publication venue for A comprehensive guide for measuring total vanadium concentration and state of charge of vanadium electrolytes using UV¿Visible spectroscopy. 482. 2024 Non-woven polyaramid porous membranes as separators for Li-ion batteries?. 390:1-11. 2021 Opening the door to liquid-free polymer electrolytes for calcium batteries. 353:1-11. 2020 Multiblock copolymers of sulfonated PSU/PPSU Poly(ether sulfone)s as solid electrolytes for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. 302:428-440. 2019 PEO: An immobile solvent?. 302:338-343. 2019 Implications of inherent inhomogeneities in thin carbon fiber-based gas diffusion layers: A comparative modeling study. 295:861-874. 2019 Layer-by-Layer modification of graphite felt with MWCNT for vanadium redox flow battery. 313:131-140. 2019 Amperometric determination of endoglin in human serum using disposable immunosensors constructed with poly(pyrrolepropionic) acid-modified electrodes. 292:887-894. 2018 Free-standing flexible MWCNTs bucky paper: Extremely stable and energy efficient supercapacitive electrode. 249. 2017 Foreword. 245:1075-1076. 2017 Sodium polymer electrolytes composed of sulfonated polysulfone and macromolecular/molecular solvents for Na-batteries. 245:807-813. 2017 Optimizing ionic conduction of poly(oxyethylene) electrolytes through controlling the cross-link density. 240:307-315. 2017 Large scale flexible solid state symmetric supercapacitor through inexpensive solution processed V2O5 complex surface architecture. 242:382-389. 2017 Design of gel electrolytes for electrochemical studies on metal surfaces with complex geometry. 220:20-28. 2016 Evaluation of polyolefin-based macroporous separators for high temperature Li-ion batteries. 216:68-78. 2016 Nanocomposite poly(vynilidene fluoride)/nanocrystalline cellulose porous membranes as separators for lithium-ion batteries. 214:38-48. 2016 Polyaromatic ionomers with a highly hydrophobic backbone and perfluorosulfonic acids for PEMFC. 214:182-191. 2016 Development of sodium-conducting polymer electrolytes: comparison between film-casting and films obtained via green processes. 192:456-466. 2016 Use of novel reinforced cation exchange membranes for microbial fuel cells. 176:555-566. 2015 Morphological, Structural and Electrochemical Properties of Lithium Iron Phosphates Synthesized by Spray Pyrolysis. 55:2805-2809. 2010