Outputs for MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Department (Year 2023)
- 'FLIPPED ASSESSMENT': Proposal for a Self-Assessment Method to Improve Learning in the Field of Manufacturing Technologies
- A gender-comparative study of¿nformal entrepreneurship: the¿oderating role of¿ocation decision
- Analysis of Tool Wear and Hole Delamination for Large-Diameter Drilling of CFRP Aircraft Fuselage Components: Identifying Performance Improvement Drivers and Optimization Opportunities
- Analysis of the First Treatise on Machine Elements: Codex Madrid I
- Análisis técnico y funcional de un sistema de elevación de agua de la época romana
- Application of automatic classifiers for condition monitoring of railway rolling stock
- Automatic Full Slip Detection System implemented on the Strain-based Intelligent Tire at severe maneuvers
- Combining interpretivism and positivism in international business research: The example of the expatriate role
- Digitalization as a facilitator of open innovation: Are family firms different?
- Drilling of Cross-Ply UHMWPE Laminates: A Study on the Effects of the Tool Geometry and Cutting Parameters on the Integrity of Components
- Estudio del uso de técnicas termográficas para la predicción del límite de fatiga de laminados CFRP en presencia de ondulaciones fuera del plano
- Estudio paramétrico del modelo de zona cohesiva propio del código de elementos finitos Abaqus/Explicit en laminados CFRP
- Event-Triggered Robust Path Tracking Control Considering Roll Stability Under Network-Induced Delays for Autonomous Vehicles
- Experimental and numerical analyses of ballistic resistance evaluation of combat helmet using Hybrid III headform
- Experimental and numerical analysis of the influence of intramedullary nail position on the cut-out phenomenon
- Experimental techniques for performance evaluation of shielding materials and configurations subjected to Blast and Ballistic impacts: A State-of-the-Art Review
- Fiber metal laminates for high strain rate applications with layerwise shock impedance tuning
- Hard-magnetic phenomena enable autonomous self-healing elastomers
- Impact response of advance combat helmet pad systems
- Influence of Leadership Styles on Sustainable Development for Social Reconstruction: Current Outcomes and Advisable Reorientation for Two Aerospace Multinationals¿Airbus and TASL
- Influence of distributed out-of-plane waviness defects on the mechanical behavior of CFRP laminates
- Influence of material extrusion parameters on fracture mechanisms of polylactic acid under three-point bending
- Integral-based event triggering actuator fault-tolerant control for an active suspension system under a networked communication scheme
- International R&D sourcing, innovation and firm age: The advantage of 'born-international sourcers'
- Investigating the T-stub connection with different web-to-flange joint configurations
- Long Sump Life Effects of a Naturally Aged Bio-Ester Oil Emulsion on Tool Wear in Finish Turning a Ni-Based Superalloy
- Machinability of 3D printed peek reinforced with short carbon fiber
- Medida de eficacia de frenada de un automóvil. Comparativa de procedimientos y equipos
- Microstructure Effects on the Machinability of AM-Produced Superalloys
- Modular 3-D-printed education tool for blind and visually impaired students oriented to net structures
- Novel Bayesian Inference-Based Approach for the Uncertainty Characterization of Zhang's Camera Calibration Method
- Numerical analysis of the influence of triply periodic minimal surface structures morphometry on the mechanical response.
- On monitoring fretting fatigue damage in solid railway axles by acoustic emission with unsupervised machine learning and comparison to non-destructive testing techniques
- On the nonlinear hunting stability of a high-speed train bogie
- Optimal selection of the mother wavelet in WPT analysis and its influence in cracked railway axles detection
- Patológicos, enamorados y redimidos. Imágenes del artista en el cine de Wes Anderson
- Performance analysis of input shaped model reference adaptive control for a single-link flexible manipulator
- Railway Axle Early Fatigue Crack Detection through Condition Monitoring Techniques
- Simultaneous Estimation of Vehicle Sideslip and Roll Angles Using an Integral-Based Event-Triggered Hinfinity Observer Considering Intravehicle Communications
- Study of the Influence of Tool Wear of Two Drill Bits Manufactured with Different Coating Processes in Drilling Carbon/Glass Fiber Hybrid Composite Bounded with Epoxy Polymer.
- Tire slip H¿ control for optimal braking depending on road condition
Book Chapters
- Disruptive Data-Related Technologies and Global Value Chain: Insights from SMEs in Emerging Markets. In: Disruptive Technologies in International Business. Challenges and Opportunities for Emerging Markets
- Education in Mechanism and Machine Science. In: State-of-the-Art and Innovations in Mechanism and Machine Science: A Tribute to Carlos López-Cajún
- Governance of innovation in SMEs: no place like home?. In: De Gruyter Handbook of SME Entrepreneurship
- Learning How to Design and Manufacture by Applying Hot Wire Cutting to the Fabrication of a Car Spoiler. In: Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory (2018-2022)
- Leonardo Torres Quevedo (1952-1936). In: Distinguished Figures in Mechanical Engineering in Spain and Ibero-America
Conference Contributions
- Adapting exploratory behaviour in Active Inference for Autonomous Driving
- Are new ventures more environmentally sustainable? The role of digital technologies and global value chain participation in sustainability upgrading
- Data-driven technologies and the environmental sustainability of micro, small and medium enterprises: Does size matter?
- Diseño de un sistema de control en pelotón heterogéneo para vehículos automatizados
- Diseño de una herramienta para la gestión de un servicio de transporte de emergencias utilizando las APIs de Google Maps
- Dispositivo de bajo coste para monitorizar el estado fisiológico del conductor de un vehículo
- Do women in family business promote non-financial performance? A mix-method approach
- Do women in family businesses enhance non-financial performance. A FSQCA approach
- EMD-Based Intelligent Crack Detection in Freight Railway Axles
- Effect of Grain Structure on Machinability of LPBF Inconel 718: A Critical Review
- Ensayos de impacto sobre simulante de cráneo impreso en 3D
- Event-Triggered Fault-Tolerant Control for Vehicle Rollover Avoidance Based on an Active Suspension with Robustness Against Disturbances and Communication Delays
- Gender diversity and corporate governance performance in family businesses: An integrated mixed-methods analysis
- Lab Experiences for a Driver Monitoring System
- Localización y detección de anomalías con datos de cámara en un marco bayesiano
- Low-Cost Design of a Device for Monitoring the Physiological Status of a Vehicle Driver
- Machinability characterization of 3D printed PEEK
- Material characterization of basalt and carbon laminates with and without open-hole under static and fatigue loads
- Medida de eficacia de frenada de un automóvil. Comparativa de procedimientos y equipos
- Modelo de caracterización de emisiones contaminantes emitidas por un vehículo ligero en conducción urbana
- On the bending collapse behavior of rectangular hollow steel shapes of various thicknesses
- Simulante realista de cráneo humano para ensayos de impacto y predicción de daños
- Sistema de control robusto basado en H¿ para el seguimiento de trayectoria de un vehículo con estimación de fallos en el actuador
- Sistema de seguimiento de trayectoria de un vehículo mediante control H¿ por realimentación de salidas considerando perturbaciones en las medidas
- Study of the influence of tool wear in drilling carbon-glass fiber hybrid composite
- The Quest for Round Pegs: Person-Organization Fit, External Managers and Family Firms
- Torso Motion Monitoring with an IMU Set-Up
- Cátedra Liderazgo y Diversidad de UC3M- Fundación CEOE- Fundación ADECCO en. el marco de la Alianza CEOPorLaDiversidad
- Digitalización del proceso de industrialización de una bicicleta de montaña eléctrica de. altas prestaciones, para mejora de la eficiencia.
- Drilling Process Improvement based on Data Analytics-STEP 3: tool breakage detection and countersinking height monitoring
- Gemelos digitales para el diseño biomecánico avanzado de protecciones de cabeza en deportes con riesgo de impacto
- Plataforma inteligente de tratamiento y seguimiento de escoliosis idiopática mediante Inteligencia Artificial.
- Sistema de automatización de la conducción en red y tolerante a fallos para el seguimiento de la trayectoria afectado por perturbaciones para mejorar la seguridad y el confort. - PATHAS
Supervised Theses
- Development of Models Simulating Multiple-Simultaneous Contact Events Using the Multibody System Dynamics
- Diseño de sistemas de automatización de la conducción basados en control robusto para la mejora de la seguridad y el confort en vehículos automóviles
- Oscilaciones de un resorte helicoidal aplicando coordenadas intrínsecas de Frenet