Outputs for AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Department (Year 2022)
- A Comprehensive Survey on Climate Optimal Aircraft Trajectory Planning
- A code for the analysis of missions with electrodynamic tethers
- Air Traffic Complexity Map Based on Linear Dynamical Systems
- Analytical fatigue life formulation for notches informed by crystal plasticity
- Attitude determination and control for the deployment preparation phase of a space tether mission
- Data-driven analysis of oscillations in Hall thruster simulations
- Deorbit kit demonstration mission
- Fault tolerant linear parameter varying flight control design, verification and validation
- Flight trajectory optimization of Fly-Gen airborne wind energy systems through a harmonic balance method
- Fluid-structure interaction of multi-body systems: Methodology and applications
- Fundamental framework to plan 4D robust descent trajectories for uncertainties in weather prediction
- Hybrid plasma simulations of a magnetically shielded Hall thruste
- Impact of bubbles on electrochemically active surface area of microtextured gas-evolving electrodes
- Improving orbital uncertainty realism through covariance determination in GEO
- Inter-scale interaction in pipe flows at high Reynolds numbers
- Iterative graph deformation for aircraft trajectory planning considering ensemble forecasting of thunderstorms
- Kinetic plasma dynamics in a radial model of a Hall thuster with a curved magnetic field
- Laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy on xenon atoms and ions inthe magnetic nozzle of a Helicon plasma thruster
- Machine-learning flow control with few sensor feedback and measurement noise
- Magnetic Nozzle and RPA Simulatons vs. Experiments for a Helicon Plasma Thruster Plume
- Magnetized fluid electron model within a two-dimensional hybrid simulation code for electrodeless plasma thrusters
- Non-Newtonian blood rheology impacts left atrial stasis in patient-specific simulations
- Nonwoven mats based on segmented biopolyurethanes filled with MWCNT prepared by solution blow spinning
- Numerical simulation of flow over flapping wings in tandem: Wingspan effects
- On the fully coupled dynamics of flexible fibres dispersed in modulated turbulence
- Optimization of constellation deployment using on-board propulsion and Earth nodal regression
- Performance impact assessment of reducing separation minima for en-route operations
- Plasma-wave interaction in helicon plasmas near the lower hybrid frequency
- Pressure from data-driven estimation of velocity fields using snapshot PIV and fast probes
- Reducing turbulent convective heat transfer with streamwise plasma vortex generators
- Roadmap on signal processing for next generation measurement systems
- Special issue on uncertainty quantification in particle image velocimetry and Lagrangian particle tracking [Editorial]
- Super-resolution generative adversarial networks of randomly-seeded fields
- The 2022 Plasma Roadmap: low temperature plasma science and technology
- The VEGA launcher atmospheric control problem: a case for linear parameter-varying synthesis
- The effect of particle anisotropy on the modulation of turbulent flows
- The optimal decomposition method (ODM) for nonlinear problems
- Transient effects caused by gas depletion during carbon dioxide electroreduction
- Validation of enabling technologies for deorbiting devices based on electrodynamic tethers
- Wave propagation and absorption in a Helicon plasma thruster and its plume
- Wave propagation and absorption in a helicon plasma thruster and its plume
Conference Contributions
- 37th International Electric Propulsion Conference Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- A 3D electron fluid model with energy balance for plasma plumes
- Advances on cost-optimized high-pressure flow control unit within Hipatia-project
- Analysis and optimization of a network of orbital stations formomentum exchange transfers
- Analysis of the electron downstream boundary conditions in a 2D hybrid code for Hall thrusters
- Characterization of a low-power Cylindrical Hall Thruster
- Comparison of Flight FTC Techniques: from standard and structured H¿, to self-scheduling and LPV
- Cursos de Navegación Aérea en modalidad "Flipped-Classroom"
- Design and preliminary study of a 200W cylindrical hall thruster
- Direct Thrust Measurements of a circular waveguide Electron Cyclotron Resonance Thruster
- Direct Thrust Measurements of the HIPATIA Thruster Unit
- Effect of the magnetic field angle on Hall thruster plasma-wall interaction
- Enhanced AOCS verification techniques for Euclid's high-pointing performance
- Experimental plume characterization of a low-power Ablative Pulsed Plasma Thruster (APPT)
- Hardware in the loop test bench development suitable for new space concept
- Hybrid 2D plasma simulations of a 20kW-class magnetically shielded Hall effect thruster
- Impact of the propellant temperature on the performance of externally wetted electrospray thrusters
- Indirect characterization of ATHENA performance, a novel externally wetted Electrospray Propulsion System
- Non stationary fluid modelling of plasma discharge in hall thrusters
- Numerical Simulations of the Discharge and the Plasma wave Interaction in a Helicon Plasma Thruster
- Oblique magnetic field effect on radial plasma dynamics
- Preliminary model of the plasma expansion in a magnetic arch thruster (and overview of the first prototype)
- Probing xenon atoms and ions velocity in the magnetic nozzle of a helicon plasma thruster
- Results of the first Helicon Plasma Thruster (HPT) coupling test campaign within the HIPATIA project
- Session 5: Plasma-wall interaction. Kinetic modeling of electron-wall interaction
- Simulation of the expansion within a vacuum chamber of the plume of a Hall thruster with a centrally mounted cathode
- Transformación "flipped-classroom" de la asignatura Vehículos Espaciales y Dinámica orbital
- Two-dimensional kinetic simulation of electrostatic instabilitiesin a Hall plasma
- Wave propagation and absorption in a Helicon plasma thruster source, plume and surroundings
- 4000137869. Electron cooling model for simulation of ep induced plasma interactions with satellites
- A Consumable-less Propulsion System Based on a Bare-Photovoltaic Tether
- Air Refuelling Hose Guillotine High-speed Recording
- Consultancy project with SANZAR Aerospace
- Control activo de flujos con inteligencia artificial para reducción de emisiones de medios de transporte
- Estudio de la interacción del viento estelar con magnetosferas exo-planetarias mediante fuentes de plasma artificial y modelos computacionales (EXOPLAWIN-CM-UC3M)
- Gestión de la incertidumbre sobre tormentas para un transporte aéreo seguro y eficiente: predicción meteorológica vía inteligencia aritificial
- INTELMETPoC - Predicción de Tormentas Inteligente para Aviación
- Investigación numérica de una turbina eólica a micro-escala inspirada en la naturaleza: hacia un diseño robusto y eficiente
- Optimum next generation aircraft and integrated rear end (Oneire)
- Sustainable propellants enabling plasma propulsion at very low Earth orbit
Supervised Theses
- Advanced observation correlation and orbit determination methods for the build-up and maintenance of a catalogue of space objects
- Aircraft Trajectory Planning Considering Ensemble Forecasting of Thunderstorms
- Convective heat transfer control in turbulent boundary layers
- Emissive Langmuir Probe Theory with Application to Low Work Function Electrodynamic Tethers
- Modeling and mission analysis of Low Work Function tether.
- Modeling and simulation of the plasma discharge in an electron cyclotron resonance thruster