Outputs for MATHEMATICS Department (Year 2022)
- A nonlinear diffusion equation with reaction localized in the half-line
- A note on commutation relations and finite dimensional approximations
- Adiabatic lapse rate of real gases
- An algebraic approach to product-form stationary distributions for some reaction networks
- An unfitted radial basis function generated finite difference method applied to thoracic diaphragm simulations
- Analytical and computational properties of the variable symmetric division deg index
- Anomalous ballistic scaling in the tensionless or inviscid Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation
- Associated orthogonal polynomials of the first kind and Darboux transformations
- Asymptotic behavior of cooperative systems involving p-Laplacian operators
- Asymptotic survival of genuine multipartite entanglement in noisy quantum networks depends on the topology
- Behavior, decisions and ecological transition: experimental approaches with policy implications = Comportamiento, decisiones y transición ecológica: aproximaciones experimentales con implicaciones para las políticas
- Beyond Dunbar circles: a continuous description of social relationships and resource allocation
- COP1 dynamics integrate conflicting seasonal light and thermal cues in the control of Arabidopsis elongation
- Causality in Schwinger's Picture of Quantum Mechanics
- Characterizations of the Symmetric T(theta,q)-Classical Orthogonal q-Polynomials
- Chimpanzees organize their social relationships like humans
- Classical analogs of the covariance matrix, purity, linear entropy, and von Neumann entropy
- Consistent and non-consistent deformations of gravitational theories
- Coordination and equilibrium selection in games: the role of local effects
- Correction: The space of light rays: causality and L-boundary (General Relativity and Gravitation, (2022), 54, 6, (59))
- Corrigendum: Quantitative signal subspace imaging (2021 Inverse Problems 37 125006)
- Data-driven analysis of oscillations in Hall thruster simulations
- Diagonal scalings for the eigenstructure of arbitrary pencils
- Edge observables of the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory
- Effect of clustering on the orientational properties of a fluid of hard right isosceles triangles
- Effect of combined roundness and polydispersity on the phase behavior of hard-rectangle fluids
- Equidistribution of zeros of some polynomials related to cyclic functions
- Ergodicity of the Wang-Swendsen-Kotecký algorithm on several classes of lattices on the torus
- Estrategias de movilidad basadas en la teoría de percolación para evitar la diseminación de enfermedades: COVID-19
- Ethnic markers and the emergence of group-specific norms: an experiment
- Existence of bound and ground states for an elliptic system with double criticality
- Extremal problems on the general Sombor index of a graph
- Extremals in Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequalities for stable processes
- Fractional model for the study of the tuberculosis in Mexico
- Free-energy density functional for Strauss's model of transitive networks
- Genuine multipartite entanglement of quantum states in the multiple-copy scenario
- Group actions and monotone quantum metric tensors
- Helicopter Tail Rotor and the Training of a Recurrent Neural Network
- Hyperchaos, intermittency, noise and disorder in modified semiconductor superlattices
- Identifying key relationships between nation-state cyberattacks and geopolitical and economic factors: A model
- Improving the sensitivity of early rub detection in rotating machines with an adaptive orthogonal filter
- Investigation of the two-cut phase region in the complex cubic ensemble of random matrices
- Jensen-type inequalities for m-convex functions
- Lagrange-based hypergeometric Bernoulli polynomials
- Local and global robustness at steady state
- Matching number, Hamiltonian graphs and magnetic Laplacian matrices
- Mathematical models of nitrogen-fixing cell patterns in filamentous cyanobacteria
- Mean Sombor index
- Model architecture can transform catastrophic forgetting into positive transfer
- Nanopatterning of rotating highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (0001) surfaces by ion beam irradiation: Experiments and modeling
- New lower bounds for the first variable Zagreb index
- Non-selective distribution of infectious disease prevention may outperform risk-based targeting
- On Ostrowski type inequalities for generalized integral operators
- On generalized Bernoulli-Barnes polynomials
- On p-parabolicity of Riemannian manifolds and graphs
- On the Schrödinger Equation for Time-Dependent Hamiltonians with a Constant Form Domain
- On the generalized ABC index of graphs
- On the motion of gravity-capillary waves with odd viscosity
- On-shell equivalence of general relativity and Holst theories with nonmetricity, torsion, and boundaries
- Poisson brackets in Sobolev spaces: a mock holonomy-flux algebra
- Polynomials of least deviation from zero in Sobolev p-norm
- Prevalence of mutualism in a simple model of microbial coevolution
- Proof of the equivalence of the symplectic forms derived from the canonical and the covariant phase space formalisms
- Pseudospectral versus Galerkin methods: Fourth order equations
- Quantifying the importance and location of SARS-CoV-2 transmission events in large metropolitan areas
- Quantitative phase and absorption contrast imaging
- Quantum tomography and Schwinger's picture of quantum mechanics
- RBF based quadrature on the sphere
- Rhythm of the streets: a street classification framework based on street activity patterns
- Second Degree Linear Forms and Semiclassical Forms of Class One. A Case Study
- Seeking patterns of antibiotic resistance in ATLAS, an open, raw MIC database with patient metadata
- Social capital as a network measure provides new insights on economic growth
- Spectral preorder and perturbations of discrete weighted graphs
- Split Hamiltonian Monte Carlo revisited
- Spreading fronts of wetting liquid droplets: microscopic simulations and universal fluctuations
- Stability of Third Degree Linear Functionals and Rational Spectral Transformations
- Stability of p-parabolicity under quasi-isometries
- State transformations within entanglement classes containing permutation-symmetric states
- Strongly minimal self-conjugate linearizations for polynomial and rational matrices
- Structural measures of personal networks predict migrants' cultural backgrounds: an explanation from Grid/Group theory
- Surface nanopatterning by ion beam irradiation: compositional effects
- Symmetries and Covariant Poisson Brackets on Presymplectic Manifolds
- Terminal heterocyst differentiation in the Anabaena patA mutant as a result of post-transcriptional modifications and molecular leakage
- The adjacency dimension of graphs
- The effectiveness of prosocial policies: Gender differences arising from social norms
- The kissing polynomials and their Hankel determinants
- The long and winding road to understanding organismal construction: Reply to comments on "From genotypes to organisms: State-of-the-art and perspectives of a cornerstone in evolutionary dynamics"
- The sky invariant: A new conformal invariant for Schwarzschild spacetime
- The space of light rays: Causality and L-boundary
- Upper and lower bounds for generalized wiener indices on unicyclic graphs
- Weakly discriminating vertex-degree-based topological indices
- Zeros of optimal polynomial approximants in lpA
Book Chapters
Conference Contributions
- Effect of clustering on the orientational properties of a fluid of hard right isosceles triangles
- Exotic liquid crystalline phases in monolayers of vertically vibrated granular particles
- Generalized mixed type Bernoulli-Gegenbauer and Lagrange-based hypergeometric Bernoulli polynomials
- Liquid crystalline patterns of exotic symmetries in monolayers of vertically vibrated granular particles
- Mixed type hypergeometric Bernoulli-Gegenbauer polynomials: announcement of results
- Prácticas de Matlab para visualización práctica de las Ecuaciones Diferenciales
- Cooperation Agreement between Central European University and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Cooperation Agreement between The Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies. of the National Research Council of Italy and The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Emergence of Generic Scale Invariance in Dynamical Complex Systems
- Orden y Fluctuaciones en Fluidos Complejos
Supervised Theses
- Fluctuations and patterns in ultrathin fluid films
- Convergence and Asymptotic of Multi-Level Hermite-Padé Polynomials
- Desigualdades sobre índices topológicos
- Discrete sub- and supersolutions method
- Societies in the wild: cooperation, norms, and hierarchies
- Study of the Gromov hyperbolicity constant on graphs
- The Covariant Phase Space of Gravity with Boundaries