sample of publications
- Non-elective caesarean section risk assessment using Machine Learning techniques = Evaluación del riesgo de cesárea no electiva mediante técnicas de Machine Learning. Clinica e Investigacion en Ginecologia y Obstetricia. 51:1-10. 2024
- Consideraciones técnicas y jurídicas para la automatización de la actuación administrativa de los entes locales. Revista Iberoamericana de Gobierno Local. 1-40. 2023
- Seamless Transition From Machine Learning on the Cloud to Industrial Edge Devices With IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 10:16548-16563. 2023
- CONEqNet: convolutional music equalizer network. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 82:3911-3930. 2023
- MAMOM: Multicriteria Attribution Model for Online Marketing. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making. 1-23. 2022
- A super-resolution enhancement of UAV images based on a convolutional neural network for mobile devices. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 26:1193-1204. 2022
- LIPSNN: A Light Intrusion-Proving Siamese Neural Network Model for Facial Verification. International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence. 7:121-131. 2022
- The application of analytic hierarchy process to implement collaborative governance process: The allocation of the urban structural funds in the city of Madrid. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. 28:18-33. 2021
- Minimum Relevant Features to Obtain Explainable Systems for Predicting Cardiovascular Disease Using the Statlog Data Set. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 11 (3):1-18. 2021
- Optimization of the ISP parameters of a camera through differential evolution. IEEE Access. 8:143479-143493. 2020
- MONEDA: scalable multi-objective optimization with a neural network-based estimation of distribution algorithm. Journal of Global Optimization. 66:729-768. 2016
- A stopping criterion for multi-objective optimization evolutionary algorithms. Information Sciences. 367:700-718. 2016
- Human action recognition with sparse classification and multiple-view learning. Expert Systems. 31:354-364. 2014
- A guided mutation operator for dynamic diversity enhancement in evolutionary strategies. International Journal of Natural Computing Research. 4:20-39. 2014
- Multi-objective optimization with an adaptive resonance theory-based estimation of distribution algorithm. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. 68:247-273. 2013
- A multi-objective approach for the segmentation issue. Engineering Optimization. 44:267-287. 2012
- InContexto: Multisensor Architecture to Obtain People Context from Smartphones. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2012:1-15. 2012
- A probabilistic, discriminative and distributed system for the recognition of human actions from multiple views. Neurocomputing. 75:78-87. 2012
- Fuzzy region assignment for visual tracking. Soft Computing. 15:1845-1864. 2011
- Boosting video tracking performance by means of Tabu Search in Intelligent Visual Surveillance Systems. Journal of Heuristics. 17:415-440. 2011
- MB-GNG: Addressing drawbacks in multi-objective optimization estimation of distribution algorithms. Operations Research Letters. 39:150-154. 2011
- A Meta-level Evolutionary Strategy for Many-criteria Design: Application to Improving Tracking Filters. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 23:243-252. 2009
- Visual Data Association for Real-Time Video Tracking Using Genetic and Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology. 19:208-220. 2009
- Effective Evolutionary Algorithms for Many-Specifications Attainment: Application to Air Traffic Control Tracking Filters. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. 13:151-168. 2009
book chapters
- Machine learning for smart tourism and retail. In: Research Anthology on Machine Learning Techniques, Methods, and Applications. IGI GLOBAL. p. 753-p. 775. 2022
- Data Fusion . In: Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies. SPRINGER. 2018
- Java in Ambient Intelligence Applications. In: Java Software and Embedded Systems. NOVA SCIENCE PUBLISHERS INC. 1-43. 2010
- Solving Combinatorial Problems with Time Constrains using Estimation of Distribution Algorithms and Their Application in Video-Tracking Systems. In: New Achievements in Evolutionary Computation. INTECH. 251-266. 2010
- Los derechos humanos y las nuevas tecnologías. In: Entre la ética, la política y el derecho: estudios en homenaje al profesor Gregorio Peces-Barba. I, Entre la ética, la política y el derecho. DYKINSON, S.L.. 933-946. 2008
- Computational Intelligence in Visual Sensor Networks: Improving Video Processing Systems. In: Computational Intelligence in Multimedia Processing: Recent Advances. SPRINGER. 351-377. 2008
- Ciencia de datos : técnicas analíticas y aprendizaje analítico : en un enfoque práctico. Altaria. 2018
- Sistemas de Fusión de Datos e Información de Contexto. Fundamentos, Técnicas y Aplicaciones. Editorial Académica Española. 2013
conference contributions
- Smart song equalization based on the classification of musical genres. 186-195. 2020
- A Convolutional Neural Network Model for Superresolution Enhancement of UAV Images. 992-997. 2019
- Analysis of the Consumption of Household Appliances for the Detection of Anomalies in the Behaviour of Older People. 60-68. 2019
- New Approach for the Aesthetic Improvement of Images Through the Combination of Convolutional Neural Networks and Evolutionary Algorithms. 229-240. 2019
- A Propose Architecture for Situated Multi-agent Systems and Virtual Simulated Environments Applied to Educational Immersive Experiences. 413-423. 2017
- Market Trends and Customer Segmentation for Data of Electronic Retail Store. 519-530. 2017
- A Data Fusion Perspective on Human Motion Analysis Including Multiple Camera Applications. 149-158. 2013
- An Alternative Archiving Technique for Evolutionary Polygonal Approximation. 68-73. 2013
- Combining Machine Learning Techniques and Natural Language Processing to Infer Emotions Using Spanish Twitter Corpus. 149-157. 2013
- Model and Feature Selection in Hidden Conditional Random Fields with Group Regularization. 140-149. 2013
- Multiobjective Local Search Techniques for Evolutionary Polygonal Approximation. 171-178. 2013
- Comparing Features Extraction Techniques Using J48 for Activity Recognition on Mobile Phones. 141-150. 2012
- ContextCare: Autonomous Video Surveillance System Using Multi-camera and Smartphones. 47-56. 2012
- EmotionContext: User Emotion Dataset Using Smartphones. 371-374. 2012
- Initialization Procedures for Multiobjective Evolutionary Approaches to the Segmentation Issue. 452-463. 2012
- Mutagenesis as a Diversity Enhancer and Preserver in Evolution Strategies. 725-732. 2012
- A Robust Memetic Algorithm with Self-Stopping Capabilities. 113-114. 2011
- Improving the Accuracy of Action Classification Using View-Dependent Context Information. 136-143. 2011
- Indicator-based MONEDA: A Comparative Study of Scalability with Respect to Decision Space Dimensions. 957-964. 2011
- Integrating Multicamera Surveillance Systems into Multiagent Location Systems. 1-9. 2011
- Multi-Objective Optimization with an Adaptive Resonance Theory-Based Estimation of Distribution Algorithm: A Comparative Study. 458-472. 2011
- Multicamera Action Recognition with Canonical Correlation Analysis and Discriminative Sequence Classification. 491-500. 2011
- inContexto: A Fusion Architecture to Obtain Mobile Context. 1803-1810. 2011
- Advancing Model-Building for Many-Objective Optimization Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. 512-521. 2010
- Fusion of Single View Soft k-NN Classifiers for Multicamera Human Action Recognition. 436-443. 2010
- Introducing a Robust and Efficient Stopping Criterion for MOEA's. 4314-4321. 2010
- Moving away from error-based learning in multi-objective estimation of distribution algorithms. 545-546. 2010
- Multi-Sensor and Multi Agents Architecture for Indoor Location. 309-316. 2010
- Piecewise Linear Representation Segmentation as a Multiobjective Optimization Problem. 267-274. 2010
- Introducing MONEDA: Scalable Multiobjective Optimization with a Neural Estimation of Distribution Algorithm 2008
- Model Building Algorithms for Multiobjective Edas: Directions for Improvement 2008
- On the Process of Designing an Activity Recognition System using Symbolic and Subsymbolic Techniques 2008
- Scalable Continuous Multiobjective Optimization with a Neural-based Estimation of Distribution Algorithm 2008
- Solving Video-Association Problem with Explicit Evaluation of Hypothesis Using EDAS 2008