La creatividad vernácula en la era digital: enseñanza de la comunicación publicitaria en entornos conectivos = Vernacular creativity in the Digital Age: Teaching advertising communication in connective environments Articles
published in
- Icono14 Journal
publication date
- January 2022
start page
- 1
end page
- 16
- 1
- 20
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
full text
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 1697-8293
This research comes about in response to the demand of centennial and millennial students for new methods to develop creativity through the use of new technologies. This paper considers the need to incorporate appropriationism as an educational strategy to promote creative competence in the digital age. The main goal of this work is to promote new didactic methods that allow
the integration of social and technological dynamics that determine online daily interactions. The mash-up has been adopted as the main tool to carry out a methodological proposal of teaching innovation in the academic context of Advertising Communication Studies. The construction of the model called lateral visual thinking constitutes a revision of design thinking based on two distinctive characteristics: vernacular creativity and the practice of lateral thinking through the recombination of materials of diverse origin and authorship in the World Wide Web.
- apropiación; contenidos generados por usuarios; creatividad vernácula; foundfootage; mash-up; pensamiento lateral; appropriation; found footage; lateral thinking; mash-up; user generated content; vernacular creativityl