publication venue for
- Wear behavior in pastes of alkali-activated materials: influence of precursor and alkali solution. 147:1-10. 2020
- On the use of the theory of critical distances with mesh control for fretting fatigue lifetime assessment. 142:1-8. 2020
- Numerical analysis of the influence of micro-voids on fretting fatigue crack initiation lifetime. 135:121-129. 2019
- Relevant factors affecting the direction of crack propagation in complete contact problems under fretting fatigue. 131:343-352. 2019
- A Study of Sliding between Rollers and Races in a Roller Bearing with a Numerical Model for Mechanical Event Simulations. 43:2175-2182. 2010
- Friction of PM Ferritic Stainless Steels at Temperatures up to 300ยบ C. 42:1199-1205. 2009