Outputs for STATISTICS Department (Year 2022)
- A generalized linear joint trained framework for semi-supervised learning of sparse features
- A stochastic order for interval valued random mappings and applications
- Ageing perception as a key predictor of self-rated health by rural older people: a study with gender and inclusive perspectives
- An Exhaustive Variable Selection Study for Linear Models of Soundscape Emotions: Rankings and Gibbs Analysis
- An introduction to pspatreg: a new R package for semiparametric spatial autoregressive analysis
- Analysis of prior aspirin treatment on in-hospital outcome of geriatric COVID-19 infected patients
- Anticipative information in a Brownian-Poisson market
- Applicability of American College of Radiology appropriateness criteria decision-making model for acute appendicitis diagnosis in children
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder assessment based on patient behavior exhibited in a car video game: A pilot study
- Bots influence opinion dynamics without direct human-bot interaction: the mediating role of recommender systems
- Clinical Modelling of RVHF Using Pre-Operative Variables: A Direct and Inverse Feature Extraction Technique
- Clustering Electricity Consumers: Challenges and Applications for Operating Smart Grids
- Contract design in electricity markets with high penetration of renewables: a two-stage approach
- Correction to: Anticipative information in a Brownian-Poisson market
- Data Depth and Multiple Output Regression, the Distorted M-Quantiles Approach
- Deep neural networks for the quantile estimation of regional renewable energy production
- Depth-based reconstruction method for incomplete functional data
- Depthgram: Visualizing outliers in high-dimensional functional data with application to fMRI data exploration
- Detecting and classifying outliers in big functional data
- Developing serious video games to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Tutorial guide
- Diagnostic AI and cardiac diseases
- Different routes or methods of application for dimensionality reduction in multicenter studies databases
- Direct estimation of prediction intervals for solar and wind regional energy forecasting with deep neural networks
- Dynamic factor models: Does the specification matter?
- Dynamic mixed data analysis and visualization
- Editorial on S.I. "Advances in Measuring Health and Wellbeing" in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- Estimation of poverty and inequality in small areas: review and discussion
- Evaluation of the lights4violence program: reduction in machismo and acceptance of violence among adolescents in Europe
- Fast partial quantile regression
- Forced to play too many matches? A deep-learning assessment of crowded schedule
- Fuzzy-based PROMETHEE method for performance ranking of SARS-CoV-2 IgM antibody tests
- Goodness-of-fit tests for multiple regression with circular response
- Iain David Currie (1946-2022) [OBITUARY]
- Integrated Depths for Partially Observed Functional Data
- Localization processes for functional data analysis
- Looking for COVID side effects in the EU through the analysis of health and behavioural profiles
- MCMC-driven importance samplers
- Modeling latent spatio-temporal disease incidence using penalized composite link models
- Multi-Gear Bandits, Partial Conservation Laws, and Indexability
- On mathematical optimization for clustering categories in contingency tables
- Optimal pricing for electricity retailers based on data-driven consumers' price-response
- Optimality in noisy importance sampling
- Perfiles sociosanitarios de personas con discapacidad en función de la gravedad de la dependencia, la discapacidad y la vulnerabilidad familiar = Socio-sanitary Profiles of People with Disabilities According to the Severity of Dependency, Disability, and Family Vulnerability
- Prescriptive selection of machine learning hyperparameters with applications in power markets: Retailer"s optimal trading
- Robust adjusted discriminant analysis based on shrinkage with application to geochemical and environmental fields
- Robust multivariate control chart based on shrinkage for individual observations
- Scaled Torus Principal Component Analysis
- Social diffusion sources can escape detection
- Social relations and health in older people in Spain using SHARE survey data
- The capacity of Artificial Intelligence in COVID-19 response: A review in context of COVID-19 screening and diagnosis
- The zonoid region parameter depth
- Trading contact tracing efficiency for finding patient zero
- Usability of classic and specific bioelectrical impedance vector analysis in measuring body composition of children
- Validation of the Spanish version of the Memory Failures of Everyday questionnaire in older adults using Rasch analysis
- Visualizing health and well-being inequalities among older Europeans
Book Chapters
- A review of goodness-of-fit tests for models involving functional data. In: Trends in Mathematical, Information and Data Sciences
- Apertura [El desafío de la paz: Colombia, Guatemala, Ucrania y El Salvador a la luz de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible]. In: El desafío de la paz: Colombia, Guatemala, Ucrania y El Salvador a la luz de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
- Bayesian adaptive design for a clinical trial on cardiology. In: Book of Abstracts XVIII Congreso de Biometría CEBMADRID
- Estudio comparativo sobre tratamiento procesal a víctimas de violencia sexual en España, Grecia e Italia. In: Reformulando el tratamiento procesal de las víctimas de violencia sexual en procesos penales
- From spatiotemporal smoothing to functional spatial regression: a penalized approach. In: Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis
- Obstáculos que enfrentan las víctimas de delito sexual en las etapas del proceso penal. In: Reformulando el tratamiento procesal de las víctimas de violencia sexual en procesos penales
Conference Contributions
- A new general and multivariable approach to categorize predictor variables. Optimal categorization of physical activity in COPD patients
- Bayesian adaptive design for a clinical trial on cardiology
- Biological age imputation by data depth
- CAMEO: Curiosity Augmented Metropolis for Exploratory Optimal Policies
- CAMEO: Curiosity Augmented Metropolis for Exploratory Optimal Policies
- Constrained smoothing and out-of-range prediction using P¿splines: an application to COVID-19 evolution
- Modeling COPD hospitalizations using variable domain functional regression
- Modelling multiple seasonalities of NO2 hourly pollution levels
- Older Women Images and Technologies to Increase Gender Peace in Crisis and COVID-19 Times
- Safe importance sampling based on partial posteriors and neural variational approximations
- Construcción de un modelo de evaluación de los precios de los coches en España
- Contrato de Asesoramiento entre Macroscope SL y la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Contrato marco para la prestación de servicios de consultoría en el ámbito de la estadística
- Creación de un área sobre Big Data en economía y finanzas en Funcas
- Daily Passenger Flow Forecast of Beijing Subway
- Demonstrations of the techniques of small area estimation, including software demonstrations
- Estudio de la relación entre el número de implantes cardiacos y la pandemia COVID
- Estudio sobre el comportamiento biométrico de la población de rentistas con. incapacidad permanente
- Evaluación de las necesidades de atención en personas dependientes o vulnerables mediante técnicas estadísticas basadas en distancias y profundidades
- Evaluación de las tablas de mortalidad de experiencia propia
- Informe sobre la idoneidad de la metodología aplicada por Agroseguro en la determinación del nivel inicial de la reserva de estabilización
- Métodos de aprendizaje estadístico basados en distancias y profundidades para datos masivos de estructura compleja, con aplicaciones
- On spline surrogate models and reformulation techniques for Mixed Integer Nonlinear. Optimization
- Paideia: Desarrollo de un sistema para la mejora del diagnóstico y el tratamiento de las enfermedades del neurodesarrollo a través de herramientas digitales
Supervised Theses
- Sobre expectiles, generalizaciones y algunas aplicaciones en análisis multivariante
- Efficient Bayesian inference via Monte Carlo and machine learning algorithms
- Scalable Outlier Detection Methods for Functional Data
- Variable selection and predictive models in Big Data environments
Working Papers
- A Neural Network-Based Distributional Constraint Learning Methodology for Mixed-Integer Stochastic Optimization
- An anticipative Markov modulated market
- Before and after default: information and optimal portfolio via anticipating calculus
- Data depth and multiple output regression, the distorted M-quantiles approach
- Data-driven stabilizations of goodness-of-fit tests
- Economic activity and climate change
- Ignoring cross-correlated idiosyncratic components when extracting factors in dynamic factor models
- Multivariate Functional Outlier Detection using the FastMUOD Indices
- On data-driven chance constraint learning for mixed-integer optimization problems
- Optimal day-ahead offering strategy for large producers based on market price response learning
- Spatial extreme model for rainfall intensity: application to the estimation of IDF curves in the Basque Country