Outputs for MATHEMATICS Department (Year 2023)
- A correspondence between surjective local homeomorphisms and a family of separated graphs
- A geometric construction of isospectral magnetic graphs
- A hybrid probabilistic domain decomposition algorithm suited for very large-scale elliptic PDEs
- A look at generalized degenerate Bernoulli and Euler matrices
- A stationary population model with an interior interface-type boundary
- Abrupt onset of the capillary-wave spectrum at wall-fluid interfaces
- Accurate prediction of the solid-state region of the Ni-Al phase diagram including configurational and vibrational entropy and magnetic effects
- Approximate and ensemble local entanglement transformations for multipartite states
- Asymptotics of matrix valued orthogonal polynomials on [-1,1]
- Band depth based initialization of K-means for functional data clustering
- Band-diagonal operators on Banach lattices: matrix dynamics and invariant subspaces
- Bound and ground states of coupled 'NLS-KdV' equations with Hardy potential and critical power
- Charging capacitors from thermal fluctuations using diodes
- Classical analogs of generalized purities, entropies, and logarithmic negativity
- Coarse-graining the vertex model and its response to shear
- Coherent pairs of measures of the second kind on the real line and Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. An application to a Jacobi case
- Coherent pairs of moment functionals of the second kind and associated orthogonal polynomials and Sobolev orthogonal polynomials
- Concave-convex critical problems for the spectral fractional laplacian with mixed boundary conditions
- Correction: Abrupt onset of the capillary-wave spectrum at wall-fluid interfaces
- Differential properties of Jacobi-Sobolev polynomials and electrostatic interpretation
- Entropic contribution to phenotype fitness
- Exponential topological indices: optimal inequalities and applications
- Finding the effective dynamics to make rare events typical in chaotic maps
- Finite rank perturbations of normal operators: spectral idempotents and decomposability
- Flag codes: distance vectors and cardinality bounds
- Freestanding graphene heat engine analyzed using stochastic thermodynamics
- Frequency isolation for gyroscopic systems via hyperbolic quadratic eigenvalue problems
- Generalized mixed type Bernoulli-Gegenbauer polynomials
- Groupoid and algebra of the infinite quantum spin chain
- Hessenberg-Sobolev matrices and Favard type theorem
- Higher-order recurrence relations, Sobolev-type inner products and matrix factorizations
- Hybrid Koopman C¿-formalism and the hybrid quantum-classical master equation
- Inverse degree index: exponential extension and applications
- Iterative Schemes for Probabilistic Domain Decomposition
- Mean field theory of chaotic insect swarms
- Mixed-type hypergeometric Bernoulli-Gegenbauer polynomials
- Nonequilibrium criticality driven by Kardar-Parisi-Zhang fluctuations in the synchronization of oscillator lattices
- Nonlinear Fractional Schrödinger Equations coupled by power-type nonlinearities
- On bundles of matrix pencils under strict equivalence
- On integral Sombor indices
- On the Riemann-Hilbert approach to asymptotics of tronquée solutions of Painlevé I
- On the characterizations of third-degree semiclassical forms via polynomial mappings
- On the consistency of the matrix equation XT AX=B when B is symmetric: the case where CFC(A) includes skew-symmetric blocks
- On the generalized Fourier transform
- On the interplay of hierarchies, conflicts, and cooperation: An experimental approach
- Prediction of the liquid-crystal phase behavior of hard right triangles from fourth-virial density-functional theories
- Properties of multivariate Hermite polynomials in correlation with Frobenius-Euler polynomials
- Quantum controllability on graph-like manifolds through magnetic potentials and boundary conditions
- Quasi-triangularization of matrix polynomials over arbitrary fields
- Revan Sombor indices: Analytical and statistical study
- Scale-Free chaos in the 2D harmonically confined Vicsek model
- Scale-free chaos in the confined Vicsek flocking model
- Secure post-quantum group key exchange: Implementing a solution based on Kyber
- Sequentially ordered Sobolev inner product and Laguerre-Sobolev polynomials
- Social interaction and negotiation outcomes: An experimental approach
- Structural backward stability in rational eigenvalue problems solved via block Kronecker linearizations
- Structure of the Medium Formed in Heavy Ion Collisions
- Teamwork Management in Additive Manufacturing Using Game Theory
- Texturization of polycrystalline titanium surfaces after low-energy ion beam irradiation: impact on biocompatibility
- The Cauchy Exponential of Linear Functionals on the Linear Space of Polynomials
- The DL(P) vector space of pencils for singular matrix polynomials
- The ECM and tissue architecture are major determinants of early invasion mediated by E-cadherin dysfunction
- The categorical foundations of quantum information theory: Categories and the Cramer-Rao inequality
- The equation XTAX=B with B skew-symmetric: how much of a bilinear form is skew-symmetric?
- Towards ordered Si surface nanostructuring: Role of an intermittent ion beam irradiation approach
- Triadic influence as a proxy for compatibility in social relationships
- Universal interface fluctuations in the contact process
- Upper and lower bounds for topological indices on unicyclic graphs
- Zeros of Jacobi and ultraspherical polynomials
Book Chapters
- A Framework for Intensive Care Units Cost Using Game Theory. In: Advances in Health and Disease. Volume 78
- Hospital Management and Game Theory. In: Advances in Health and Disease. Volume 67
- On Uhlmann's proof of the monotonicity of the relative entropy. In: Particles, Fields And Topology: Celebrating A. P. Balachandran
Conference Contributions
- Matrices degeneradas generalizadas de Bernoulli y Euler
- Modular Sumcheck Proofs With Applications to Machine Learning and Image Processing
- New reverse Hölder-type inequalities and applications
- Prediction of the liquid-crystal phase behavior of hard right triangles from fourth-virial density functional theories
- Complejidad Biológica y Social -BASIC
- Efectos informacionales en modelos de presión de grupo
- Patrones de Crecimiento y Evolución - PGE
- Realización de experimentos con INRAE
- Secure Communication via Classical and Quantum Technologies
Supervised Theses
- Collective behavior of biological aggregates
- Complex networks, data quality, and economics: the road to sustainable growth
- Extremal Polynomials. Asymptotic Behavior and Electrostatic Equilibrium Models
- From Point Particles to Gauge Field Theories: a Differential- Geometrical approach to the Structures of the Space of Solutions
- Insight into social physics: Uncovering the structure and dynamics of social relationships
- La sociedad como un sistema complejo: comportamiento y estructura
- Mathematical modeling of nitrogen regulated biological systems
- Study of gravitational theories through Hamiltonian methods and consistent deformations