publication venue for A local radial basis function method for the Laplace-Beltrami operator. 86. 2021 Comparison of moving least squares and RBF+poly for interpolation and derivative approximation. 81:486-512. 2019 An Implementation of Milstein's Method for General Bounded Diffusions. 79:867-890. 2019 A closed-form formula for the RBF-based approximation of the Laplace-Beltrami operator. 77:1115-1132. 2018 eXtended hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin with Heaviside enrichment for heat bimaterial problems. 72:542-567. 2017 eXtended hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (X-HDG) for void problems. 66:1313-1333. 2016 An Efficient Algorithm for Accelerating Monte Carlo Approximations of the Solution to Boundary Value Problems. 66:577-597. 2016