publication venue for
- Who Acquires Information in Dealer Markets?. 110:1145-1176. 2020
- Liquidity Sentiments. 109:3813-3848. 2019
- Is inflation default? The role of information in debt crises. 109:3556-3584. 2019
- Culture, ethnicity, and diversity. 107:2479-2513. 2017
- Information Spillovers in Asset Markets with Correlated Values. 107:2007-2040. 2017
- Pass-through of emissions costs in electricity markets. 104:2872-2899. 2014
- Industry compensation under relocation risk: a firm-level analysis of the EU emissions trading scheme. 104:2482-2508. 2014
- Spatial Development. 104:1211-1243. 2014
- Urban accounting and welfare. 103:2296-2327. 2013
- A theory of charitable fund-raising with costly solicitations. 103:1091-1107. 2013
- Entropy and the value of information for investors. 103:360-377. 2013
- Innovation in Space. 102:447-452. 2012
- Social Preferences and Strategic Uncertainty: An Experiment on Markets and Contracts. 100:2261-2278. 2010
- Bank Runs and Institutions: The Perils of Intervention. 99:1588-1607. 2009