- A continuum mechanics constitutive framework for transverse isotropic soft tissues
- A new constitutive model for polymeric matrices: Application to biomedical materials
- Analysis of impact energy absorption by lightweight aramid structures
- Analysis of low-velocity impact on flax/PLA composites using a strain rate sensitive model
- Analytical models for the perforation of thick and thin thickness woven laminates subjected to high-velocity impact
- Band structure analysis of a thin plate with periodic arrangements of slender beams
- Complete mechanical characterization of an external hexagonal implant connection: in vitro study, 3D FEM, and probabilistic fatigue
- Crack propagation in TRIP assisted steels modeled by crystal plasticity and cohesive zone method
- Evaluation of Fatigue Behavior in Dental Implants from In Vitro Clinical Tests: A Systematic Review
- Experimental analysis of an attenuation method for Hydrodynamic Ram effects
- Experimental analysis of drilling induced damage in biocomposites
- Experimental and numerical analysis of step drill bit performance when drilling woven CFRPs
- Homogenized Gurson-type behavior equations for strain rate sensitive materials
- Identification of an open crack in a beam with variable profile by two resonant frequencies
- Implant Treatment in Atrophic Maxilla by Titanium Hybrid-Plates: A Finite Element Study to Evaluate the Biomechanical Behavior of Plates
- Influence of ply orientation on free-edge effects in laminates subjected to in-plane loads
- Influence of stress state on the mechanical impact and deformation behaviors of aluminum alloys
- Matrix cracking evolution in open-hole laminates subjected to thermo-mechanical loads
- Multi-impact mechanical behaviour of short fibre reinforced composites
- Non-uniform distributions of initial porosity in metallic materials affect the growth rate of necking instabilities in flat tensile samples subjected to dynamic loading
- Nonlinear axisymmetric vibrations of a hyperelastic orthotropic cylinder
- Numerical analysis for design of bioinspired ceramic modular armors for ballistic protections
- Numerical analysis of surface cracks repaired with single and double patches of composites
- Numerical methodology to analyze the ice impact threat: Application to composite structures
- Numerical model of solar external receiver tubes: Influence of mechanical boundary conditions and temperature variation in thermoelastic stresses
- Numerical study of composite fragment impacts onto rigid target
- On the bulk modulus and natural frequency of fullerene and nanotube carbon structures obtained with a beam based method
- Perforation mechanics of 2024 aluminium protective plates subjected to impact by different nose shapes of projectiles
- Propagation of solitons in a two-dimensional nonlinear square lattice
- Random distributions of initial porosity trigger regular necking patterns at high strain rates
- Reproducing the nonlinear dynamic behavior of a structured beam with a generalized continuum model
- The influence of laminate stacking sequence on ballistic limit using a combined Experimental/FEM/Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) methodology
Conference Contributions
- A viscous-hyperelastic constitutive model for transverse isotropic soft tissues
- Análisis del taladrado de material compuesto 100% biodegradable
- Análisis experimental y numérico del material compuesto de aramida frente a impacto balístico
- Análisis numérico de la respuesta de un casco para la desactivación de artefactos explosivos frente a impacto
- Ballistic performance and energy absorption characteristics of lightweight aramid structures
- Compression behaviour of composite laminates using the Serial/Parallel mixing theory
- Dynamic Recrystallization and Adiabatic Shear Localization
- Estudio experimental y numérico de la fricción entre hilos de tejidos de alto rendimiento
- Estudio experimental y numérico de la fricción entre hilos en la respuesta frente a impacto de tejidos de alto rendimiento
- Experimental and Numerical Study of inter-yarn friction coefficient behavior on the ballistic impact response of High-Performance Fabrics
- Experimental and numerical analysis of combat helmet ballistic performance
- Experimental and numerical study of a new structural composite for innovative cars
- Ignición de capas de mezcla supersónica por ondas de choque
- Influencia de los soportes longitudinales en los tubos de los receptores solares térmicos
- Influencia de los soportes longitudinales en los tubos de los receptores solares térmicos
- Mechanical behaviour of bonded repaired composite plates
- Modelización numérica de casco EOD ante impacto de fragmento
- Multiple Necking Pattern in Nonlinear Elastic Bars Subjected to Dynamic Stretching: The Role of Defects and Inertia
distributions of initial porosity in metallic materials affect the growth rate
of necking instabilities in flat tensile samples subjected to dynamic loading - Numerical Modelling of Multilayer Woven Para-aramid Fabrics
- Numerical analysis of a new combat helmet design against ballistic impact
- Numerical and experimental analysis of aramid composites against ballistic impact
- On the Interplay Between Macroscopic Localization and Void Coalescence for Strain Rate Sensitive Materials
- On the interplay between macroscopic localization and void coalescence for strain rate sensitive materials
- Thermal and mechanical stresses in a solar central receiver
- Thermal stress variation in a solar central receiver during daily operation
- Análisis y desarrollo de protecciones auxéticas para estructuras carbono/epoxi
- Design and manufacturing Rig support for double curved panels. Simulated bird (gelatine) impact on double curved panels. Hail (parallelepiped) impact on double curved panels
- Ensayos de impacto de esfera de hielo sobre paneles de titanio microperforado
- Estudio del comportamiento frente a impacto y post-impacto de palas de aerogenerador fabricadas de estructuras sándwich
- GRAPHENE Core 2: Graphene-based revolutions in ICT and beyond
- Numerical Modeling of Self Piercing Riveting
- Optimización del diseño de protecciones personales mediante el empleo de modelos numéricos
- PURPOSE: Opening a new route in solid mechanics: Printed Protective Structures (ERC Starting Grant 2017)
- QUANTIFY: Unraveling the role of anisotropy in material failure
- Respuesta estructural de panel aeronáutico de antena RX sometido a cargas de impacto. Pedido nº 4300178267/10
- Science is coming: la ciencia que está creando tu futuro
- Un desafío pendiente en Mecánica de Sólidos: el efecto de la anisotropía y la porosidad en la resistencia mecánica y la ductilidad de metales impresos
Supervised Theses
de los efectos de borde en laminados de material compuesto mediante modelos
numéricos -
experimental y numérico de reparaciones adhesivas de laminados delgados -
y modelización del proceso de fractura dúctil en materiales plásticos y
viscoplásticos - Análisis del comportamiento a compresión después de impacto (CAI) de laminados delgados.
- Modelos de celda y del Continuo Generalizado para el análisis del comportamiento dinámico de sólidos estructurados