publication venue for
- Short-term spatio-temporal forecasting of air temperatures using deep graph convolutional neural networks. 37:1649-1667. 2023
- Spatial extreme model for rainfall depth: application to the estimation of IDF curves in the Basque country. 37:3117-3148. 2023
- Nonparametric estimation of circular trend surfaces with application to wave directions. 35:923-939. 2021
- Robust regression based on shrinkage with application to Living Environment Deprivation. 34:293-310. 2020
- Vine copula models for predicting water flow discharge at King George Island, Antarctica. 32:2787-2807. 2018
- Probabilistic leak detectability assessment via state estimation in water transport networks. 32:2111-2128. 2018
- Seasonal copula models for the analysis of glacier discharge at King George Island, Antarctica. 31:1107-1121. 2017
- Prediction of functional data with spatial dependence: a penalized approach. 31:7-22. 2017
- Functional outlier detection by a local depth with application to NOx levels. 30:1115-1130. 2016
- Revisited mixed extreme wave climate model for reanalysis data bases. 29:1851-1856. 2015
- Comparing generalized Pareto models fitted to extreme observations: an application to the largest temperatures in Spain. 28:1221-1233. 2014
- Non-parametric copulas for circular-linear and circular-circular data: an application to wind directions. 27:1991-2002. 2013
- Mixed extreme wave climate model for reanalysis databases. 27:757-768. 2013
- Stochastic Lagrangian trajectory model for drifting objects in the ocean. 26:1081-1093. 2012