publication venue for Haptic stimulation during the viewing of a film: an EEG-based study 2024 CONEqNet: convolutional music equalizer network. 82:3911-3930. 2023 Evaluation of user response by using visual cues designed to direct the viewer's attention to the main scene in an immersive environment. 82:573-599. 2023 Connecting citizens with urban environments through an augmented reality pervasive game. 2022:1-17. 2022 Engaging educators in the ideation of scenarios for cross-reality game-based learning experiences. 1-23. 2022 A survey of artificial intelligence strategies for automatic detection of sexually explicit videos. 81:3205-3222. 2022 Deep Multi-Shot Network for modelling Appearance Similarity in Multi-Person Tracking applications. 23701-23721. 2021 An empirical comparison of interaction styles for map interfaces in immersive virtual environments. 79:35717-35738. 2020 A taxonomy generation tool for semantic visual analysis of large corpus of documents. 32919-32937. 2019 Exploiting visual saliency for assessing the impact of car commercials upon viewers. 77:18903-18933. 2018 Enriched dermoscopic-structure-based cad system for melanoma diagnosis. 77:12171-12202. 2018 Designing and evaluating the usability of an API for real-time multimedia services in the Internet. 76:14247-14304. 2017 Using combinatorial creativity to support end-user design of digital games. 76:9073-9098. 2017 Security architecture for law enforcement agencies. 75:10709-10732. 2016 CATMISS: context-aware transparent mobility for IMS services. 74:4789-4816. 2015 Designing educational games through a conceptual model based on rules and scenarios. 74:4535-4559. 2015 Analysis of privacy vulnerabilities in single sign-on mechanisms for multimedia websites. 68:159-176. 2014 Integrated security infrastructures for law enforcement agencies. 74:4453-4468. 2013