Outputs for AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Department (Year 2023)
- A Coupled 0-D Plasma Thermal Model for Hollow Cathodes
- A LiDAR-less approach to autonomous hazard detection and avoidance systems based on semantic segmentation
- A Python library for computing individual and merged non-CO2 algorithmic climate change functions: CLIMaCCF V1.0
- A length scale for non-local multi-scale gradient interactions in isotropic turbulence
- A simple trick to improve the accuracy of PIV/PTV data
- An end-to-end KNN-based PTV approach for high-resolution measurements and uncertainty quantification
- Analysis of a cusped helicon plasma thruster discharge
- Automatic testbed with a visual motion tracking system for airborne wind energy applications
- Beyond analytic approximations with machine learning inference of plasma parameters and confidence intervals
- Comparison of a hybrid model and experimental measurements for a dielectric-coated coaxial ECR thruster
- Conflict assessment and resolution of climate-optimal aircraft trajectories at network scale
- Cross-verification and benchmarking analysis of electrodynamic tether simulators
- Design of Structured H-infinity flight controllers: Passive fault-tolerant versus observer-based structures
- Early cataloguing of fragments from break-up events
- Efficient multi-fidelity computation of blood coagulation under flow
- Fast 4D flight planning under uncertainty through parallel stochastic path simulation
- Fluid-structure resonance in spanwise-flexible flapping wings
- From snapshots to manifolds - a tale of shear flows
- Gap-modulated dynamics of flexible plates
- Genetically-inspired convective heat transfer enhancement in a turbulent boundary layer
- Guidance for autonomous spacecraft repointing under attitude constraints and actuator limitations
- Heat transfer enhancement in turbulent boundary layers with a pulsed slot jet in crossflow
- Impact of propellant temperature on the emission regime of an externally wetted electrospray system using time-of-flight mass spectrometry
- Ion dynamics in the magnetic nozzle of a waveguide ECR thruster via laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy
- Kinetic electron cooling in magnetic nozzles: experiments and modeling
- Linear contrails detection, tracking and matching with aircraft using geostationarysatellite and air traffic data
- Machine learning for flow field measurements: a perspective
- Numerical treatment of a magnetized electron fluid model in a 3D simulator of plasma thruster plumes
- Optimal Design Algorithms for Bare Electrodynamic Tethers in the Active Mode
- Performance characterization of the µ10 electron-cyclotron-resonance ion thruster using alternative propellants: krypton vs. xenon
- Perturbed-analytic direct transcription for optimal control (PADOC)
- Plasma acceleration in a magnetic arch
- Plume characterization of a waveguide ECR thruster
- Pulmonary vein flow split effects in patient-specific simulations of left atrial flow
- Robust 4D climate-optimal flight planning in structured airspace using parallelized simulation on GPUs: ROOST V1.0
- Robust optimization integrating aircraft trajectory and sequence under weather forecast uncertainty
- Simulations of driven breathing modes of a magnetically shielded Hall thruster
- Special Issue on Machine learning and data assimilation techniques for fluid flow measurements
- Stationary axial model of the Hall thruster plasma discharge: electron azimuthal inertia and far plume effects
- Synchronized measurement of instantaneous convective heat flux and velocity fields in wall-bounded flows
- Time-dependent axial fluid model of the Hall thruster discharge and its plume
- Track-to-track association methodology for operational surveillance scenarios with radar observations
- Using electron fluid models to analyze plasma thruster discharges
Conference Contributions
- Experiments and Simulations of a Magnetic Arch Plasma Expansion for Space Propulsion
- Implicit Conservative Particle-in-Cell simulations of Magnetic Nozzles
- Banco de ensayos en laboratorio de subsistema eléctrico de una máquina de generación de energía aerotransportada -KITE2GRID
- Caracterización aerodinámica y control de alas batientes en ambientes turbulentos -FLAP-TURB
- Extracción de estrategias de aprendizaje automático para el control de flujos turbulentos -EXCALIBUR
- Framework agreement with STARGATE
- INDIGO: Integration and Digital Demonstration of Low-emission Aircraft Technologies and Airport Operations
- KAIROS - unlocKing the potential of AI-based weatheR forecasts for Operational benefitS
- Monitorización y modelado de desechos espaciales para un uso sostenible del espacio
- Noemi airframe design
- PERSEVERE-Physics-informed nEuRal networks for SEVERe wEather event prediction
- Planificación de operaciones y maniobras propulsivas en satélites basada en gemelos digitales y optimización multidisciplinar. Ayudas para la realización de Doctorados Industriales en la Comunidad de Madrid 2023-Manuel Sanjurjo Rivo
- Predicción de fenómenos meteorológicos adversos para aviación mediante inteligencia artificial. Ayudas para la realización de Doctorados Industriales en la Comunidad de Madrid 2023-Manuel Soler Arnedo
- REFMAP: Reducing Environmental Footprint through transformative Multi-scale Aviation Planning