Outputs for STATISTICS Department (Year 2023)
- A Bayesian spatial temporal model for predicting passengers occupancy at Beijing Metro
- A Multi-Criteria Decision Aid Tool for Radiopharmaceutical Selection in Tau PET Imaging
- A fast epigraph and hypograph-based approach for clustering functional data
- A global indicator to track well-being in the silver and golden age
- A neural network-based distributional constraint learning methodology for mixed-integer stochastic optimization
- Adherence, frequency, and long-term follow-up of video game-based treatments in patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review
- Age of Information Cost Minimization with No Buffers, Random Arrivals and Unreliable Channels: A PCL-Indexability Analysis
- Band depth based initialization of K-means for functional data clustering
- COVID-19 Prediction Using Black-Box Based Pearson Correlation Approach
- Computer-Aided Detection and Classification of Monkeypox and Chickenpox Lesion in Human Subjects Using Deep Learning Framework
- Consistent comparison of symptom-based methods for COVID-19 infection detection
- Cost-sensitive probabilistic predictions for support vector machines
- Data-driven stabilizations of goodness-of-fit tests
- Density kernel depth for outlier detection in functional data
- Derivative curve estimation in longitudinal studies using P-splines
- Direct versus iterated multiperiod Value-at-Risk forecasts
- From snapshots to manifolds - a tale of shear flows
- Fully Automated 3D Body Composition analysis and its association with overall survival in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma patients
- Group linear algorithm with sparse principal decomposition: a variable selection and clustering method for generalized linear models
- High expectations on phase locking: Better quantifying the concentration of circular data
- Ignoring cross-correlated idiosyncratic components when extracting factors in dynamic factor models
- Implicit institutional incentives and individual decisions: Causal inference with deep learning models
- Joint optimization of sales-mix and generation plan for a large electricity producer
- La evaluación del desempeño de la mediación intrajudicial como instrumento para la calidad de la mediación en el sistema de justicia
- Level Sets Semimetrics for Probability Measures with Applications in Hypothesis Testing
- Machine learning and fund characteristics help to select mutual funds with positive alpha
- Marginal likelihood computation for model selection and hypothesis testing: an extensive review
- Markovian Restless Bandits and Index Policies: A Review
- Mathematical Assessment of Machine Learning Models Used for Brain Tumor Diagnosis
- Model uncertainty quantification in Cox regression
- Multidimensional adaptive P-splines with application to neurons' activity studies
- NN2Poly: A Polynomial Representation for Deep Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Networks
- On constrained smoothing and out-of-range prediction using P-splines: A conic optimization approach
- On data-driven chance constraint learning for mixed-integer optimization problems
- On the safe use of prior densities for Bayesian model selection
- Pareto optimal prediction intervals with hypernetworks
- Perception of innovation in Spain
- Research patterns in communication (2009-2019): testing female representation and productivity differences, within the most cited authors and the field
- Risk management of energy communities with hydrogen production and storage technologies
- Spatial extreme model for rainfall depth: application to the estimation of IDF curves in the Basque country
- Systematic Review on Diagnostic Reference Levels for Computed Tomography Examinations in Radiation Therapy Planning
- The diversity of the English higher education system: a multilevel quantitative analysis
- The systematic review of artificial intelligence applications in breast cancer diagnosis
- Toroidal PCA via density ridges
- What drives industrial energy prices?
- Análisis y visualización de los ODS en distintos territorios
- Book of Abstracts. V International Workshop on Proximity Data, Multivariate Analysis and Classification
- El sistema de justicia ante la victimización sexual
- Notes for nonparametric statistics
- Notes for predictive modeling
Book Chapters
- Biological Age Imputation by Data Depth. In: Building Bridges between Soft and Statistical Methodologies for Data Science
- Hippocampus shape analysis via skeletal models and kernel smoothing. In: Statistical Methods at the Forefront of Biomedical Advances
- Robust and Sparse Estimation of Graphical Models Based on Multivariate Winsorization. In: Robust and Multivariate Statistical Methods
Conference Contributions
- A compared protocol to improve clustering procedures = Un protocollo comparato per migliorare le procedure di clustering
- An effective framework for multivariate shape-constrained regression using P-splines
- Censored functional data
- Data depth for mixed-type data through multidimensional scaling. An application to biological age imputation = Profondità dei dati per dati misti attraverso la scalatura multidimensionale. Un'applicazione all'imputazione dell'età biologica
- Distance-based regression with robust Gower's distance
- New Lagrange multipliers specification test for conventional and high dimensional one-way random-effects models
- Análisis descriptivo de series históricas de Nabia
- Contrato Marco de Asesoramiento Técnico
- Contrato Marco de Asesoramiento Técnico
- Estudio sobre la Vulnerabilidad Social
- Incertidumbre en modelos de factores dinámicos: Un índice de riesgo climático. - IDFM-CRI
- Informe Pericial sobre: Informes del Mercado Inmobiliario Urbano de Uso Residencial y de Garaje-Aparcamiento 2021, 2022 Dirección General del Catastro
Supervised Theses
- Complex networks, data quality, and economics: the road to sustainable growth
- Functional modeling techniques for high-dimensional data with complex structures
- Optimal Stopping of Gauss Markov processes
- Privileged information on financial assets via enlargement of filtrations
Working Papers
- Adaptive posterior distributions for covariance matrix learning in Bayesian inversion problems for multioutput signals
- Data cloning for a threshold asymmetric stochastic volatility model
- Deep Learning and Bayesian Calibration Approach to Hourly Passenger Occupancy Prediction in Beijing Metro: A Study Exploiting Cellular Data and Metro Conditions
- Economic activity and C02 emissions in Spain
- Effects of extreme temperature on the European equity market
- Measuring efficiency of Peruvian universities: a stochastic frontier analysis
- Modelling intervals of minimum/maximum temperatures in the Iberian Peninsula
- Modelling physical activity profiles in COPD patients: a new approach to variable-domain functional regression models
- Observability analysis for structural system identification based on state estimation
- Penalized function-on-function partial leastsquares regression
- Risk Management of Energy Communities with Hydrogen Production and Storage Technologies
- Risk management in solar-based power plants with storage: a comparative study