publication venue for Out-of-sample predictability in predictive regressions with many predictor candidates. 40. 2024 (Structural) VAR models with ignored changes in mean and volatility. 40:840-854. 2024 Daily growth at risk: financial or real drivers? The answer is not always the same 2023 30 years of cointegration and dynamic factor models forecasting and its future with big data: Editorial. 37:1333-1337. 2021 Factor extraction using Kalman filter and smoothing: This is not just another survey. 37:1399-1425. 2021 Mixed random forest, cointegration, and forecasting gasoline prices. 37:1442-1462. 2021 Sparse estimation of dynamic principal components for forecasting high-dimensional time series. 37:1498-1508. 2021 Spurious relationships in high-dimensional systems with strong or mild persistence. 37:1480-1497. 2021 AgustÃn Maravall: An interview with the International Journal of Forecasting. 36. 2020 Growth in stress. 35:948-966. 2019 Bayesian forecasting of UEFA Champions League under alternative seeding regimes. 35:722-732. 2019 MGARCH models: Trade-off between feasibility and flexibility. 34:45-63. 2018 Threshold stochastic volatility: Properties and forecasting. 33:1105-1123. 2017 Frontiers in VaR forecasting and backtesting. 32:475-501. 2016 Bootstrap multi-step forecasts of non-Gaussian VAR models. 31:834-848. 2015 Forecasting aggregates and disaggregates with common features. 29:718-732. 2013 Introduction to flash indicators. 29:642-643. 2013 Can we evaluate the predictability of financial markets?. 28:1-2. 2012 A conditionally heteroskedastic independent factor model with an application to financial stock returns. 28:70-93. 2012 Prediction intervals in conditionally heteroscedastic time series with stochastic components. 27:308-319. 2011 Forecasting National Team Medal Totals at the Summer Olympic Games. 26:576-588. 2010 Adaptive Combination of Forecasts with Application to Wind Energy. 24:679-693. 2008 Energy Forecasting. 24:561-565. 2008 Forecasting the Electricity Load from One Day to One Week Ahead for the Spanish System Operator. 24:588-602. 2008