Outputs for MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Department (Year 2018)
- 'Input Shaping' para sistemas multicuerpo oscilatorios con dinámica descrita por DAE: Aplicación a sistemas mecánicos de transporte de piezas en cabeza = Input Shaping for Oscillatory Multibody Systems with Dynamics described by DAEs: Application to Overhead Cranes
- A Novel Inverse Dynamic Model for a Magnetorheological Damper based on Network Inversion
- A Strain-Based Method to Detect Tires' Loss of Grip and Estimate Lateral Friction Coefficient from Experimental Data by Fuzzy Logic for Intelligent Tire Development
- A heterogeneous orientation criterion for crack modelling in cortical bone using a phantom-node approach
- A robust observer based on H[infinity] filtering with parameter uncertainties combined with Neural Networks for estimation of vehicle roll angle
- A robust observer based on energy-to-peak filtering in combination with neural networks for parameter varying systems and its application to vehicleroll angle estimation
- Analysis of impact energy absorption by lightweight aramid structures
- Analysis of results obtained on vehicle technical inspection using fBRAKE in Spain and development of a new model for semi-trailers based on Regulation No. 13.
- Analytical and experimental study of failure onset during a Brazilian test
- Assessment of mechanical properties of human head tissues for trauma modelling.
- Capacidad del rotor de un acumulador cinético (FES: Flywheel Energy Storage) para diferentes materiales utilizando el cálculo analítico tensional
- Clutch pedal sensorization and evaluation of the main parameters related to driver posture
- Comparison of Iterative Proportional Fitting and Simulated Annealing as synthetic population generation techniques: Importance of the rounding method
- Computational verification of the optimum boundary condition of the Brazilian tensile test
- Correction to "Computational verification of the optimum boundary condition of the Brazilian tensile test"
- Desarrollo de una metodología de detección de grietas de fatiga en ruedas ferroviarias basada en el análisis de frecuencias naturales = Development of a methodology to detect fatigue cracks in railway wheels based on the analysis of natural frequencies
- Design of Low-Cost Vehicle Roll Angle Estimator Based on Kalman Filters and an IoT Architecture
- Design of an Orthopedic Product by Using Additive Manufacturing Technology: The Arm Splint
- Do Big 5 Personality Characteristics and Narcissism Predict Engagement in Leader Development?
- Dynamics and Embedded Internet of Things Input Shaping Control for Overhead Cranes Transporting Multibody Payloads
- EMD-Based Methodology for the Identification of a High-Speed Train Running in a Gear Operating State
- Effect of different buffer layers on the quality of InGaN layers grown on Si
- Effective Crack Detection in Railway Axles Using Vibration Signals and WPT Energy
- Effects of an android app on mechanical engineering students
- Elliptical Crack Identification in a Nonrotating Shaft
- Elliptical crack identication in a non-rotating shaft, Shock and Vibration
- Experimental analysis of drilling induced damage in aramid composites
- Experimental analysis of drilling induced damage in biocomposites
- Experimental and numerical analysis of step drill bit performance when drilling woven CFRPs
- Feature extraction from indirect monitoring in marine oil separation systems
- Filament Advance Detection Sensor for Fused Deposition Modelling 3D Printers
- Finishing turning of Ni superalloy Haynes 282
- Full-field strain distribution in multi-vertebra spine segments: An in vitro application of digital image correlation
- Género y envejecimiento desde el prisma de las organizaciones que trabajan con mayores
- Género y evaluación de programas de apoyo para cuidadoras/es de mayores
- High Speed Finish Turning of Inconel 718 Using PCBN Tools under Dry Conditions
- Identification of an open crack in a beam with variable profile by two resonant frequencies
- Influence of anodized depth on fatigue life for bicycle cranks
- Influence of stress state on the mechanical impact and deformation behaviors of aluminum alloys
- Influence of the AlInN Thickness on the Photovoltaic Characteristics of AlInN on Si Solar Cells Deposited by RF Sputtering"
- Influence of the AlN interlayer thickness on the photovoltaic properties of In-rich AlInN on Si heterojunctions deposited by RF sputtering
- Influencia de los Parámetros de Conducción en el Ruido Emitido por un Automóvil en el Tráfico Urbano
- International collaboration and innovation in professional and technological knowledge-intensive services
- Investigación y evaluación sobre género/feminismo y envejecimiento/vejez
- La sostenibilidad está cambiando la forma de innovar en el sector energético a través de las empresas de servicios energéticos (ESE) = Sustainability is changing the way that we innovate in the energy sector through energy service companies (ESCO)
- Learning from R&D outsourcing vs. learning by R&D outsourcing
- Local and Global Knowledge Complementarity: R & D Collaborations and Innovation of Foreign and Domestic Firms
- Management of time and cost contingencies in construction projects: a contractos perspective
- Matrix cracking evolution in open-hole laminates subjected to thermo-mechanical loads
- Methodology for the navigation optimization of a terrain-adaptive unmanned ground vehicle
- Modelado e impresión 3D de engranajes de transmisión rotación-helicoidal
- Modelling of femur fracture using finite element procedures
- Neural approach to estimate the stress intensity factor of semi-elliptical cracks in rotating cracked shafts in bending
- Numerical analysis for design of bioinspired ceramic modular armors for ballistic protections
- On the bulk modulus and natural frequency of fullerene and nanotube carbon structures obtained with a beam based method
- PCBN Performance in High Speed Finishing Turning of Inconel 718
- Perforation mechanics of 2024 aluminium protective plates subjected to impact by different nose shapes of projectiles
- Quality improvement of AlInN/p-Si heterojunctions with AlN buffer layer deposited by RF-sputtering
- Rapid prototyping prosthetic hand acting by a low-cost shape-memory-alloy actuator
- Real-Time Vehicle Roll Angle Estimation Based on Neural Networks in IoT Low-Cost Devices
- Relevant factors in the design of composite ballistic helmets
- Resolución de la cinemática de mecanismo ferroviario utilizando el cómputo paralelo sobre GPU = Resolution of the railway kinematics mechanism using parallel computing on GPU
- Rotor's capacity of a FES (Flywheel Energy Storage) system for different materials using analytical stress calculation = Capacidad del rotor de un acumulador cinético (FES: Flywheel Energy Storage) para diferentes materiales utilizando el cálculo analítico tensional
- Selecting the governance mode when offshoring knowledge-intensive activities
- Stress Intensity Factor and propagation of an open sickle shaped crack in a shaft under bending
- Sustainability: how energy service companies (ESCO) contribute
- The asymmetric effect of institutional distance on international location: family versus nonfamily firms
- The effect of leadership in the development of innovation capacity: A learning organization perspective
- The eurozone financial crisis and bank efficiency asymmetries: Peripheral versus core economies
- The impact of R&D sources on new product development: Sources of funds and the diversity versus control of knowledge debate
- Un estudio de caso de la presencia de humedades en viviendas sociales de mujeres propietarias
- VEHIOT: Design and Evaluation of an IoT Architecture Based on Low-Cost Devices to Be Embedded in Production Vehicles
Book Chapters
- Application of 3D Printing to the Intersection of Surfaces Learning in a Descriptive Geometry Course. In: New Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory
- Educational Resources for Self-learning of Descriptive Geometry: 2014-2017. In: New Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory
- Leonardo Torres Quevedo. Un genio entre la mecánica y la automática. In: Figuras ilustres de la Ingeniería Mecánica en España
- Using an Android App for Teaching Mechanism and Machine Theory. In: New Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory
Conference Contributions
- "Mesa final y de clausura. Presentación del número 21, monográfico de la Revista Prisma Social: "Envejecimiento y Género. Investigación y Evaluación de programas"
- Análisis de la influencia del diseño del frontal del vehículo en las lesiones de un peatón en caso de atropello
- Análisis de la influencia del ángulo de caída en la deformación de la banda de rodadura de un neumático mediante extensometría
- Análisis de las fuerzas aplicadas en el proceso de accionamiento y desaccionamiento del pedal de embrague
- Análisis de un mecanismo ferroviario mediante el cómputo en paralelo
- Análisis del taladrado de material compuesto 100% biodegradable
- Análisis en el dominio tiempo-frecuencia de un eje fisurado
- Análisis experimental y numérico del material compuesto de aramida frente a impacto balístico
- Análisis numérico de la respuesta de un casco para la desactivación de artefactos explosivos frente a impacto
- Ballistic performance and energy absorption characteristics of lightweight aramid structures
- Calidad e integridad del componente en procesos de escariado de apilados híbridos
- Comparación de herramientas de procesamiento de la señal en el comportamiento vibratorio de elementos fisurados
- Desarrollo de mecanismos de gobernanza de la sostenibilidad en las cadenas de suministro del sector retail
- Determinación de la profundidad de fisuras en ejes giratorios fisurados
Determinación de la profundidad de fisuras en ejes
giratorios fisurados - Does Facebook matter in the internationalization of Higher Education?
- Dynamic modeling and analysis of contact interaction of a passive biped-walking robot
- Estimación del coeficiente de adherencia lateral solicitado en el contacto neumático-calzada mediante extensometría y lógica difusa para el desarrollo del neumático inteligente
- Estudio experimental y numérico de la fricción entre hilos de tejidos de alto rendimiento
- Estudio experimental y numérico de la fricción entre hilos en la respuesta frente a impacto de tejidos de alto rendimiento
- Experimental and Numerical Study of inter-yarn friction coefficient behavior on the ballistic impact response of High-Performance Fabrics
- Experimental and numerical analysis of combat helmet ballistic performance
- Experimental and numerical study of a new structural composite for innovative cars
- Finite Element Simulation and Analysis of the behavior under load of a human shoulder
- Identificación de fisuras en ejes giratorios fisurados a partir de la velocidad crítica
- Identificación de fisuras en ejes giratorios fisurados a partir de la velocidad crítica
- Influence of the undeformed chip cross section in finishing turning of Inconel 718 with PCBN tools
- Influencia de la anisotropía en el comportamiento mecánico del fémurhumano
- Innovation performance of firms in transition economies: The role of international and domestic external knowledge
- International and domestic external knowledge in the innovation performance of firms from transition economies: the role of institutions
- Jubilación, vejez/envejecimiento y relaciones intergeneracionales desde un enfoque laboral y feminista
- Mayores y Jóvenes: trabajo agrícola desde un enfoque medioambiental y de género
- Mecanismos de gobernanza de la sostenibilidad de la cadena de suministro
- Mesa de contextos: La mirada de los mayores. Envejecimiento activo, calidad de vida y género
- Modelado de la fractura en hueso cortical considerando su microestructura heterogénea mediante el método Phantom Nodes.
- Modelado numérico de la fractura en hueso cortical considerando su microestructura heterogénea
- Modelización numérica de casco EOD ante impacto de fragmento
- Modelling fracture propagation in cortical bone tissue at a microscopic scale using the phantom-node technique.
- Modelling fracture propagation in cortical bone tissue at a microscopid scale using the phantom-nodes technique
- Monitoring of a High-Speed Train Bogie Using the EMD Technique
- Monitoring of the additive manufacturing process for the use of biomaterials in medical
- Numerical Modelling of Multilayer Woven Para-aramid Fabrics
- Numerical Modelling of Soft Armour Panels Under High-Velocity Impacts
- Numerical analysis of a new combat helmet design against ballistic impact
- Numerical and experimental analysis of aramid composites against ballistic impact
- Numerical modelling of fracture propagation in cortical bone considering its heterogeneous structure
- Operating state identification of a high-speed train with analysis of the vibration signal
- Optimization procedure for the design of a multimaterial joint CFRP-Steel in a coach structure to improve the energy absorption in a rollover scenario: applications of composites
- Passive Walking Biped Model with Dissipative Contact and Friction Forces
- Physical education as a vector for enhancing the interest on science studies
- Selecting the governance mode when offshoring knowledge-intensive activities
- Study of the performance of PCBN and carbide tools in finishing machining of Inconel 718 with cutting fluid at conventional pressures
- Study of the vibratory behaviour of a High Speed Train bogie using the EMD technique
- Study, Design and Prototyping of Oral Appliances to Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- The management of air navigation in Europe. Areas for future operational research
- The role of entrepreneurial education in entrepreneurship orientation
- The role of entrepreneurial education in entrepreneurship orientation of engineering students
Usos de las redes sociales e implicaciones en la
reputación corporativa - VEHIOT: evaluation of smartphones as data acquisition systems to reduce risk situations in commercial vehicles
- Why does Facebook matter in the internationalization of Higher Education
- ¿Tienen las personas con un mayor grado de conocimientos financieros más posibilidades de emprender con éxito?
- Análisis experimental y mediante elementos finidos de los procesos de fractura frágil de fémur
- Diseño avanzado de protecciones personales y su interacción con el cuerpo humano
- Taladrado de componentes híbridos CFRPs/Ti y tolerancia al daño debido a mecanizado durante el comportamiento en servicio de uniones estructurales aeronáuticas