publication venue for Multi-objective genetic algorithm for multi-view feature selection. 167, Part B. 2024 AGORA: An intelligent system for the anonymization, information extraction and automatic mapping of sensitive documents. 145:1-11. 2023 Pareto optimal prediction intervals with hypernetworks. 133:1-14. 2023 Sentiment-oriented query-focused text summarization addressed with a multi-objective optimization approach. 113, Parte A:1-12. 2021 Evolutionary-based prediction interval estimation by blending solar radiation forecasting models using meteorological weather types. 109:1-13. 2021 Impact of the learners diversity and combination method on the generation of heterogeneous classifier ensembles. 111:1-17. 2021 A Decomposition-based Multi-Objective Optimization Approach for Extractive Multi-Document Text Summarization. 91:1-14. 2020 A case-based reasoning system for recommendation of data cleaning algorithms in classification and regression tasks. 90:1-13. 2020 Grammatical Evolution-based ensembles for algorithmic trading. 84:1-10. 2019 Evolutionary hash functions for specific domains. 78:58-69. 2019 Assessment of skills and adaptive learning for parametric exercises combining knowledge spaces and item response theory. 68:110-124. 2018 Real-time electrocardiogram streams for continuous authentication. 68:784-794. 2018 Fractional order fuzzy-PID control of a combined cycle power plant using Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm with an improved dynamic parameters selection. 58:256 -264. 2017 Enhancing the energy efficiency of wireless-communicated binaural hearing aids for speech separation driven by soft-computing algorithms. 12:1939-1949. 2012