publication venue for
- In your face: A comparative field experiment on racial discrimination in Europe. 21:1551-1578. 2023
- The boundary within: Are applicants of Southern European descent discriminated against in Northern European job markets?. 21:795-825. 2023
- Unequal policy responsiveness in Spain 2022
- Politics of Delegated Governance: Reforming Vocational Education and Training. 20:1361-1394. 2022
- Market Integration and Transformation of Business Politics: Diverging Trajectories of Corporatisms in Mexico and Turkey. 19:219-245. 2021
- Educational expectations in the great recession: has the impact of family background become stronger?. 1-27. 2019
- Market integration and transformation of business politics: diverging trajectories of corporatisms in Mexico and Turkey. 1-27. 2018
- Labour-market competition, recession and anti-immigrant sentiments in Europe: occupational and environmental drivers of competitive threat. 14:395-417. 2016