publication venue for Decision-making strategies implemented in SolFinder 1.0 to identify eco-efficient aircraft trajectories: Application study in AirTraf 3.0. 17. 2024 A Python library for computing individual and merged non-CO2 algorithmic climate change functions: CLIMaCCF V1.0. 16:4405-4425. 2023 Robust 4D climate-optimal flight planning in structured airspace using parallelized simulation on GPUs: ROOST V1.0. 16:3723-3748. 2023 Improving the inter-hemispheric gradient of total column atmospheric CO2 and CH4 in simulations with the ECMWF semi-Lagrangian atmospheric global model. 10:1-18. 2017 A 3-D RBF-FD solver for modeling the atmospheric global electric circuit with topography (GEC-RBFFD v1.0). 8:3007-3020. 2015