inflation. STUDIES IN NONLINEAR DYNAMICS AND ECONOMETRICS. 13. 2009
- Bootstrap Prediction Intervals in State-Space Models. JOURNAL OF TIME SERIES ANALYSIS. 30:167-178. 2009
- Modelling Long-Memory Volatilities with Leverage Effect: A-LMSV Versus FIEGARCH. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 52:2846-2862. 2008
book chapters
- Presentación. In: Análisis econométrico y big data. FUNDACIÓN DE LOS BANCOS Y CAJAS DE CECA (FUNCAS). 2021
- Predicción de series temporales basada en Machine Learning: aplicaciones económicas y financieras. In: Nuevo métodos de predicción económica con datos masivos. FUNDACIÓN DE LOS BANCOS Y CAJAS DE CECA (FUNCAS). 189-214. 2021
- Presentación. In: Nuevo métodos de predicción económica con datos masivos. FUNDACIÓN DE LOS BANCOS Y CAJAS DE CECA (FUNCAS). 1-3. 2021
- Small- versus big-data factor extraction in dynamic factor models: an empirical assessment. In: Dynamic factor models. EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED. 2016
- More is not always better: Kalman filtering in dynamic factor models. In: Unobserved components and time series econometrics. Oxford University Press (Ed.). 2015
conference contributions
- Factor extraction using Kalman filter and smoothing 2020
- Predicción de series temporales basada en Machine Learning: aplicaciones económicas y financieras 2020
- Prediction regions for interval-valued time series. 97-98. 2018
- Estimating non-stationary common factors: implications for risk sharing 2017
- Resampling uncertainty of Principal Components factors 2017
- A bootstrap approach for Generalized autocontour testing 2016
- A bootstrap approach for generalized autocontour testing. 99. 2016
- Asymmetric stochastic volatility models: properties and estimation 2016
- Determining the number of factors after stationary univariate transformations. 99. 2016
- MGARCH models: trade-off between feasibility and flexibility. 92. 2016
- Measuring the uncertainty of principal components in dynamic factor models 2016
- Dimensionality: curse or blessing? : an empirical assessment when estimating factors in DFM 2014
- Dimensionality: curse or blessing? An empirical assessment when estimating factors in DFM 2014
- One for all: nesting asymmetric stochastic volatility models 2014
- One for all: nesting asymmetric stochastic volatility models 2014
- Dynamic factor models 2013
- Nesting asymmetric stochastic volatility models 2013
- The uncertainty of conditional correlations in DCC models 2013
- Bootstrapping Prediction Intervals 2012
- On the Issue of How Many Variables to Use When Estimating Common Factors using the Kalman Fiter 2012
- On the Issue of How Many Variables to Use when Estimating Common Factors Using the Kalman Filter 2012
- On the Issue of how many Variables to use when Estimating Common Factors using the Kalman Filter 2012
- Bootstrap Forecast of Multivariate VAR Models 2011
- On the Issue of How Many Variables to Use When Estimating Common Factors Using the Kalman Filter 2011
- Modelling intra-daily volatility by functional data analysis: an empirical application to the Spanish stock market 2009
- ARIMA-GARCH and Unobserved Component Models with GARCH Disturbances: Are their Prediction Intervals Different? 2008
- Bootstrap Forecast in Conditionally Heteroscedastic Unobserved Component Models 2008
- The Relationship between ARIMA-GARCH and Unobserved Component Models with GARCH Disturbances 2008
working papers
- International vulnerability of inflation 2024
- Extreme temperatures and the profitability of large European firms 2024
- Economic activity and C02 emissions in Spain 2023
- Effects of extreme temperature on the European equity market 2023
- Modelling intervals of minimum/maximum temperatures in the Iberian Peninsula 2023
- Ignoring cross-correlated idiosyncratic components when extracting factors in dynamic factor models 2022
- Economic activity and climate change 2022
- Dynamic factor models: does the specification matter? 2021
- Expecting the unexpected: economic growth under stress 2021
- Factor extraction using Kalman filter and smoothing: this is not just another survey 2020
- Direct versus iterated multi-period Value at Risk 2020
- A comment on the dynamic factor model with dynamic factors 2020
- Comparing Forecasts of Extremely Large Conditional Covariance Matrices 2019
- Prediction regions for interval-valued time series 2019
- Growth in Stress 2018
- Estimating non-stationary common factors : Implications for risk sharing 2017
- Measuring the uncertainty of Principal Components in Dynamic Factor Models 2016
- A Bootstrap Approach for Generalized Autocontour Testing 2016
- Determining the number of factors after stationary univariate transformations 2016
- Robust bootstrap forecast densities for GARCH models: returns, volatilities and value-at-risk 2015
- MGARCH models: tradeoff between feasibility and flexibility 2015
- Model uncertainty and the forecast accuracy of ARMA models: A survey 2015
- Small versus big-data factor extraction in Dynamic Factor Models: An empirical assessment 2015
- Score driven asymmetric stochastic volatility models 2014
- Identification of asymmetric conditional heteroscedasticity in the presence of outliers 2014
- The uncertainty of conditional returns, volatilities and correlations in DCC models 2014
- One for all: nesting asymmetric stochastic volatility models 2013
- More is not always better : back to the Kalman filter in dynamic factor models 2012
- Bootstrap forecast of multivariate VAR models without using the backward representation 2011
- Comparing Sample and Plug-in Moments in Asymmetric Garch Models 2010
- Bootstrap Prediction Intervals for VaR and ES in the Context of GARCH Models 2010
- Optimal Portfolios with Minimum Capital Requirements 2010
- Bootstrap Prediction Mean Squared Errors of Unobserved States Based on the Kalman Filter with Estimated Parameters 2010
- Comparing Univariate and Multivariate Models to Forecast Portfolio Value-at-Risk 2009
- Modelling Intra-Daily Volatility by Functional Data Analysis: An Empirical Application to the Spanish Stock Market 2009
- Measuring Financial Risk: Comparison of Alternative Procedures to Estimate VaR and ES 2008
- Bootstrap Prediction Intervals in State Space Models 2008
- Estimating and Forecasting GARCH Volatility in the Presence of Outliers 2008