sample of publications
- Average sampling in certain subspaces of Hilbert&-Schmidt operators on L2(Rd). Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis. 19:1-21. 2021
- Sampling in A-shift-invariant subspaces of Hilbert-Schmidt operators on L2(Rd). Mathematical Foundations of Computing. 4:281-297. 2021
- A note on continuous stable sampling. Advances in Operator Theory. 5:994-1013. 2020
- Convolution Systems on Discrete Abelian Groups as a Unifying Strategy in Sampling Theory. Results in Mathematics. 75:1-22. 2020
- On Regular Generalized Sampling in T-Invariant Subspaces of a Hilbert Space: An Overview. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization. 41:685-709. 2020
- Knit Product of Finite Groups and Sampling. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics. 16:1-16. 2019
- Riesz bases associated with regular representations of semidirect product groups. Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis. 14:41-62. 2019
- Sampling Associated with a Unitary Representation of a Semi-Direct Product of Groups: A Filter Bank Approach. Symmetry. 11. 2019
- Filter banks on discrete Abelian Groups. International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing. 16. 2018
- Sampling formulas involving differences in shift-invariant subspaces: a unified approach. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization. 39:667-688. 2017
- Sampling in unitary invariant subspaces associated to LCA groups. Results in Mathematics. 72:1725-1745. 2017
- Modeling Sampling in Tensor Products of Unitary Invariant Subspaces. Journal of Function Spaces. 1-14. 2016
- Finite Sampling in Multiple Generated U-Invariant Subspaces. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 62:2203-2212. 2016
- Hypercyclicity of translation operators in a reproducing kernel hilbert space of entire functions induced by an analytic hilbert-space-valued kernel. Osaka Journal of Mathematics. 52:581-599. 2015
- Sampling-related frames in finite U-invariant subspaces. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 39:173-184. 2015
- The Zero-Removing Property in Hilbert Spaces of Entire Functions Arising in Sampling Theory. Results in Mathematics. 67:471-494. 2015
- Generalized sampling: from shift-invariant to U-invariant spaces. Analysis and Applications. 13:303-329. 2015
- The Kramer sampling theorem revisited. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. 133:87-111. 2014
- Sampling associated with resolvent-type kernels and Lagrange-type interpolation series. Houston Journal of Mathematics. 39:1333-1347. 2013
- On Some Sampling-Related Frames in U-Invariant Spaces. Abstract and Applied Analysis. 1-14. 2013
- Sampling in reproducing Kernel Banach spaces. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics. 10:1401-1417. 2013
- Analytic Kramer kernels, Lagrange-type interpolation series and de Branges spaces. Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations. 58:79-97. 2013
- Multi-channel sampling on shift-invariant spaces with frame generators. International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing. 10:1-20. 2012
- A matrix pencil approach to the existence of compactly supported reconstruction functions in average sampling. Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 435:2837-2859. 2011
- The zero-removing property and Lagrange-type interpolation series. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization. 32:858-876. 2011
- Regular multivariate sampling and approximation in L-p shift-invariant spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 380:607-627. 2011
- Oversampling in Shift-Invariant Spaces with a Rational Sampling Period. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 57:3442-3449. 2009
- Multivariate Generalized Sampling in Shift-Invariant Spaces and Its Approximation Properties. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 355:397-413. 2009
- Oversampling and Reconstruction Functions with Compact Support. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 227:245-253. 2009
- El uso de bases y frames en teoría de muestreo. La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española. 12:301-314. 2009
- A General Sampling Theory in the Functional Hilbert Space Induced by a Hilbert Space Valued Kernel. Journal of applied functional analysis. 3:299-313. 2008
- On Lagrange-Type Interpolation Series and Analytic Kramer Kernels. Results in Mathematics. 51:215-228. 2008
- Aliasing Error of Sampling Series in Wavelet Subspaces. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization. 29:126-144. 2008
- Approximation from Shift-Invariant Spaces by Generalized Sampling Formulas. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 24:58-69. 2008
- Generalized Sampling in Shift-Invariant Spaces with Multiple Stable Generators. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 337:69-84. 2008
book chapters
- Sampling in the range of the analysis operator of a continuous frame having a unitary structure. In: From Operator Theory to Orthogonal Polynomials, Combinatorics, and Number Theor: A Volume in Honor of Lance Littlejohn's 70th Birthday. Birkhauser. 91-111. 2021
- Towards a Quantum Sampling Theory: The Case of Finite Groups. In: Classical and Quantum Physics: 60 Years Alberto Ibort Fest Geometry, Dynamics, and Control. SPRINGER. 203-229. 2019
- Sampling Theory and Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces. In: Operator Theory. SPRINGER. 87-110. 2015
- Generalized Sampling in L2(Rd) Shift-Invariant Subspaces with Multiple Stable Generators. In: Multiscale Signal Analysis and Modeling. SPRINGER. 51-80. 2013
- Espacios de Hilbert y análisis de Fourier: los primeros pasos. SANZ Y TORRES. 2014
- Bases en espacios de Hilbert. Teoría de muestreo y wavelets. SANZ Y TORRES. 2014
- Bases en espacios de Hilbert : teoría de muestreo y wavelets. MADRID: SANZ Y TORRES. 2012
- Espacios de Hilbert y análisis de Fourier : los primeros pasos. MADRID: SANZ Y TORRES. 2012
conference contributions
- Generalized sampling in U-invariant subspaces 2013
- Teoría de muestreo en espacios unitariamente invariantes 2013
- A matrix pencil tool to solve a sampling problem. 84. 2012
- Sampling in reproducing kernel Banach spaces 2012
- Analytical sampling, Lagrange-type interpolation series and de Branges spaces 2011
- Compactly supported reconstruction functions in average sampling: A matrix pencil approach 2011
- Generalized sampling in L2 (Rd) shift-invariant subspaces with multiple stable generators 2011
- Muestreo generalizado en subespacios invariantes por traslación de L2 (Rd).. 212-213. 2011