publication venue for
- A CMV connection between orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle and the real line. 266:1-22. 2021
- The matching condition for larger size Riemann-Hilbert problems. 263:1-34. 2021
- Rational approximation and Sobolev-type orthogonality. 260:1-19. 2020
- Simultaneous zero-free approximation and universal optimal polynomial approximants. 256:1-13. 2020
- Coherent pairs of bivariate orthogonal polynomials. 245:40-63. 2019
- Determining system poles using row sequences of orthogonal Hermite-Pade approximants. 231:15-40. 2018
- Nikishin systems on star-like sets: Ratio asymptotics of the associated multiple orthogonal polynomials. 225:1-40. 2018
- Differential orthogonality: Laguerre and Hermite cases with applications. 196:111-130. 2015
- Large degree asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials with respect to an oscillatory weight on a bounded interval. 186:33-63. 2014
- Measurable diagonalization of positive definite matrices. 185:91-97. 2014
- A Favard type theorem for orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle from a three term recurrence formula. 184:146-162. 2014
- In memoriam: Andrei Aleksandrovich Gonchar. November 21, 1931-October 10, 2012. 172:1-13. 2013
- Incomplete Padé approximation and convergence of row sequences of Hermite-Padé approximants. 170:59-77. 2013
- Jacobi&-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials: Asymptotics and a Cohen type inequality. 170:78-93. 2013
- OPSFA'11. 170:1-2. 2013
- On spectral approximation, Følner sequences and crossed products. 170:155-171. 2013
- A new linear spectral transformation associated with derivatives of Dirac linear functionals. 163:1834-1853. 2011
- Nikishin systems are perfect. The case of unbounded and touching supports. 163:779-811. 2011
- Special Issue Proceedings of the International Workshop on Orthogonal Polynomials and Approximation Theory dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Guillermo Lopez Lagomasino. 163:1-2. 2011
- Asymptotic Zero Distribution of Complex Orthogonal Polynomials Associated with Gaussian Quadrature. 162:2202-2224. 2010
- Zero Location and Asymptotic behavior for Extremal Polynomials with Non-Diagonal Sobolev Norms. 162:2225-2242. 2010
- The Laguerre-Sobolev-Type Orthogonal Polynomials. 162:421-440. 2010
- Relative Asymptotic of Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials for Nikishin Systems. 158:214-241. 2009
- A Simple Characterization of Weighted Sobolev Spaces with Bounded Multiplication Operator. 153:53-72. 2008
- Coherent Pairs of Linear Functionals on the Unit Circle. 153:122-137. 2008