Outputs for MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Department (Year 2012)
- A methodology to design robotic arms for service tasks since early design stage
- A model for managing intangible technological resources. What makes innovative industries different?
- A new efficient procedure to solve the nonlinear dynamics of a cracked rotor
- A non-destructive method for elliptical cracks identification in shafts based on wave propagation signals and genetic algorithms
- A simulation-based flexible platform for the design and evaluation of rail service infrastructures
- A test for lateral vehicle safety related to road design
- Analysis of the Stabilization System of Mimbot Biped
- Caracterización de los factores que afectan a la exactitud y a la precisión en el resultado de la medida de tensión superficial con instrumentos basados en el método ADSA
- Contact variables and thermal effects at the tool-chip interface in orthogonal cutting
- Decisiones corporativas en las empresas españolas
- Delamination prediction in orthogonal machining of carbon long fiber-reinforced polymer composites
- Do family ties shape the performance consequences of diversification? Evidence from the European Union
- Influence of vehicle driving parameters on the noise caused by passenger cars in urban traffic
- Instituciones públicas y dinámica empresarial en el sector cultural: la arqueología comercial en España
- Invariance of the magnetization axis under spin reorientation transitions in polycrystalline magnets of Nd2Fe14B
- La arqueología comercial en España: ¿un sistema sectorial de innovación? = Commercial archaeology in Spain: a sectoral system of innovation?
- La relación entre el cambio organizativo, los mecanismos de coordinación y los sistemas de incentivos en diferentes industrias
- Managing cross-cultural differences: Testing human resource models in Latin America
- Mechanical method for experimental determination of the first-penetration field in high-temperature superconductors
- Non-contact linear slider for cryogenic environment
- Optimization of Combined Transportation Infrastructures Using Iterative Simulation. Railroad Terminal Study
- Re-employment probabilities of unemployment benefit recipients
- Regulation and competition in the European mobile communications industry: An examination of the implementation of mobile number portability
- Relating the near field noise of passenger cars with the driving behavior
- Service innovation in manufacturing firms: evidence from Spain
- The effect of the partial pressure of water vapor on the surface tension of the liquid water-air interface
- The internationalization of knowledge-intensive business services: the effect of collaboration and the mediating role of innovation
- The relation between firm size and R&D productivity in different technological regimes
- Análisis de deslizamiento de los rodillos de un rodamiento: a partir de simulaciones dinámicas con un modelo de elementos finitos: influencia del coeficiente de rozamiento
- Automóviles y ferrocarriles
- Ingeniería del transporte
- Modelo de contacto neumático-calzada a baja velocidad
- Prototipo deslizador de un motor lineal síncrono de imanes permanentes: diseño, cálculo y análisis estructural de los esfuerzos sometidos en el deslizador
Book Chapters
- Analysis of Dynamic Loading of Long Fiber Reinforced Composites. In: Fiber-Reinforced Composites
- Benchmarking mobile operators using DEA: An application to the European mobile market. In: Mobile Services Industries, Technologies, and Applications in the Global Economy
- Biomechanical Behavior Analysis of the Sap Ascent in Vascular Plants. In: Analysis and Design of Biological Materials and Structures
- Magnetic-Superconductor Cryogenic Non-contact Harmonic Drive. In: Let´s embrace space
- Plane Stress at the Crack Front: A Case Incompatible with Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics. In: Issues on Mechanical and Civil Engineering: A Symposium to Honour Professor Enrique Alarcón
- Processing and Mechanical Properties of the Workpiece in Machining of Long-Fiber-Reinforced Composites. In: Wiley Encyclopedia of Composites
- The Direct Impact of the Normative and Cognitive Distances and the Moderating Effect of Regulations on the Internationalization of SMEs. In: New Policy Challenges for European Multinationals
- The Dynamics of Temporaru Jobs in the Tourism Industry. In: Strategies for Tourism Industry-Micro and Macro Perspectives
- Web-Application for Engineering Graphics - An Example of a Distance Learning Tool. In: International Perspectives of Distance Learning in Higher Education
Conference Contributions
- A Unified Analysis of the In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Constraints in 3-D Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics
- Analysis of the clamping mechanisms of collet-chucks holders for turning
- Dependence of Surface Tensión with the Relative Humidity in the Gas-phase
- Determinants of organizational innovation in service firms: A case study of the professional archaeology
- Efecto de la presencia y orientación de una masa excéntrica en la forma del frente de una fisura de un eje rotatorio
- Estudio de los impactos socioeconómicos del Camino Santiago-Fisterra.
- Experience on a Cryogenic Linear Mechanism Based on Superconducting Levitation
- Experimental determination of the first penetration field in high‐temperature superconductors by mechanical methods
- Exploring interdisciplinary approaches to heritagization processes: The case of the pilgrimage from Santiago to Fisterra
- Extensión a los socios locales de las certificaciones de calidad en la cooperación al desarrollo. Casos español y brasileño
- Flexibilidad de ejes rotativos con fisuras semielípticas
- How May the Nature of Family Firms Explain Decisions on International Diversification?
- Input shaping for multibody oscillatory systems described by DAEs
- Integrating computer-aided modeling and micro-simulation in multi-criteria evaluation of service infrastructure assignment approaches
- International Collaboration and Innovation In Professional and Technological Knowledge-Intensive Services
- Magnetic-Superconductor Cryogenic Non-contact Harmonic Drive: Performance and Dynamical Behavior
- Management innovation in knowledge intensive business services: The emergence of professional archaeology as case study
- Multinational Enterprises and Domestic Wages: The moderating effect of skill composition
- Non-contact Linear Mechanism Based in Superconducting Levitation for Cryogenic Environment
- Reinventing the company: A case study of organizational innovation in the archaeological company
- Relaxation of Surface Tensión of Aqueous Solutions by Humidification of the Gas Phase
- Simplified Local Model for the Mechanical Interaction between a Finite Magnet and Superconductor in the Meissner State
- Skills and Innovation of Foreign and Domestic Firms
- Skills and innovations of foreign and domestic firms
- Temperature Sensor Based on Fiber Optic Pyrometer in Material Removal Processes
- Temperature sensor based on fiber optic pyrometer in material removal processes
- The Different Effects of International Collaborations on Innovation in Professional and Technological Knowledge Intensive Services
- The Influence of Eccentricity on the Crack Breathing in a Rotating Shaft
- The effect of skills on innovation: Subsidiaries of foreign multinational enterprises versus domestic firms
- Using the center of percussion to simplify a biped to four point masses
- Asesoría para la simulación de uniones adhesivas por medio del método de elementos finitos
- ICARUS: Innovative Changes in Air transport Research for Universally designed Services (RTD)
- Laboratorio de técnicas avanzadas de análisis por vibraciones del estado de sistemas mecánicos rotativos de aplicación ferroviaria
- Modelización del proceso de taladrado de materiales compuestos de fibra de carbono
- Tratamiento criogénico para la producción integral sostenible de mecanizado de piezas metálicas endurecidas
Supervised Theses
- "Regulation, competition and firm productivity and performance in network industries: The case of mobile telephony in Europe"
- Airline strategic alliances: a signal of tacit collusion and multimarket deterrence-an
- Fudamentos de Ingeniería de Mecanismos Compuestos por Imanes y Superconductores en Estado Meissner
- Kinematic and dynamic analysis for biped robots design
- Metodología para la Determinación y Asignación de Incertidumbres a Valores Obtenidos Mediante Cálculos Efectuados a partir de Modelos MEF
- Modelo integral de sistemas de sujeción basados en pinzas expansibles
- The Dynamics of Airline Industry: studies on Airline Alliance Networks, Strategic Groups and de Low Cost Carrier Phenomenon