publisher of
- Proceedings of the XVII International Conference on Human Computer Interaction 2016
- Proceedings of the 20th European MPI Users' Group Meetin (EuroMPI 2013) Madrid, Spain, September 15-18, 2013. New York. 2013
- Analysis and implementation of nanotargeting on LinkedIn based on publicly available non-PII. 1-22. 2024
- Body Transformation: An Experiential Quality of Sensory Feedback Wearables for Altering Body Perception. 1-19. 2024
- Co-Designing Sensory Feedback for Wearables to Support Physical Activity through Body Sensations. 1-31. 2024
- Embodied Hybrid Bodystorming to Design an XR Suture Training Experience. 1-12. 2024
- Performance evaluation of Private and Public Blockchains for multi-cloud service federation. 217-221. 2024
- Towards a Minimalist Embodied Sketching Toolkit for Wearable Design for Motor Learning. 1-7. 2024
- A data science pipeline synchronisation method for edge-fog-cloud continuum. 2053-2064. 2023
- A hierarchical AI-based control plane solution for multi-technology deterministic networks. 316-321. 2023
- Aligning rTWT with 802.1Qbv: a Network Calculus Approach. 352-354. 2023
- Analysis of User Uniqueness on LinkedIn Based on Publicly Available Non-PII. 726-727. 2023
- Body x Materials: A workshop exploring the role of material-enabled body-based multisensory experiences. 1-7. 2023
- Cashing in on Contacts: Characterizing the OnlyFans Ecosystem. 2645-2654. 2023
- Design Resources in Movement-based Design Methods: a Practice-based Characterization. 871-888. 2023
- Edu-larp @ CHI 2023
- In the Room Where It Happens: Characterizing Local Communication and Threats in Smart Homes. 437-456. 2023
- Intelligent and Sustainable Transportation through Multi-Objective Model for the Logistic Route-Order Dispatching System. 530-536. 2023
- Modular Sumcheck Proofs With Applications to Machine Learning and Image Processing. 1437-1451. 2023
- On Futuring Body Perception Transformation Technologies: Roles, Goals and Values. 169-181. 2023
- Reimagining Machine Learning's Role in Assistive Technology by Co-Designing Exergames with Children Using a Participatory Machine Learning Design Probe. 1-16. 2023
- Technology, Movement, and Play Is Hampering and Boosting Interactive Play. 231-234. 2023
- The I/O Trace Initiative: Building a Collaborative I/O Archive to Advance HPC. 1216-1222. 2023
- Towards Advancing Body Maps as Research Tool for Interaction Design. 1-14. 2023
- Using RAW as control plane for wireless deterministic networks: challenges ahead. 328-333. 2023
- kaNSaaS: Combining Deep Learning and Optimization for Practical Overbooking of Network Slices. 51-60. 2023
- 'See with the app's eyes what your real eyes cannot see': design potentials for Mobile Augmented Reality at home. 1-5. 2022
- Anywear Academy: A Larp-based Camp to Inspire Computational Interest in Middle School Girls. 1192-1208. 2022
- Detecting Malicious Use of DoH Tunnels Using Statistical Traffic Analysis. 25-32. 2022
- Exploring a Multi-Device Immersive Learning Environment. 1-3. 2022
- Exploring and Materialising Bodily Experiences of Security through Lenses of Feminist HCI practices. 1-5. 2022
- Exploring the Design Space for Body Transformation Wearables to Support Physical Activity through Sensitizing and Bodystorming. 1-9. 2022
- FoReCo: a forecast-based recovery mechanism for real-time remote control of robotic manipulators. 7-9. 2022
- Global mobile network aggregators: taxonomy, roaming performance and optimization. 183-195. 2022
- IXCI:The Immersive eXperimenter Control Interface. 1-3. 2022
- Move to Design: Tactics and Challenges of Playful Movement-based Interaction Designers' Experiences during the Covid-19 Pandemic. 1-8. 2022
- Requirements and design patterns for an accessible video conferencing tool. 1-9. 2022
- TCP-Based distributed offloading architecture for the future of untethered immersive experiences in wireless networks. 121-132. 2022
- Towards an extensible privacy analysis framework for Smart Homes. 754-755. 2022
- Verifiable, Secure and Energy-Efficient Private Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks. 61-66. 2022
- Web Images Relevance and Quality: User Evaluation. 66-69. 2022
- A Comparative Study of Virtual Infrastructure Management Solutions for UAV Networks. 13-18. 2021
- A PUF-based Authentication Mechanism for OSCORE. 65-72. 2021
- A Tool for Monitoring and Controlling Standalone Immersive HCI Experiments. 20-22. 2021
- A model to characterize exercises using probabilistic methods. 594-599. 2021
- COTORRA: Context-Aware testbed for robotic applications. 7-12. 2021
- Closer than Close: MEC-Assisted Platooning with Intelligent Controller Migration. 23-32. 2021
- Deep Q-learning market makers in a multi-agent simulated stock market. 1-9. 2021
- Designing and Evaluating a User Interface for People with Cognitive Disabilities. 1-8. 2021
- Exploring the design space of immersive social fitness games: The imsofit games model. 1-14. 2021
- Insights from operating an IP exchange provider. 718-730. 2021
- Integrating Gender Inclusion in Web Design Courses through Design Workshops. 1-8. 2021
- Investigating Augmented Reality Educational Games for Head-Mounted Devices. 1-6. 2021
- Perfect cuckoo filters. 205-211. 2021
- Physicalwarm-up games exploring the potential of play and technology design. 1-14. 2021
- Programmable Smart Home Toolkits Should Better Address Households" Social Needs. 1-14. 2021
- Programmable smart home toolkits should beter address households' social needs. 1-14. 2021
- Rethinking the Senses: A Workshop on Multisensory Embodied Experiences and Disability Interactions. 1-5. 2021
- SoniBand: Understanding the Effects of Metaphorical Movement Sonifications on Body Perception and Physical Activity. 1-16. 2021
- Soniband: Understanding the efects of metaphorical movement sonifications on body perception and physical activity. 1-16. 2021
- Special Interest Group: The Present and Future of Esports in HCI. 1-4. 2021
- The Design Space of Wearables for Sports and Fitness Practices. 1-14. 2021
- The Stress as Adversarial Factor for Cyber Decision Making. 1-10. 2021
- Chasing Play with Instagram: How Can We Capture Mundane Play Potentials to Inspire Interaction Design?. 1-8. 2020
- Chasing play potentials in food culture: Embracing children's perspectives. 46-53. 2020
- Chasing play potentials in food culture: Learning from traditions to inspire future human-food interaction design. 979-991. 2020
- Demo: Assessing the need for 5G driven Edge and Fog solution for Digital Twin systems. 126-127. 2020
- EASIER system. Language resources for cognitive accessibility. 1-3. 2020
- Filter List Generation for Underserved Regions. 1682-1692. 2020
- Mapping and scheduling HPC applications for optimizing I/O. 1-12. 2020
- Relaxing the one definition rule in interpreted C++. 212-222. 2020
- Technology for Situated and Emergent Play: A Bridging Concept and Design Agenda. 1-14. 2020
- Training Body Awareness and Control with Technology Probes: A Portfolio of Co-Creative Uses to Support Children with Motor Challenges. 823-835. 2020
- Using Virtual Reality and Music in Cognitive Disability Therapy. 1-9. 2020
- When filtering is not possible caching negatives with fingerprints comes to the rescue. 435-442. 2020
- A cooperative logistics management model based on traceability for reducing the logistics costs of coffee storage in Peru's agro-export sector. 49-52. 2019
- A first look at the crypto-mining malware ecosystem: A decade of unrestricted wealth. 73-86. 2019
- AndrEnsemble: Leveraging API Ensembles to Characterize Android Malware Families. 307-314. 2019
- As light as you aspire to be: Changing body perception with sound to support physical activity. 1-14. 2019
- Assessing Institutional Needs for Learning Analytics Adoption in Latin American Higher Education. 1-11. 2019
- Astaire: A Collaborative Mixed Reality Dance Game for Collocated Players. 5-18. 2019
- BalBoa: A balancing board for handstand training. 1-6. 2019
- Beyond content analysis: Detecting targeted ads via distributed counting. 110-122. 2019
- Chasing Play Potentials in Food Culture to Inspire Technology Design. 829-834. 2019
- Chasing play potentials: Towards an increasingly situated and emergent approach to everyday play design. 1265-1277. 2019
- Circus, Play and Technology Probes: Training Body Awareness and Control with Children. 1223-1236. 2019
- Demo: A social wearable that affords vulnerability. 272-273. 2019
- Demo: vrAIn proof-of-concept: a deep learning approach for virtualized RAN resource control. 1-3. 2019
- Design framework for social wearables. 1001-1015. 2019
- Designing 'true colors': A social wearable that affords vulnerability. 1-14. 2019
- Designing for play that permeates everyday life: Towards new methods for situated play design. 1-4. 2019
- Enlightened Yoga: Designing an Augmented Class with Wearable Lights to Support Instruction. 1017-1031. 2019
- Exercube vs. Personal trainer: Evaluating a holistic, immersive, and adaptive fitness game setup. 1-15. 2019
- Expert-based Assessment of an Augmentative and Alternative Communication Tool. 1-8. 2019
- Exploring the pace of an endless runner game in stationary and mobile settings. 543-550. 2019
- Fiddling, Pointing, Hovering, and Sliding: Embodied Actions with Three Evaluation Tools for Children. 59-72. 2019
- Hate speech in Spain against Aquarius refugees 2018 in Twitter. 906-910. 2019
- Inventory management model based on a stock control system and a kraljic matrix to reduce raw materials inventory. 33-38. 2019
- Larping (live action role playing) as an embodied design research method. 389-392. 2019
- Lean healthcare model for increasing the availability of products in pharmaceutical SMEs. 13-17. 2019
- Lean management model for waste reduction in the production area of a food processing and preservation SME. 256-260. 2019
- Lexical simplification approach to support the accessibility guidelines. 1-4. 2019
- Measuring ewhoring. 463-477. 2019
- Methodology for the study of the influence of e-scooter vibrations on human health and comfort. 445-451. 2019
- Nameles: An intelligent system for real-time filtering of invalid ad traffic. 1454-1464. 2019
- On the outage probability of millimeter wave links with quasi-deterministic propagation. 1-6. 2019
- Precision farming model to increase the production of exportable blueberries by implementing an adapting-to-change approach and risk assessment in agribusinesses in Peru's coastal regions. 251-255. 2019
- Process optimization using lean manufacturing to reduce downtime: Case study of a manufacturing SME in Peru. 261-265. 2019
- Production management model under the knowledge management approach to increase labor productivity in the sewing area of a garment production SME. 278-281. 2019
- Q-Tag: A transparent solution to measure ads viewability rate in online advertising campaigns. 151-157. 2019
- Real time analysis of the filament for FDM 3D printers. 354-360. 2019
- Student-Generated Videos for Promoting Better Attitudes towards Cryptography. 379-385. 2019
- Super Trouper: The playful potential of interactive circus training. 511-518. 2019
- Tales from the porn: A comprehensive privacy analysis of the web porn ecosystem. 245-258. 2019
- Towards Socially Immersive Fitness Games: An Exploratory Evaluation Through Embodied Sketching. 525-534. 2019
- Undergraduate students perceptions about the use of Kahoot as part of the Flipped Classroom methodology. 619-625. 2019
- Using Training Technology Probes in Bodystorming for Physical Training. 1-8. 2019
- Workshop presentation of a social wearable that affords vulnerability. 461-462. 2019
- pDCell: an End-to-End Transport Protocol for Mobile Edge Computing Architectures 2019
- vrAIn: a deep learning approach tailoring computing and radio resources in virtualized RANs. 1-16. 2019
- 'Not Too Much, Not Too Little' Wearables For Group Discussions. 1-6. 2018
- A NFV system to support configurable and automated multi-UAV service deployments. 39-44. 2018
- A Virtual Reality Map Interface for Geographical Information Systems 2018
- A gamified platform for civic engagement in early warning 2018
- Analysis of requirements quality evolution. 199-200. 2018
- Beyond Google Play: A Large-Scale Comparative Study of Chinese Android App Markets. 293-307. 2018
- CrimeBB: Enabling Cybercrime Research on Underground Forums at Scale. 1845-1854. 2018
- Design and validation of a multi-service 5G network with QoE-aware orchestration. 11-18. 2018
- Designing Future Social Wearables with Live Action Role Play (Larp) Designers. 1-14. 2018
- Designing a gesture-sound wearable system to motivate physical activity by altering body perception 2018
- Ethics by Design: necessity or curse?. 60-66. 2018
- Evaluating a pervasive game for urban awareness. 197-204. 2018
- Exploring Interaction Mechanisms for Map Interfaces in Virtual Reality Environments 2018
- Exploring the Web navigation strategies of people with low vision 2018
- Exteriorizing Body Alignment in Collocated Physical Training. 1-6. 2018
- FRiCS: A Framework for Risk-driven Cloud Selection. 18-26. 2018
- Firefly: A social wearable to support physical connection of larpers. 1-4. 2018
- How should I slice my network? A multi-service empirical evaluation of resource sharing efficiency. 191-206. 2018
- Improving urban environment awareness through pervasive AR games 2018
- Investigating augmented reality support for novice users in circuit prototyping 2018
- Magic lining: an exploration of smart textiles altering people's self-perception 2018
- MemeSequencer: sparse matching for embedding image macros. 1225-1235. 2018
- Movement correction in instructed fitness training: Design recommendations and opportunities. 1041-1054. 2018
- SHEILA policy framework: informing institutional strategies and policy processes of learning analytics. 320-329. 2018
- Sensory bodystorming for collocated physical training design. 247-259. 2018
- SmartLET: learning analytics to enhance the design and orchestration in scalable, IoT-enriched, and ubiquitous Smart Learning Environments. 648-653. 2018
- Social Affordances at Play: Game Design Toward Socio-Technical Innovationv. 1-10. 2018
- Spokeit: A co-created speech therapy experience. 1-4. 2018
- Spokeit: Building a mobile speech therapy experience. 1-12. 2018
- Supporting MPI-distributed stream parallel patterns in GrPPI 2018
- The Immersive Bubble Chart: a Semantic and Virtual Reality Visualization for Big Data. 176-178. 2018
- What's it mean to "Be Social" in VR?: Mapping the social VR design ecology. 289-294. 2018
- A data-driven method for the detection of close submitters in online learning environments. 361-368. 2017
- Acoustic sensing for touch recognition in a social robot. 65-66. 2017
- All the feels: Designing a tool that reveals streamers' biometrics to spectators. 1-6. 2017
- Autonomy in human-robot interaction scenarios for entertainment. 259-260. 2017
- Bio-Sensed and Embodied Participation in Interactive Performance. 197-208. 2017
- Checklist for Accessible Media Player Evaluation. 367-368. 2017
- Design, Appropriation, and Use of Technology in Larps. 1-4. 2017
- Emotion and attention: predicting electrodermal activity through video visual descriptors. 914-923. 2017
- End-user prototyping of cross-reality environments. 173-182. 2017
- Ethical issues in research using datasets of illicit origin. 445-462. 2017
- FDVT: Data Valuation Tool for Facebook Users. 3799-3809. 2017
- LA policy: developing an institutional policy for learning analytics using the RAPID outcome mapping approach. 494-495. 2017
- Not all Apps are created equal: analysis of spatiotemporal heterogeneity in nationwide mobile service usage. 180-186. 2017
- Opportunities and challenges of ad-based measurements from the edge of the network. 87-93. 2017
- Paper ladder: A rating scale to collect children's opinion in user studies. 1-8. 2017
- Soma-Based Design Theory. 550-557. 2017
- A demonstration of ANALYSE: a learning analytics tool for Open edX. 329-330. 2016
- Adjusting middleware knobs to suit CPS domains. 2027-2030. 2016
- Analyzing students' intentionality towards badges within a case study using Khan academy. 536-537. 2016
- Automatic classification of web images as UML diagrams 2016
- Composition of SDN applications: options/challenges for real implementations. 26-31. 2016
- Creating Interactive and Realistic Augmented Reality Experiences. 1-4. 2016
- Developing Responsive and Interactive Environments with the ROSS Toolkit. 782-785. 2016
- Discovering pipeline parallel patterns in sequential legacy C++ codes. 11-19. 2016
- Do Models Improve the Understanding of Safety Compliance Needs? Insights from a Pilot Experiment. 32:1-32:6. 2016
Embedding Semantics
of the Single-Producer/Single-Consumer Lock-Free Queue into a Race Detection
Tool. 20-29. 2016 - Embodied Sketching. 6014-6027. 2016
- Enriching traditional Software Engineering curricula with Software Project Management Knowledge. 404-411. 2016
- Experimental evaluation of an SDN-based distributed mobility management solution. 31-36. 2016
- Exploring the Application of Hybrid Evolutionary Computation Techniques to Physical Activity Recognition. 1377-1384. 2016
- Hidden Internet topologies info: truth or myth?. 4-6. 2016
- Independent auditing of online display advertising campaigns. 120-126. 2016
- Inmersive End User Development for Virtual Reality. 346-347. 2016
- POSTER: insights of antivirus relationships when detecting Android malware: a data analytics approach. 1778-1780. 2016
- Playification: The PhySeEar case. 376-388. 2016
- Revisiting 802.11 rate adaptation from energy consumption's perspective. 27-34. 2016
- SNOLA: Spanish network of learning analytics. 313-317. 2016
- Shall We Collaborate?: A Model to Analyse the Benefits of Information Sharing. 15-24. 2016
- Understanding the detection of view fraud in video content portals. 357-368. 2016
- srsLTE: an open-source platform for LTE evolution and experimentation. 25-32. 2016
- A Model-Based Tool to Develop an Accessible Media Player. 415-416. 2015
- A See-Through Display for Interactive Museum Showcases. 301-306. 2015
- A multi-objective simulator for optimal power dimensioning on electric railways using cloud computing. 428-438. 2015
- Adaptive middleware design for CPS: considerations on the OS, resource managers, and the network run-time. 1-6. 2015
- Co-creating Embodied Sketches. Playing as a method to design with children. 1-7. 2015
- Exploring language technologies to provide support to WCAG 2.0 and E2R guidelines 2015
- Feature set optimization for physical activity recognition using genetic algorithms. 1311-1318. 2015
- I always feel like somebody's watching me: measuring online behavioural advertising. 1-13. 2015
- Improving the expressiveness of a social robot through luminous devices. 5-6. 2015
- Informing protocol design through crowdsourcing: The case of pervasive encryption. 33-38. 2015
- Therapy Monitoring and Patient Evaluation with Social Robots. 152-155. 2015
- Tips and techniques for MOOC production. 329-329. 2015
- Wind-optimal cruise trajectories using pseudospectral methods and ensemble probabilistic forecasts. 160-167. 2015
- ns-3-based real-time emulation of LTE testbed using LabVIEW platform for software defined networking (SDN) in CROWD project. 91-97. 2015
- A measurement-based analysis of the energy consumption of data center servers. 63-74. 2014
- Adaptation rules for Accessible Media Player Interface. 1-8. 2014
- Assessment of a Tool for Users with Complex Communication Needs. 1-2. 2014
- CoDICE: balancing software engineering and creativity in the co-design of digital encounters with cultural heritage. 253-256. 2014
- Design and evaluation of a platform to support co-design with children. 335-336. 2014
- Digitally augmented narratives for physical artifacts. 229-232. 2014
- ECCE Toolkit: Prototyping UbiComp Device Ecologies. 339-340. 2014
- Exploratory Study of Web Navigation Strategies for Users with Physical Disabilities. 1-4. 2014
- Prototyping device ecologies: physical to digital and viceversa. 373-376. 2014
- Towards the development of a learning analytics extension in open edX. 299-306. 2014
- Understanding citizen participation in crisis and disasters: the point of view of governmental agencies. 395-397. 2014
- Women in computer science: Survey on the perception of the women's participation in STEM studies. 1-2. 2014
- A hierarchical parallel storage system based on distributed memory for large scale systems. 139-140. 2013
- An architecture for extending the learning analytics support in the Khan Academy framework. 277-284. 2013
- Are chats and forums accessible in e-learning systems?: a heuristic evaluation comparing four learning content management systems. 342-342. 2013
- Are trending topics useful for marketing?: visibility of trending topics vs traditional advertisement. 165-176. 2013
- Combining Dictionaries and Ontologies for Drug Name Recognition in Biomedical Texts. 27-30. 2013
- Comparing Multi-objective and Threshold-moving ROC Curve Generation for a Prototype-based Classifier. 1029-1036. 2013
- Efficient data stream classification via probabilistic adaptive windows. 801-806. 2013
- Energy Management of Networked, Solar Cells Powered, Wireless Sensors.. 263-266. 2013
- Improving MPI applications with a new MPI Info and the use of memoization 2013
- Inferring higher level learning information from low level data for the Khan Academy platform. 112-116. 2013
- Modeling instrumental activities of daily living in egocentric vision as sequences of active objects and context for alzheimer disease research. 11-14. 2013
- NEMOHIFI: An Affective HiFi Agent. 319-320. 2013
- Parallel algorithm for simulating the spatial transmission on Influenza in EpiGraph. 205-210. 2013
- Parallel implementation of a X-ray tomography reconstruction algorithm based on MPI and CUDA. 217-222. 2013
- Studying Social Technologies and Communities of Volunteers in Emergency Management. 140-148. 2013
- The Design Space of Body Games: Technological, Physical, and Social Design. 3365-3374. 2013
- VIDAS: object-based virtualized data sharing for high performance storage I/O. 37-44. 2013
- A Survey of Mobility in Information-Centric Networks: Challenges and Research Directions. 1-6. 2012
- Energy Consumption Anatomy of 802.11 Devices and its Implication on Modeling and Design. 169-180. 2012
- Envisioning Grid Vulnerabilities: Multi-dimensional Visualization for Electrical Grid Planning. 701. 2012
- I Feel Lucky: An Automated Personal Assistant for Smartphones. 328-331. 2012
- Representing and Visualizing Folksonomies as Graphs: A Reference Model. 729-732. 2012
- Revisión de los requisitos de accesibilidad en la interacción de los usuarios ancianos con las aplicaciones web = A Review of Accessibility Requirements in Elderly Users' Interactions with Web Applications 2012
- Towards Minimal Test Collections for Evaluation of Audio Music Similarity and Retrieval. 917-923. 2012
- A Robust Memetic Algorithm with Self-Stopping Capabilities. 113-114. 2011
- Analyzing the Impact of Events in an Online Music Community. 1-6. 2011
- Bringing Undergraduate Students Closer to a Real-World Information Retrieval Setting: Methodology and Resources. 293-297. 2011
- Evolving Sparsely Connected Neural Networks for Multi-Step Ahead Forecasting. 219-220. 2011
- Evolving Time-Lagged Feedforward Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting. 163-164. 2011
- MUTO: The Modular Unified Tagging Ontology. 95-104. 2011
- Opportunistic mobility with multipath TCP. 9-12. 2011
- Supporting Service Composition and Real-time Execution throught Characterization of QoS Properties. 110-117. 2011
- Torii HLMAC: distributed, fault-tolerant, zero configuration data center architecture with multiple tree-based addressing and forwarding 2011
- Web Educational Services for All: The APEINTA Project 2011
- A First Step Towards User Assisted Online Social Networks. 1-6. 2010
- Automatic Identification of Biomedical Concepts in Spanish language Unstructured Clinical Texts. 751-757. 2010
- Combining Syntactic Information and Domain-Specific Lexical Patterns to Extract Drug-Drug Interactions from Biomedical Texts 2010
- Moving away from error-based learning in multi-objective estimation of distribution algorithms. 545-546. 2010
- APEINTA: A Spanish Educational Project Aiming for Inclusive Education In and Out of the Classroom. 393-393. 2009
- APEINTA: a spanish educational project aiming for inclusive education in and out of the classroom. 393-393. 2009
- Guiding accessibility issues in the design of websites. 65-72. 2008
- Using Accessible Digital Resources for Teaching Data base Design: towards an inclusive distance leaming proposal. 32-36. 2008