Outputs for MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Department (Year 2016)
- 25 years of reengineering process: a retrospective vision
- A Sensor Fusion Method Based on an IntegratedNeural Network and Kalman Filter for Vehicle Roll Angle Estimation
- A hardware-software approach for design and control of mechatronics devices
- A method for inter-yarn friction coefficient calculation for plain wave of aramid fibers
- An Artificial Intelligence Approach for Gears Diagnostics in AUVs
- Analysis and comparison of motion capture systems for human walking
- Analysis of mechanical behavior variation in the proximal femur using X-FEM (Extended Finite Element Method) = Análisis de la variación del comportamiento mecánico de la extremidad proximal del fémur mediante el método XFEM (eXtended FiniteElement Method)
- Analysis of the influence of crack location for diagnosis in rotating shafts based on 3 x energy
- Antecedents and consequences of bank reputation: a comparison of the United Kingdom and Spain
- Antecedents and effects of host country nationals negative stereotyping of corporate expatriates. A social identity analysis
- Aplicación de la computación paralela con unidad procesadora de gráficos para el análisis de un sistema mecánico ferroviario / Parallel computing application with graphics processor unit for analysis of a mechanical railway system
- Automatic condition monitoring system for crack detection in rotating machinery
- Braking Efficiency Estimation Of An Automobile Vehicle Based On Predictive Parameters
- Crack detection in rotating shafts based on 3x energy: Analytical and experimental analyses
- Determining the stress distribution in a bicycle crank under in-service loads
- Development of numerical model for ballistic resistance evaluation of combat helmet and experimental validation
- Does Family Involvement in Management Reduce the Risk of Business Failure? The Moderating Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation
- Does R&D offshoring lead to SME growth? Different governance modes and the mediating role of innovation
- Drilling optimization of woven CFRP Laminates under different tool wear conditions: a multi-objective design of experiments approach
- Experimental analysis of special tool geometries when drilling woven and multidirectional CFRPs
- Experimental validation of a plier with two retractable fingers = Validación experimental de una pinza de dos dedos retráctiles
- Forces determination on the steering wheel of an automobile vehicle
- Identification of two cracks with different severity in beams and rods from minimal frequency data
- Information and library science; Scientific excellence; University ranking; Europe; Bibliometric analysis; Us Lis Faculty; Research Productivity; Citation Analysis; Scholarly Productivity; Impact; Publication; Scopus; Statistics; Web
- Inward-outward connections and their impact on firm growth
- Numerical analysis of the ballistic behaviour of Kevlar (R) composite under impact of double-nosed stepped cylindrical projectiles
- Numerical analysis of the influence of tool wear and special cutting geometry when drilling woven CFRPs
- Orientation of propagating crack paths emanating from fretting-fatigue contact problems
- Point mass identification in rectangular plates from minimal natural frequency data
- Provisioning 1 Gb/s symmetrical services with next-generation passive optical network technologies
- Review of recent advances in the application of the wavelet transform to diagnose cracked rotors
- The HR department's contribution to line managers' effective implementation of HR practices
- The Innovation Pivot Framework Fostering Business Model Innovation in Startups
- The state of innovation and entrepreneurship research
- Two-Color Pyrometer for Process Temperature Measurement During Machining
- Unemployment benefits and recall jobs: a split population model
- Unique determination of a single crack in a uniform simply supported beam in bending vibration
- Vehicle sideslip angle measurement based on sensor data fusion using an integrated ANFIS and an Unscented Kalman Filter algorithm
- Virtual Forums as a Learning Method in Industrial Engineering Organization
Book Chapters
- Forward and Inverse Dynamics and Quasi-Static Analysis of Mechanizes with MATLAB. In: Applications from Engineering with MATLAB Concepts
- ¿Es posible aplicar en la cadena de suministro de la industria láctea prácticas que tienen éxito en otras industrias? Alianzas. In: El sector lácteo español en la encrucijada
Conference Contributions
- Active Ageing and socio-ergonomics factors in agriculture: The case of olive farmers in Community of Madrid and peripheral areas
- Analysis of vibration signals of drive train failures in wind turbines in cold climate
- Análisis de la inscripción en curva de un vehículo industrial a la luz del nuevo Reglamento nº 79 de la Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas para Europa
- Análisis experimental combinado con elementos finitos de la fractura de la extremidad proximal del fémur
- Análisis experimental de la resistencia a la penetración de cuchillo en tejidos de alto rendimiento
- Análisis experimental y numérico del comportamiento de un fémur artificial
- Análisis numérico del efecto de la protección de mandíbula y visor en un casco de combate ante cargas explosivas
- Automatic online fatigue crack detection in railway axles
- Automatización y optimización de la determinación numérica del Factor de Intensiad de Tensiones en ejes fisurados
- Behaviour of a new combat helmet design against ballistic impact: Experimental and numerical analysis
- Computational modeling of bulk modulus in carbon nanostructures using a finite element approach
- Determinación del estado tensional de una biela de bicicleta frente a las cargas de trabajo
- Diseño de un estimador del ángulo de balanceo de vehículos industriales mediante redes neuronales
- Displacements and strains in multivertebra spine segments measured by means of Digital Image Correlation
- Distributive Justice in the Compensation of Global Mobility: An inductive study of a workers' cooperative in the Mondragon Corporation
- Drivers in offshoring and choosing the governance mode: The role of knowledge-intensive activities
- El atropello en vía interurbana, ¿previsto en homologación?
- Estimación mediante Redes Neuronales del Factor de Intensidad de Tensiones en un eje giratorio fisurado
- Estudio del comportamiento de un sistema salvacunetas para mejorar la seguridad vial
- Estudio del comportamiento del cuerpo de válvulas de un amortiguador de alto rendimiento
- Estudio del contacto en la interacción rueda-carril y rueda-rodillo en bancos de ensayos ferroviarios
- Estudio mediante extensiometría del comportamiento dinámico de la banda de rodadura de un neumático
- Evaluación de programas de envejecimiento activo desde una perspectiva de género: herramientas y casos prácticos
- Family relations in new venture teams: growth in the entrepreneur context
- Family ties in new venture teams and business growth: the role of innovation
- Finite element modeling of UHMWPE personal protections considering strain-rate dependence
- Framework for a new wave of IT-enabled business process transformations
- Fundamentos del Programa ENCAGE-CM. Envejecimiento activo, calidad de vida y género
- Fuzzy-Based Anti-Rollover Controller for a Heavy Duty Vehicle, using Active Suspension
- High speed machining of Nickel-based alloys (HRSA) with CBN tools
- Home country institutions and exports of firms from developing countries: does innovation matter?
- Human Resources Excellence in Research Award: the UC3M case
- Impact and Compression after Impact (CAI) behavior of PLA/Flax biocomposites
- Is the virtual homologation for pedestrian protection viable?
- Mecanizado de alta velocidad de superaleaciones de base níquel con herramientas PCBN
- Methodology to characterize the Von Misses stress in the contact between wheel and rail(Test-Rig)
- Metodología para la adaptación y validación experimental de modelos ingenieriles
- Modeling of viscoelastoplastic behavior of Flax/PLA biodegradable composites
- Mujeres mayores: protagonistas del cuidado, de los programas de apoyo y de su evaluación
- Multimode fibers in millimeter-wave evolution for 5G cellular networks
- Nanocomposites based on LDPE filled with carbon nnotubes and their Potential Bactericide Activity
- Nueva metodología para el análisis de la evolución de las frecuencias naturales con el tamaño de la grieta en ruedas ferroviarias
- Nuevas metodologías para la inspección técnica del sistema de dirección
- Optical-fiber pyrometer positioning accuracy analysis
- Optimisation of traction and fixing systems in suspended monorails
- Overcoming the Constraints to Export Faced by Firms in Developing Countries: The Role of Innovation
- Simulation of the impact behavior of PLA/Flax biocomposites
- Single and multiple impact behaviour of thermoplastic composites
- Sistema de control antivuelco para furgoneta utilizando lógica difusa y suspensión activa
- Social environmental attitudes for the reduction of agricultural greenhouse gases in Spain
- Stab-resistance of high performance woven fabrics: Experimental tests
- Supply chain sustainability in Spanish major retailer through strategic alliances and lean practices
- Sustainability leveraged by energy service projects (ESCO) in Spain: analysis 2010-14
- Tecnologías para la seguridad física e investigación
- The dark and bright sides of collaboration: the effects of geographic proximity and the international diversity of partners on innovation success and failure
- The impact of geographic and regulative distances on international location choice in family firms
- The influence of sports participation on academic outcomes among students in higher education: a case study
- Una propuesta de investigación multidisciplinar sobre Envejecimiento activo, Calidad de Vida y Género en la Comunidad de Madrid: el programa ENCAGE-CM
- Understanding the decision to offshore human resources activities. A coevolutionary perspective.
- Understanding the decision to offshore human resources activities: An Empirical Analysis
- WDM-PON Preventive Optical Monitoring System with Colourless Reflectors
- Dispositivo automático para biopsias cutáneas
- Dispositivo para la medida sin contacto en ejes rotativos de sus tres coordenadas independientes de desplazamiento y tres ángulos de giro independientes
- Método y sistema para detectar automáticamente fallos en un eje rotatorio
- Capacidad innovadora, competitividad y el papel de la información contable. INNCOMCON-CM
- Drilling Processes Improvement for Multi Material CFRP-AL-TI Stacks
- Innovaciones de RRHH para la gestión de distintos perfiles demográficos en las multinacionales españolas: un análisis en profundidad en torno a la variable edad
- Simulación comportamiento dinámico Bogie reducido PR1-4600086180
Supervised Theses
- Análisis Experimental y Numérico del Proceso de Taladrado de Materiales Compuestos de Fibra de Carbono
- El diseño de una base de datos de investigaciones en profundidad sobre atropellos a peatones
- Formulación de un algoritmo eficiente de integración de un modelo de daño isótropo y validación en condiciones dinámicas
- Metodología para la determinación del factor de seguridad probabilístico basado en la validación del modelo teórico
- Modelo de frenado del neumático de un vehículo turismo en un frenómetro de rodillos
- Trabajo en equipo y resultados organizativos en pequeñas empresas de base tecnológica: el papel del diseño, la composición y los procesos interpersonales de los equipos