publication venue for
- What happened to the workshop of West Africa? Resilience and decline of handicraft textiles in colonial Northern Nigeria, 1911-1952. 77:1314-1335. 2024
- Technical change and the postwar slowdown in Soviet economic growth in a long run perspective, 1885-2019. 77:644-674. 2024
- Power Politics and the Expansion of US Exports, 1879-1938. 76:1051-1073. 2023
- Soils, scale, or elites? Biological innovation in Uruguayan cattle farming, 1880-1913. 76:498-524. 2023
- Morten Jerven, the wealth and poverty of African States: Economic growth, living standards and taxation since the late nineteenth century. Cambridge University Press, 2022. pp. 198. ISBN 9781108341080. [Book Review]. 75:1388-1390. 2022
- Origins of regional divergence: economic growth in socialist Yugoslavia. 73:1097-1127. 2020
- The rise of coffee in the Brazilian south-east: tariffs and foreign market potential, 1827-40. 73:964-990. 2020
- Trade in the shadow of power: Japanese industrial exports in the interwar years. 73:815-843. 2020
- The question of land access and the Spanish land reform of 1932. 72:669-690. 2019
- Land reform and conflict before the Civil War: landowner response to tenancy reform in 1930s Catalonia. 1322-1348. 2018
- Refinancing short-term debt with a fixed monthly interest rate into funded juros under Philip II: an asiento with the Maluenda brothers. 71:1100-1117. 2018
- Lewis revisited: tropical polities competing on the world market, 1830-1938. 70:1244-1267. 2017
- Product quality or market regulation? Explaining the slow growth of Europe's wine cooperatives, 1880-1980. 70:122-142. 2017
- Respond to "Duplications" by Drelichman and Voth. 69:1007-1013. 2016
- Decomposing income inequality in a backward pre-industrial economy: Old Castile (Spain) in the middle of the eighteenth century. 69:747-772. 2016
- Economic freedom in the long run: evidence from OECD countries (1850-2007). 69:435-468. 2016
- The little big number: how GDP came to rule the world and what to do about it. 69:743-744. 2016
- Just add milk: a productivity analysis of the revolutionary changes in nineteenth-century Danish dairying. 68:1132-1153. 2015
- Trust, religion, and cooperation in western agriculture, 1880-1930. 67:678-698. 2014
- Greasing the Wheels of Rural Transformation? Margarine and the Competition for the British Butter Market. 3:769-792. 2014
- Debt policy under constraints: Philip II, the Cortes, and Genoese bankers. 67:192-213. 2014
- Rural labour markets and rural conflict in Spain before the Civil War (1931-6). 66:86-108. 2013
- Explaining contract choice: vertical coordination, sharecropping, and wine in Europe, 1850-1950. 65:887-909. 2012
- Trade and poverty : when the Third World fell behind [book review]. 65:1202-1203. 2012
- The rise and fall of Spain (1270-1850). 66:1-37. 2012
- The strange birth of liberal Denmark: Danish trade protection and the growth of the dairy industry since the mid-nineteenth century. 65:770-788. 2012
- Top incomes : a global perspective [book review]. 64:1068-1069. 2011
- Explaining nineteenth-century bilateralism: economic and political determinants of the Cobden-Chevalier network. 64:644-688. 2011
- Human capital and institutions: a long-run view. 64:345-346. 2011
- Did Governance Fail Universal Banks? Moral Hazard, Risk Taking and Banking Crises in Interwar Italy. 62:101-134. 2009
- Falling Behind: Explaining the Development Gap Between Latin America and the United States. 62:770-772. 2009
- Subcontracting and Vertical Integration in the Spanish Cotton Industry. 62:45-72. 2009
- Labour Market Adjustment a Hundred Years Ago: The Case of the Catalan Textile Industry, 1880-1913. 61:1-25. 2008