- A new device for determining the compression after impact strength in thin laminates
- A review on recent advances in numerical modelling of bone cutting
- A theoretical analysis of the free axial vibration of non-local rods with fractional continuum mechanics
- An analysis of microstructural and thermal softening effects in dynamic necking
- Analysis of Ice Impact Process at High Velocity
- Analytical solution for plane stress/strain deformation of laminates with matrix cracks
- Collective behaviour and spacing of necks in ductile plates subjected to dynamic biaxial loading
- Constitutive sensitivity of the oscillatory behaviour of hyperelastic cylindrical shells
- Crack identification in non-uniform rods by two frequency data
- Damage evolution in open-hole laminated composite plates subjected to in-plane loads
- Dynamic crushing behaviour of agglomerated cork
- Dynamic recrystallization and adiabatic shear localization
- Experimental response of agglomerated cork under multi-impact loads
- Experimental study of the impactor mass effect on the low velocity impact of carbon/epoxy woven laminates
- Failure behavior of 2024-T3 aluminum under tension-torsion conditions
- Failure behaviour of 2024-T3 Aluminium under tension-torsion conditions
- High impact velocity on multi-layered composite of polyether ether ketone and aluminium
- Identification of two cracks in a rod by minimal resonant and antiresonant frequency data
- Investigation of mechanical impact behavior of short carbon-fiber-reinforced PEEK composites
- Low temperature effect on impact energy absorption capability of PEEK composites
- Manufacture of compression moulded PLA based biocomposites: A parametric study
- Mechanical impact behavior of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK)
- Modelling impact behaviour of all-cellulose composite plates
- Photo-thermo-mechanical behavior under quasi-static tensile conditions of a PMMA-core optical fibre
- The anisotropic criterion of von Mises (1928) as a yield condition for PMMCs. A calibration procedure based on numerical cell-analysis
- The deterministic nature of the fracture location in the dynamic tensile testing of steel sheets
- The oblique impact response of composite sandwich plates
- The role of constitutive relation in the stability of hyper-elastic spherical membranes subjected to dynamic inflation
Book Chapters
- Numerical modeling of LFRP machining. In: Machinability of fibre-reinforced plastics
- Numerical modeling of LFRP machining. In: Machinability of fibre-reinforced plastics
Conference Contributions
- A one dimensional model to uncover the key mechanisms which control flow localization in the dynamic tensile test
- A study of induced damage during drilling on natural fibre based biocomposites
- Analysis of carbon/epoxy composite laminates subjected to high velocity ice impacts
- Analysis of obliquity in the high velocity impact of carbon/epoxy fragments
- Analysis of the manufacturing parameters on the mechanical properties of natural fibres composites
- Análisis de la evolución del daño en placas de tipo laminado con un agujero
- Análisis numérico del efecto de la protección de mandíbula y visor del casco de combate bajo cargas explosivas
- CFRP fluid filled tubes subjected to high velocity impacts: experimental and numerical analysis
- Compression after impact test method for thin laminates
- Control de movimientos en vigas adaptativas de sección cajón de tipo laminado
- Dynamic punch behavior of polyether-ether-ketone (PEEK)
- Dynamic response of Kevlar: numerical analysis
- Effect of basal fibre hybridization on high velocity impact behaviour of carbon/epoxy composites
- Effect of mandible protection and visor of the advanced combat helmet on human head response under blast loading
- Experimental punching technique for ductile fracture testing on aluminium sheets
- How boundaries of the capture zone affect the mechanical response of orb webs under dynamic loads
- Impact mechanical behaviour of graphite fiber reinforced peek
- Impactos de hielo sobre laminados de carbono/epoxi a alta velocidad
- Influence of ply thickness on the damage evolution in open-hole laminate plates
- Influencia de la geometría de adherentes y adhesivo en el comportamiento de uniones adhesivas a solape simple en laminados
- Influencia del espesor en el rango de aplicación de un útil CAI desarrollado para laminados delgados
- Modeling of impact dynamics and application in public security education
- Modelización de reparaciones adhesivas de laminados de pequeño espesor de material compuesto
- Multiple necking during biaxial dynamic loading of thermoviscoplastic plates
- Nonlocal Eringen elasticity theory extended to large deformations. Application to nonlinear axial vibrations of rods
- Numerical and experimental behavior of PEEK composite materials under low impact energy
- Numerical study of carbon/epoxy woven laminates submitted to equienergetic impacts
- Numerical study of the behaviour of natural fibres composites under low-velocity impact
- On the application of e-learning in engineering education
- Parametric study on the manufacturing of biocomposite materials
- Statistical and numerical analysis of wear tool geometry in drilling CFRP
- Tecnologías para la seguridad y su aplicación en la formación superior de los futuros oficiales de la Guardia Civil
- The oblique impact response of composite sandwich plates
- The relevance of secondary frame in the structural response of spider orb webs upon prey impacts
- Track gauge influence on the risk of derailment
- Transitioning a unidirectional composite computer model from mesoscale to continuum
- Ensayo de impacto de granizo en radar aeronáutico
- Ensayos DCB, ENF y MMB
- Ensayos NDT, Torre de caida y CAI
- Ensayos de impacto de gelatina contra placas estáticas
- Estudio del comportamiento frente a cargas axiales, de fatiga y fluencia de componentes mecánicos
- Impactos de hielo y UERF de alta velocidad sobre blindajes ligeros
- Modelos continuos no locales para el análisis del comportamiento de solidos estructurados
- Multi-Impact Testing on Aeronautical Panels
- Optimización de impacto de granizo en radar aeronáutico
- Un desafío pendiente de la mecánica de sólidos: estructuras ingenieriles sometidas a condiciones extremas de carga