publication venue for
- The effect of voids shape on hypervelocity cylindrical cavity expansion and shock waves formation in transversely isotropic porous materials. 1413-1434. 2022
- A closed-form yield criterion for porous materials with Mises-Schleicher-Burzynski matrix containing cylindrical voids. 232:1285-1306. 2021
- Modeling dynamic spherical cavity expansion in elasto-viscoplastic media. 231. 2020
- Swirling flow induced by jets and plumes. 230:2221-2231. 2019
- Homogenized Gurson-type behavior equations for strain rate sensitive materials. 229:3517-3536. 2018
- Oscillatory behaviour of compressible hyperelastic shells subjected to dynamic inflation: a numerical study. 228:2187-2205. 2017