Outputs for MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Department (Year 2019)
- 3D printed floating photocatalysts for wastewater treatment
- A closed expression for the stress intensity factor of concave fatigue cracks in rotating shafts
- A new cutting device design to study the orthogonal cutting of CFRP laminates at different cutting speeds
- A real-time physical model for strain-based intelligent tires
- A strain-based method to estimate tire parameters for intelligent tires under complex maneuvering operations
- Analysis of the Machinability of Carbon Fiber Composite Materials in Function of Tool Wear and Cutting Parameters Using the Artificial Neural Network Approach
- Analysis of the effect of out-of-phase biaxial fatigue loads on crack paths in cruciform specimens using XFEM
- Analysis of the periodic breathing of a transverse annular crack propagated in a real rotating machine
- Análisis de factores de riesgo ergonómico con enfoque multi-metodológico: evaluando actividades de trabajadores en construcción de edificios
- Análisis socio-ergonómico en la agricultura. Evaluación del sector oleico desde una perspectiva de género y envejecimiento
- Aproximación socio-espacial al envejecimiento y a los programas para cuidadoras/es de mayores
- Ballistic performance of aramid composite combat helmet for protection against small projectiles
- Behavior under Load of A Human Shoulder: Finite Element Simulation and Analysis
- Chip formation modeling using traction-separation cohesive model
- Condition monitoring of critical mechanical elements through Graphical Representation of State Configurations and Chromogram of Bands of Frequency
- Critical analysis of the suitability of crack propagation direction criteria for 2D cylindrical plain fretting contact
- Design and test of cryogenic cold plate for thermal-vacuum testing of space components
- Determining Contingencies in the Management of Construction Projects
- Development and experimental validation of a real-time analytical model for different intelligent tyre concepts
- E-learning on risk management. An opportunity for sharing knowledge and experiences in patient safety
- Educar y formar al alumno talentoso: El afán de logro como competencia curricular = Educating the gifted student: Eagerness to achieve as a curricular competence
- Energy distribution analysis regarding the crack size in a rotating shaft
- Entrepreneurial intention of engineering students: the role of social norms and entrepreneurial self-efficacy
- Ergonomic analysis of the driver position focused on the clutch pedal
- Experimental analysis for stabbing resistance of different aramid composite architectures
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Conical Projectile Impact on Inconel 718 Plates
- Experimental and numerical analysis of the influence of drill point angle when drilling biocomposites
- Finite element analysis of lower limb injuries in a pedestrian-vehicle collision = Análisis por elementos finitos de las lesiones en pierna en un atropello
- Hybrid composite-metal stack drilling with different minimum quantity lubrication levels
- Influence of camber angle on tire tread behavior by an on-board strain-based system for intelligent tires
- Influencia del nivel de lubricación en el taladrado de apilados híbridos fibra de carbono-titanio aplicando MQL (Mínima Cantidad de Lubricante):monitorización del proceso = Lubrication levels influence on carbon fiber-titanium hybrid stacks drilling applying MQL (Minimum Quantity Lubrication): process monitoring
- Is the use of a low-cost sEMG sensor valid to measure muscle fatigue?
- Leader's communication style, LMX and organizational commitment: a study of employee perceptions in Peru
- Monitoring an Analysis of Perturbations in Fusion Deposition Modelling (FDM) Processes for the Use of Biomaterials
- Multi-objective optimization analysis of cutting parameters when drilling composite materials with special geometry drills
- New analysis and correlation between steady and oscillatory tests in fumed silica-based shear thickening fluids
- New methodology for estimating the shear strength of layering in slate by using the Brazilian test
- Numerical analysis of the influence of micro-voids on fretting fatigue crack initiation lifetime
- Numerical modelling of ballistic impact response at low velocity in aramid fabrics
- Numerical modelling of hip fracture patterns in human femur
- On the characterization and modelling of high-performance para-aramid fabrics
- Oral appliance for Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Prototyping and Optimization of the Mandibular Protrusion Device
- Relevant factors affecting the direction of crack propagation in complete contact problems under fretting fatigue
- Review of Passive Electromagnetic Devices for Vibration Damping and Isolation
- Sensor fusion based on a Dual Kalman Filter for estimation of road irregularities and vehicle mass under static and dynamic conditions
- Strategic Alliance Trends in the Spanish Food and Beverage Industry
- Study of the propagation of concave semi-elliptical shaped breathing cracks in rotating shaft
- Suitability of numerical model from low to high velocity impacts against KM2 fabrics with isotropic hypothesis
- Sustainable high-speed finishing turning of haynes 282 using carbide tools in dry conditions
- The minimum shear stress range criterion and its application to crack orientation prediction in incomplete contact fretting problems
- Validación experimental de un modelo de análisis de elementos finitos en fractura de cadera y su aplicabilidad clínica = Experimental validation of finite elements model in hip fracture and its clinical applicability
- Validation of a low-cost electromyography (EMG) system via a commercial and accurate EMG device: pilot study
- Wavelet packets transform processing and genetic neuro-fuzzy classification to detect faulty bearings
- New trends in educational activity in the field of mechanism and machine theory (2014-2017).
- Roadworthiness testing contribution to vehicle safety and environment
- Study on the inclusion of light trailers and two- or three-wheel vehicles in the scope of the periodic roadworthiness testing: Final report
Book Chapters
- Aproximación al trabajo forzoso e infantil desde la perspectiva interdisciplinar e internacional. In: Estrategias para la consecución del trabajo decente y sostenible en la empresa
- Automatic Device for Skin Biopsy. In: New Trends in Medical and Service Robotics: Advances in Theory and Practice
- Liderazgo, envejecimiento y género. In: The time is now. Feminist leadership in a new era = La hora del liderazgo feminista
- Monitoring of a High-speed Train Bogie Using the EMD Technique. In: Advances in Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations, CMMNO'2018, 20-22 June 2018, Santander, Spain
Conference Contributions
- Accelerometer Placement Comparison for Crack Detection in Railway Axles Using Vibration Signals and Machine Learning
- Analysis in the time-frequency domain of different depths of a crack located in a change of section of a shaft
- Aplicación del triedro de Frenet al cálculo de la relación de dispersión de un resorte mecánico sometido a oscilación acoplada de flexión y torsión = Frenet frame application to the dispersion relation calculation of a mechanical spring under under torsion and bending vibrations
- Aproximación socio-espacial al envejecimiento y a los programas para cuidadoras/es de mayores
- Arquitecturas híbridas para el diseño de prácticas docentes con recursos online: un caso de studio
- Circular Economy: An Analysis Framework
- Crack detection in freight railway axles using Power Spectral Density and Empirical Mode Decomposition Techniques
- Crack detection in freight railway axles using Power Spectral Density and Empirical Mode Decomposition Techniques
- Desarrollo de un sistema de medición sEMG low-cost = Development of a low-cost sEMG system
- Diseño de una mini lavadora para fibra de vicuña con una capacidad de 5 Kg/h = Mechanical design of a 5 kg/h cleaning machine for vicuña wool
- Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of Pool Balls Interaction
- Efecto de la deformación de la fibra por alta temperatura en medidas de temperatura con el pirómetro a dos colores
- Emprendiendo en el aula! La gamificación como herramienta de aprendizaje en estudiantes universitario
- Ensayo y fabricación de un nuevo nodo de CFRP unido mediante adhesivos para su uso en estructuras de autobuses
- Estilos de conducción de un vehículo automóvil empleando la técnica de redes neuronales artificiales = Artificial neural networks for driving styles clustering
- Estudio experimental y numérico del ensayo brasileño con arcos de contacto
- European Union Air Navigation Projects: Impact on Airspace Operations Management
- How fast is Additive Manufacturing disrupting the Spanish manufacturing sector? Last three years' evolution
- Impact of Additive Manufacturing in Aerospace Industry Purchasing Process
- Influence of Inner Foam on the Aramid Composite Ballistic Behaviour
- Influencia de parámetros geométricos y DMO en el comportamiento mecánico del fémur humano
- International External Knowledge, Home Country Institutions and Innovation of Firms from Transition Countries
- Make, buy or ally to source R&D overseas? International gains beyond innovation performance
- Methodology for the study of the influence of e-scooter vibrations on human health and comfort
- Modelado numérico de las propiedades mecánicas de fémur humano tras tratamiento contra osteoporosis mediante denosumab
- Modelización frente a impacto de tejidos de aramida de alto rendimiento
- Multilayer Para-Aramid Fabrics Modelling Against Ballistic Impact
- Optimal Model Reference Command Shaping for vibration reduction of Multibody-Multimode flexible systems: Initial Study
- Optimización del lavado de fibra de Vicuña mediante sistema ultrasónico = Optimization of the washing of vicuña's wool by ultrasonic system
- Psicología y toma de decisiones financieras
- R&D Offshoring and Innovation: Does Firm Age Matter?
- Real time analysis of the filament for FDM 3D printers
- Reutilización de componentes en la producción de MOOC: un caso de estudio
- Tool wear and induced damage in CFRP drilling with step and double point angle drill bits
- Trabajo y jubilación desde una perspectiva intergeneracional e intergénero.
- Universidad y emprendimiento, ¿cómo impulsan los investigadores y docentes el capital emprendedor?
- Very localized temperature measurements and applications using optical fiber pyrometers
- ¿Existen diferencias generacionales y por género en el trabajo y jubilación?
- Asesoramiento y soporte para el diseño, desarrollo y explotación de un modelo de simulación de un establecimiento de restauración
- Coordinación IFToMM PC EDUCATION
- Desarrollo de un nuevo blindaje ligero mediante una metodología combinada experimental-numérica
- Drilling process improvement based on data analysis
Supervised Theses
- Laboratorio virtual para la medición de las fuerzas de frenado en inspección del parque de vehículos industriales
- Marco de Referencia para Análisis Comparativo de Métodos de Generación de Poblaciones Sintéticas
- Sistema experto de frenada de un vehículo automóvil basado en Redes Neuronales Artificiales